barebox / dts / Bindings / iio / proximity / maxbotix,mb1232.txt
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 11 Jun 2019 821 bytes dts: update to v5.2-rc1
* MaxBotix I2CXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic distance sensor of type  mb1202,
  mb1212, mb1222, mb1232, mb1242, mb7040 or mb7137 using the i2c interface
  for ranging

Required properties:
 - compatible:		"maxbotix,mb1202",
			"maxbotix,mb7040" or

 - reg:			i2c address of the device, see also i2c/i2c.txt

Optional properties:
 - interrupts:		Interrupt used to announce the preceding reading
			request has finished and that data is available.
			If no interrupt is specified the device driver
			falls back to wait a fixed amount of time until
			data can be retrieved.

proximity@70 {
	compatible = "maxbotix,mb1232";
	reg = <0x70>;
	interrupt-parent = <&gpio2>;
	interrupts = <2 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;