Add support to pass the nt_fw_config DTB to OP-TEE.
At the moment, OP-TEE has no support to receive a DTB in Secure Memory
so it cannot receive TOS_FW_CONFIG_ID as it is supposed to happen on
any BL32 image. Instead, when OP-TEE is enable as BL32 payload,
NT_FW_CONFIG_ID is passed.

This MUST be reverted as soon as OP-TEE has support for receiving
DTBs from Secure Memory.

Change-Id: I9a873f42e94f2f99a60b638333e7afba1505aec9
Signed-off-by: Javier Almansa Sobrino <>
1 parent 0a43db8 commit 42c33ba3bb4bb17de6e163a7f4acbd519e091715
@Javier Almansa Sobrino Javier Almansa Sobrino authored on 10 Feb 2020
Showing 1 changed file