barebox / Documentation / boards / imx / zii-imx7d-dev / openocd.cfg
# Board configuration file for the Zodiac RPU2 board

interface ftdi
ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6011

ftdi_layout_init 0x0038 0x007b
ftdi_layout_signal nSRST -data 0x0010
ftdi_layout_signal LED -data 0x0020

transport select jtag

reset_config srst_only srst_push_pull connect_deassert_srst

# set a slow default JTAG clock, can be overridden later
adapter_khz 1000

# need at least 100ms delay after SRST release for JTAG
adapter_nsrst_delay 100

# source the target file
source [find target/imx7.cfg]
source [find mem_helper.tcl]

# function to disable the on-chip watchdog
proc disable_wdog { } {
	echo "Bootstrap: Disabling SoC watchdog"
	mwh phys 0x30280008 0x00

set ddr_init_failed 0

proc check_bits_set_32 { addr mask } {
    while { [expr [mrw $addr] & $mask] == 0 } { }

proc ddr_init { } {
	echo "Bootstrap: Initializing DDR"

	mww phys 0x30340004 0x4F400005
	# Clear then set bit30 to ensure exit from DDR retention
	mww phys 0x30360388 0x40000000
	mww phys 0x30360384 0x40000000

	mww phys 0x30391000 0x00000002
	mww phys 0x307a0000 0x01040001
	mww phys 0x307a01a0 0x80400003
	mww phys 0x307a01a4 0x00100020
	mww phys 0x307a01a8 0x80100004
	mww phys 0x307a0064 0x00400046
	mww phys 0x307a0490 0x00000001
	mww phys 0x307a00d0 0x00020083
	mww phys 0x307a00d4 0x00690000
	mww phys 0x307a00dc 0x09300004
	mww phys 0x307a00e0 0x04080000
	mww phys 0x307a00e4 0x00100004
	mww phys 0x307a00f4 0x0000033f
	mww phys 0x307a0100 0x09081109
	mww phys 0x307a0104 0x0007020d
	mww phys 0x307a0108 0x03040407
	mww phys 0x307a010c 0x00002006
	mww phys 0x307a0110 0x04020205
	mww phys 0x307a0114 0x03030202
	mww phys 0x307a0120 0x00000803
	mww phys 0x307a0180 0x00800020
	mww phys 0x307a0184 0x02000100
	mww phys 0x307a0190 0x02098204
	mww phys 0x307a0194 0x00030303
	mww phys 0x307a0200 0x00000016
	mww phys 0x307a0204 0x00171717
	mww phys 0x307a0214 0x04040404
	mww phys 0x307a0218 0x0f040404
	mww phys 0x307a0240 0x06000604
	mww phys 0x307a0244 0x00000001
	mww phys 0x30391000 0x00000000
	mww phys 0x30790000 0x17420f40
	mww phys 0x30790004 0x10210100
	mww phys 0x30790010 0x00060807
	mww phys 0x307900b0 0x1010007e
	mww phys 0x3079009c 0x00000d6e
	mww phys 0x30790020 0x08080808
	mww phys 0x30790030 0x08080808
	mww phys 0x30790050 0x01000010
	mww phys 0x30790050 0x00000010

	mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e407304
	mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e447304
	mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e447306

	check_bits_set_32 0x307900c4 0x1

	mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e447304
	mww phys 0x307900c0 0x0e407304

	mww phys 0x30384130 0x00000000
	mww phys 0x30340020 0x00000178
	mww phys 0x30384130 0x00000002
	mww phys 0x30790018 0x0000000f

	check_bits_set_32 0x307900c4 0x1

# This function applies the initial configuration after a "reset init"
# command
proc board_init { } {
	global ddr_init_failed

	if {[catch {ddr_init} errmsg]} {
		set ddr_init_failed 1
	} else {
		set ddr_init_failed 0

proc safe_reset {} {
	global ddr_init_failed

	set status 5
	while { $status != 0 } {
		reset init
		if { $ddr_init_failed == 1 } {
			incr status -1
		} else {
			set status 0

proc start_barebox { } {
	set MX7_DDR_BASE_ADDR 0x80000000
 	echo "Bootstrap: Loading Barebox"
	load_image images/barebox-zii-imx7d-dev.img $MX7_DDR_BASE_ADDR bin
	arm core_state arm
	echo [format "Bootstrap: Jumping to 0x%08x" $MX7_DDR_BASE_ADDR]
	resume $MX7_DDR_BASE_ADDR

# disable internal reset-assert handling to
# allow reset-init to work
$_TARGETNAME.0 configure -event reset-assert ""
$_TARGETNAME.1 configure -event reset-assert ""
$_TARGETNAME_2 configure -event reset-assert ""

# hook the init function into the reset-init event
${_TARGETNAME}.0 configure -event reset-init { board_init }