build: Generate single executable for use #12

Closed Jookia opened this issue on 24 Aug 2021 - 3 comments

@Jookia Jookia commented on 24 Aug 2021

For people using the language but not developing it, there should be an easy way to download and use the interpreter and library.

On Linux this probably means bundling up the Python code and using Python as the interpreter.

@Jookia Jookia added the build label on 24 Aug 2021

This manages to create a 'NewLang' executable containing the interpreter:

rm -r src/__pycache__
python3 -m zipapp src -p "/usr/bin/env python3" -c -m "main:main" -o NewLang

This should also support bundling in NewLang code too.

@Jookia Jookia referenced the issue on 16 Sep 2021

Okay, 'make build' will now create a 'NewLang' executable.

@Jookia Jookia closed this issue on 16 Sep 2021

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