barebox / dts / Bindings / usb / fcs,fusb302.txt
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 6 Oct 2017 956 bytes dts: update to v4.14-rc1
Fairchild FUSB302 Type-C Port controllers

Required properties :
- compatible             : "fcs,fusb302"
- reg                    : I2C slave address
- interrupts             : Interrupt specifier

Optional properties :
- fcs,max-sink-microvolt : Maximum voltage to negotiate when configured as sink
- fcs,max-sink-microamp  : Maximum current to negotiate when configured as sink
- fcs,max-sink-microwatt : Maximum power to negotiate when configured as sink
			   If this is less then max-sink-microvolt *
			   max-sink-microamp then the configured current will
			   be clamped.
- fcs,operating-sink-microwatt :
			   Minimum amount of power accepted from a sink
			   when negotiating


fusb302: typec-portc@54 {
	compatible = "fcs,fusb302";
	reg = <0x54>;
	interrupt-parent = <&nmi_intc>;
	interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
	fcs,max-sink-microvolt = <12000000>;
	fcs,max-sink-microamp = <3000000>;
	fcs,max-sink-microwatt = <36000000>;