board/MynaPlayer odyssey: fix IPv6 for the wired connection.
The default setting for generating addresses in IPv6 with NetworkManager is stable-privacy. That makes for unpredictable IPv6 addresses accross slots, and is hence entirely inacceptable. This commit changes this to be standard SLAAC without privacy instead. This also adds a device table to set the correct file permissions for the provided nmconnection file (0600 is required).
1 parent e2d8fbd commit 242ed6a6f32c0972f6aeda054d298c96c4b9e8f9
@Xogium Xogium authored on 1 Sep 2020
Showing 3 changed files
board/myna-player-odyssey/rootfs_overlay/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired connection 1.nmconnection 0 → 100644
board/myna-player-odyssey/utilities/dev-table 0 → 100644