Apply clang-format to codebase #1

Merged xogium merged 3 commits into LuminaSensum:main from LuminaSensum:jookia/cleanup on 20 Mar 2023
@Jookia Jookia commented on 19 Mar 2023

Correctly formatting C++ is a difficult and gruelling process, so add scripts/ which cleans the code up for now (and might runs tests or other checks in the future)

Hmm... Can you explain what it did to the files though? I checked the patch but I honestly haven't noticed a difference, as in why did it replace lines for function with ones that seem to be identical?

It fixes code formatting, such as indenting properly, using tabs not spaces, wrapping code to line width.

The function replacements is just moving the ampersand '&' from after the type to before the variable name. It's a style thing, I can probably change it but it doesn't matter.

Ah, fair enough. Nah, that seems good to me to have. Thanks for explaining though!

@xogium xogium referenced the pull request on 20 Mar 2023

Apply clang-format to codebase

@xogium xogium merged commit d672e04 into main from jookia/cleanup on 20 Mar 2023
@xogium xogium closed this pull request on 20 Mar 2023

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2 participants
@Jookia @xogium