barebox / arch / arm / boards / karo-tx51 / tx51.dox
@page tx51 KARO's TX51 CPU module

@section tx51_cpu_card The CPU module

This CPU card is based on a Freescale i.MX51 CPU. The card is shipped with:

- 128 MiB synchronous dynamic RAM (DDR2 type), 200 MHz support
- 128 MiB NAND K9F1G08U0A (3.3V type)
- DS1339 RTC
- LAN8700 Phy

@section tx51_baseboards Supported baseboards

Supported baseboards are:
- KARO's Starterkit 5 (currently only SD1, FEC implemented but non-working)

@section tx28_stk5_howto How to get barebox for 'KARO's Starterkit 5'

Using the default configuration:

make ARCH=arm tx51tk5_defconfig

Build the binary image:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-

@note replace the arm-linux-gnueabi with your ARM v7 cross compiler.

@note To use the result, you also need the following resources from Freescale:
- the 'bootlets' archive
- the 'elftosb2' encryption tool
- in the case you want to start @b barebox from an attached SD card the
  'sdimage' tool from Freescale's 'uuc' archive.

@section tx28_mlayout Memory layout when barebox is running:

- 0x90000000 start of SDRAM
- 0x90000100 start of kernel's boot parameters
  - below malloc area: stack area
  - below barebox: malloc area
- 0x97f00000 start of @b barebox
