AStyle: fix indentation for longer lines
Long lines like this would have parameters misaligned but shorter lines would be OK.

 void LoRaMac::check_frame_size(uint16_t size)
     uint8_t value = _lora_phy.get_max_payload(_mcps_indication.rx_datarate,
-                                              _params.is_repeater_supported);
+                    _params.is_repeater_supported);
+    _lora_phy.a(_mcps_indication.b,
+                b.is_repeater_supported);

With this option (applied to the code above), we get

@@ -319,6 +319,9 @@ void LoRaMac::check_frame_size(uint16_t size)
     uint8_t value = _lora_phy.get_max_payload(_mcps_indication.rx_datarate,

+    _lora_phy.a(_mcps_indication.b,
+                b.is_repeater_supported);

Both are aligned the same. However there is a limit of astyle - 120 columns for this.
We do in most cases lines from 80 to 120 as suggested in our code lines thus this should
be good.
1 parent 1059c26 commit f835c8972971138c24e74a09a12773a2132d1c76
@Martin Kojtal Martin Kojtal authored on 24 May 2018
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