barebox / include / linux / kernel.h

#include <linux/compiler.h>
#include <linux/barebox-wrapper.h>

 * min()/max()/clamp() macros that also do
 * strict type-checking.. See the
 * "unnecessary" pointer comparison.
#define min(x, y) ({				\
	typeof(x) _min1 = (x);			\
	typeof(y) _min2 = (y);			\
	(void) (&_min1 == &_min2);		\
	_min1 < _min2 ? _min1 : _min2; })

#define max(x, y) ({				\
	typeof(x) _max1 = (x);			\
	typeof(y) _max2 = (y);			\
	(void) (&_max1 == &_max2);		\
	_max1 > _max2 ? _max1 : _max2; })

 * clamp - return a value clamped to a given range with strict typechecking
 * @val: current value
 * @min: minimum allowable value
 * @max: maximum allowable value
 * This macro does strict typechecking of min/max to make sure they are of the
 * same type as val.  See the unnecessary pointer comparisons.
#define clamp(val, min, max) ({			\
	typeof(val) __val = (val);		\
	typeof(min) __min = (min);		\
	typeof(max) __max = (max);		\
	(void) (&__val == &__min);		\
	(void) (&__val == &__max);		\
	__val = __val < __min ? __min: __val;	\
	__val > __max ? __max: __val; })

 * ..and if you can't take the strict
 * types, you can specify one yourself.
 * Or not use min/max/clamp at all, of course.
#define min_t(type, x, y) ({			\
	type __min1 = (x);			\
	type __min2 = (y);			\
	__min1 < __min2 ? __min1: __min2; })

#define max_t(type, x, y) ({			\
	type __max1 = (x);			\
	type __max2 = (y);			\
	__max1 > __max2 ? __max1: __max2; })

 * clamp_t - return a value clamped to a given range using a given type
 * @type: the type of variable to use
 * @val: current value
 * @min: minimum allowable value
 * @max: maximum allowable value
 * This macro does no typechecking and uses temporary variables of type
 * 'type' to make all the comparisons.
#define clamp_t(type, val, min, max) ({		\
	type __val = (val);			\
	type __min = (min);			\
	type __max = (max);			\
	__val = __val < __min ? __min: __val;	\
	__val > __max ? __max: __val; })

 * clamp_val - return a value clamped to a given range using val's type
 * @val: current value
 * @min: minimum allowable value
 * @max: maximum allowable value
 * This macro does no typechecking and uses temporary variables of whatever
 * type the input argument 'val' is.  This is useful when val is an unsigned
 * type and min and max are literals that will otherwise be assigned a signed
 * integer type.
#define clamp_val(val, min, max) ({		\
	typeof(val) __val = (val);		\
	typeof(val) __min = (min);		\
	typeof(val) __max = (max);		\
	__val = __val < __min ? __min: __val;	\
	__val > __max ? __max: __val; })

/* The `const' in roundup() prevents gcc-3.3 from calling __divdi3 */
#define roundup(x, y) (					\
{							\
	const typeof(y) __y = y;			\
	(((x) + (__y - 1)) / __y) * __y;		\
}							\
#define rounddown(x, y) (				\
{							\
	typeof(x) __x = (x);				\
	__x - (__x % (y));				\
}							\

 * Multiplies an integer by a fraction, while avoiding unnecessary
 * overflow or loss of precision.
#define mult_frac(x, numer, denom)(			\
{							\
	typeof(x) quot = (x) / (denom);			\
	typeof(x) rem  = (x) % (denom);			\
	(quot * (numer)) + ((rem * (numer)) / (denom));	\
}							\

extern const char hex_asc[];
#define hex_asc_lo(x)	hex_asc[((x) & 0x0f)]
#define hex_asc_hi(x)	hex_asc[((x) & 0xf0) >> 4]

static inline char *hex_byte_pack(char *buf, u8 byte)
	*buf++ = hex_asc_hi(byte);
	*buf++ = hex_asc_lo(byte);
	return buf;

extern const char hex_asc_upper[];
#define hex_asc_upper_lo(x)	hex_asc_upper[((x) & 0x0f)]
#define hex_asc_upper_hi(x)	hex_asc_upper[((x) & 0xf0) >> 4]

static inline char *hex_byte_pack_upper(char *buf, u8 byte)
	*buf++ = hex_asc_upper_hi(byte);
	*buf++ = hex_asc_upper_lo(byte);
	return buf;

#endif /* _LINUX_KERNEL_H */