barebox / dts / src / arm / dm814x.dtsi
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 10 Dec 2015 7 KB dts: update to v4.3-rc3
 * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * version 2.  This program is licensed "as is" without any warranty of any
 * kind, whether express or implied.

#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/omap.h>

#include "skeleton.dtsi"

/ {
	compatible = "ti,dm814";
	interrupt-parent = <&intc>;

	aliases {
		i2c0 = &i2c1;
		i2c1 = &i2c2;
		serial0 = &uart1;
		serial1 = &uart2;
		serial2 = &uart3;
		ethernet0 = &cpsw_emac0;
		ethernet1 = &cpsw_emac1;

	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		cpu@0 {
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a8";
			device_type = "cpu";
			reg = <0>;

	pmu {
		compatible = "arm,cortex-a8-pmu";
		interrupts = <3>;

	 * The soc node represents the soc top level view. It is used for IPs
	 * that are not memory mapped in the MPU view or for the MPU itself.
	soc {
		compatible = "ti,omap-infra";
		mpu {
			compatible = "ti,omap3-mpu";
			ti,hwmods = "mpu";

	ocp {
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;
		ti,hwmods = "l3_main";

		 * See TRM "Table 1-317. L4LS Instance Summary", just deduct
		 * 0x1000 from the 1-317 addresses to get the device address
		l4ls: l4ls@48000000 {
			compatible = "ti,dm814-l4ls", "simple-bus";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			ranges = <0 0x48000000 0x2000000>;

			i2c1: i2c@28000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap4-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				ti,hwmods = "i2c1";
				reg = <0x28000 0x1000>;
				interrupts = <70>;

			elm: elm@80000 {
				compatible = "ti,814-elm";
				ti,hwmods = "elm";
				reg = <0x80000 0x2000>;
				interrupts = <4>;

			gpio1: gpio@32000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap4-gpio";
				ti,hwmods = "gpio1";
				reg = <0x32000 0x2000>;
				interrupts = <96>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			gpio2: gpio@4c000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap4-gpio";
				ti,hwmods = "gpio2";
				reg = <0x4c000 0x2000>;
				interrupts = <98>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			i2c2: i2c@2a000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap4-i2c";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				ti,hwmods = "i2c2";
				reg = <0x2a000 0x1000>;
				interrupts = <71>;

			mcspi1: spi@30000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap4-mcspi";
				reg = <0x30000 0x1000>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				interrupts = <65>;
				ti,spi-num-cs = <4>;
				ti,hwmods = "mcspi1";
				dmas = <&edma 16 &edma 17
					&edma 18 &edma 19>;
				dma-names = "tx0", "rx0", "tx1", "rx1";

			timer1: timer@2e000 {
				compatible = "ti,dm814-timer";
				reg = <0x2e000 0x2000>;
				interrupts = <67>;
				ti,hwmods = "timer1";

			uart1: uart@20000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap3-uart";
				ti,hwmods = "uart1";
				reg = <0x20000 0x2000>;
				clock-frequency = <48000000>;
				interrupts = <72>;
				dmas = <&edma 26 &edma 27>;
				dma-names = "tx", "rx";

			uart2: uart@22000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap3-uart";
				ti,hwmods = "uart2";
				reg = <0x22000 0x2000>;
				clock-frequency = <48000000>;
				interrupts = <73>;
				dmas = <&edma 28 &edma 29>;
				dma-names = "tx", "rx";

			uart3: uart@24000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap3-uart";
				ti,hwmods = "uart3";
				reg = <0x24000 0x2000>;
				clock-frequency = <48000000>;
				interrupts = <74>;
				dmas = <&edma 30 &edma 31>;
				dma-names = "tx", "rx";

			timer2: timer@40000 {
				compatible = "ti,dm814-timer";
				reg = <0x40000 0x2000>;
				interrupts = <68>;
				ti,hwmods = "timer2";

			timer3: timer@42000 {
				compatible = "ti,dm814-timer";
				reg = <0x42000 0x2000>;
				interrupts = <69>;
				ti,hwmods = "timer3";

			control: control@140000 {
				compatible = "ti,dm814-scm", "simple-bus";
				reg = <0x140000 0x16d000>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;
				ranges = <0 0x160000 0x16d000>;

				scm_conf: scm_conf@0 {
					compatible = "syscon";
					reg = <0x0 0x800>;
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <1>;

					scm_clocks: clocks {
						#address-cells = <1>;
						#size-cells = <0>;

					scm_clockdomains: clockdomains {

				pincntl: pinmux@800 {
					compatible = "pinctrl-single";
					reg = <0x800 0xc38>;
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					pinctrl-single,register-width = <32>;
					pinctrl-single,function-mask = <0x300ff>;

			prcm: prcm@180000 {
				compatible = "ti,dm814-prcm", "simple-bus";
				reg = <0x180000 0x4000>;

				prcm_clocks: clocks {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;

				prcm_clockdomains: clockdomains {

			pllss: pllss@1c5000 {
				compatible = "ti,dm814-pllss", "simple-bus";
				reg = <0x1c5000 0x2000>;

				pllss_clocks: clocks {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;

				pllss_clockdomains: clockdomains {

			wdt1: wdt@1c7000 {
				compatible = "ti,omap3-wdt";
				ti,hwmods = "wd_timer";
				reg = <0x1c7000 0x1000>;
				interrupts = <91>;

		intc: interrupt-controller@48200000 {
			compatible = "ti,dm814-intc";
			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			reg = <0x48200000 0x1000>;

		edma: edma@49000000 {
			compatible = "ti,edma3";
			ti,hwmods = "tpcc", "tptc0", "tptc1", "tptc2";
			reg =	<0x49000000 0x10000>,
				<0x44e10f90 0x40>;
			interrupts = <12 13 14>;
			#dma-cells = <1>;

		/* See TRM "Table 1-318. L4HS Instance Summary" */
		l4hs: l4hs@4a000000 {
			compatible = "ti,dm814-l4hs", "simple-bus";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			ranges = <0 0x4a000000 0x1b4040>;

		/* REVISIT: Move to live under l4hs once driver is fixed */
		mac: ethernet@4a100000 {
			compatible = "ti,cpsw";
			ti,hwmods = "cpgmac0";
			clocks = <&cpsw_125mhz_gclk>, <&cpsw_cpts_rft_clk>;
			clock-names = "fck", "cpts";
			cpdma_channels = <8>;
			ale_entries = <1024>;
			bd_ram_size = <0x2000>;
			no_bd_ram = <0>;
			rx_descs = <64>;
			mac_control = <0x20>;
			slaves = <2>;
			active_slave = <0>;
			cpts_clock_mult = <0x80000000>;
			cpts_clock_shift = <29>;
			reg = <0x4a100000 0x800
			       0x4a100900 0x100>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
			 * c0_rx_thresh_pend
			 * c0_rx_pend
			 * c0_tx_pend
			 * c0_misc_pend
			interrupts = <40 41 42 43>;
			syscon = <&scm_conf>;

			davinci_mdio: mdio@4a100800 {
				compatible = "ti,davinci_mdio";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				ti,hwmods = "davinci_mdio";
				bus_freq = <1000000>;
				reg = <0x4a100800 0x100>;

			cpsw_emac0: slave@4a100200 {
				/* Filled in by U-Boot */
				mac-address = [ 00 00 00 00 00 00 ];

			cpsw_emac1: slave@4a100300 {
				/* Filled in by U-Boot */
				mac-address = [ 00 00 00 00 00 00 ];

			phy_sel: cpsw-phy-sel@48140650 {
				compatible = "ti,am3352-cpsw-phy-sel";
				reg= <0x48140650 0x4>;
				reg-names = "gmii-sel";

#include "dm814x-clocks.dtsi"