arm-trusted-firmware / include / drivers / arm / gic_v3.h
@Antonio Nino Diaz Antonio Nino Diaz on 22 Aug 2018 2 KB libc: Fix all includes in codebase
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2018, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#ifndef __GIC_V3_H__
#define __GIC_V3_H__

 * THIS DRIVER IS DEPRECATED. For GICv2 systems, use the driver in gicv2.h
 * and for GICv3 systems, use the driver in gicv3.h.
#error " The legacy ARM GIC driver is deprecated."

#include <mmio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

/* GICv3 Re-distributor interface registers & shifts */
#define GICR_TYPER		0x08
#define GICR_WAKER		0x14

/* GICR_WAKER bit definitions */
#define WAKER_CA		(U(1) << 2)
#define WAKER_PS		(U(1) << 1)

/* GICR_TYPER bit definitions */
#define GICR_TYPER_AFF_MASK	0xffffffff
#define GICR_TYPER_LAST		(U(1) << 4)

/* GICv3 ICC_SRE register bit definitions*/
#define ICC_SRE_EN		(U(1) << 3)
#define ICC_SRE_SRE		(U(1) << 0)

 * GICv3 defintions
#define GICV3_AFFLVL_MASK	0xff
#define GICV3_AFF0_SHIFT	0
#define GICV3_AFF1_SHIFT	8
#define GICV3_AFF2_SHIFT	16
#define GICV3_AFF3_SHIFT	24
#define GICV3_AFFINITY_MASK	0xffffffff

 * Function prototypes
uintptr_t gicv3_get_rdist(uintptr_t gicr_base, u_register_t mpidr);

 * GIC Redistributor interface accessors
static inline uint32_t gicr_read_waker(uintptr_t base)
	return mmio_read_32(base + GICR_WAKER);

static inline void gicr_write_waker(uintptr_t base, uint32_t val)
	mmio_write_32(base + GICR_WAKER, val);

static inline uint64_t gicr_read_typer(uintptr_t base)
	return mmio_read_64(base + GICR_TYPER);

#endif /* __GIC_V3_H__ */