arm-trusted-firmware / plat / arm / board / rdn1edge / rdn1edge_trusted_boot.c
@Max Shvetsov Max Shvetsov on 6 Feb 2020 659 bytes Adds option to read ROTPK from registers for FVP
 * Copyright (c) 2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#include <plat/arm/common/plat_arm.h>

 * Return the ROTPK hash in the following ASN.1 structure in DER format:
 * AlgorithmIdentifier  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
 *     algorithm         OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
 *     parameters        ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL
 * }
 * DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
 *     digestAlgorithm   AlgorithmIdentifier,
 *     digest            OCTET STRING
 * }
int plat_get_rotpk_info(void *cookie, void **key_ptr, unsigned int *key_len,
			unsigned int *flags)
	return arm_get_rotpk_info(key_ptr, key_len, flags);