barebox / dts / src / arm64 / xilinx / zynqmp-zcu104-revA.dts
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 11 Jun 2019 3 KB dts: update to v5.2-rc1
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
 * dts file for Xilinx ZynqMP ZCU104
 * (C) Copyright 2017 - 2018, Xilinx, Inc.
 * Michal Simek <>


#include "zynqmp.dtsi"
#include "zynqmp-clk.dtsi"
#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>

/ {
	model = "ZynqMP ZCU104 RevA";
	compatible = "xlnx,zynqmp-zcu104-revA", "xlnx,zynqmp-zcu104", "xlnx,zynqmp";

	aliases {
		ethernet0 = &gem3;
		i2c0 = &i2c1;
		mmc0 = &sdhci1;
		rtc0 = &rtc;
		serial0 = &uart0;
		serial1 = &uart1;
		serial2 = &dcc;

	chosen {
		bootargs = "earlycon";
		stdout-path = "serial0:115200n8";

	memory@0 {
		device_type = "memory";
		reg = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x80000000>;

&can1 {
	status = "okay";

&dcc {
	status = "okay";

&gem3 {
	status = "okay";
	phy-handle = <&phy0>;
	phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
	phy0: phy@c {
		reg = <0xc>;
		ti,rx-internal-delay = <0x8>;
		ti,tx-internal-delay = <0xa>;
		ti,fifo-depth = <0x1>;

&gpio {
	status = "okay";

&i2c1 {
	status = "okay";
	clock-frequency = <400000>;

	/* Another connection to this bus via PL i2c via PCA9306 - u45 */
	i2c-mux@74 { /* u34 */
		compatible = "nxp,pca9548";
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;
		reg = <0x74>;
		i2c@0 {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0>;
			 * IIC_EEPROM 1kB memory which uses 256B blocks
			 * where every block has different address.
			 *    0 - 256B address 0x54
			 * 256B - 512B address 0x55
			 * 512B - 768B address 0x56
			 * 768B - 1024B address 0x57
			eeprom@54 { /* u23 */
				compatible = "atmel,24c08";
				reg = <0x54>;
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;

		i2c@1 {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <1>;
			clock_8t49n287: clock-generator@6c { /* 8T49N287 - u182 */
				reg = <0x6c>;

		i2c@2 {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <2>;
			irps5401_43: irps54012@43 { /* IRPS5401 - u175 */
				reg = <0x43>;
			irps5401_4d: irps54012@4d { /* IRPS5401 - u180 */
				reg = <0x4d>;

		i2c@4 {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <4>;
			tca6416_u97: gpio@21 {
				compatible = "ti,tca6416";
				reg = <0x21>;
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				 * IRQ not connected
				 * Lines:
				 * 0 - IRPS5401_ALERT_B
				 * 1 - HDMI_8T49N241_INT_ALM
				 * 2 - MAX6643_OT_B
				 * 3 - MAX6643_FANFAIL_B
				 * 5 - IIC_MUX_RESET_B
				 * 6 - GEM3_EXP_RESET_B
				 * 7 - FMC_LPC_PRSNT_M2C_B
				 * 4, 10 - 17 - not connected

		i2c@5 {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <5>;

		i2c@7 {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <7>;

		/* 3, 6 not connected */

&rtc {
	status = "okay";

&sata {
	status = "okay";
	/* SATA OOB timing settings */
	ceva,p0-cominit-params = /bits/ 8 <0x18 0x40 0x18 0x28>;
	ceva,p0-comwake-params = /bits/ 8 <0x06 0x14 0x08 0x0E>;
	ceva,p0-burst-params = /bits/ 8 <0x13 0x08 0x4A 0x06>;
	ceva,p0-retry-params = /bits/ 16 <0x96A4 0x3FFC>;
	ceva,p1-cominit-params = /bits/ 8 <0x18 0x40 0x18 0x28>;
	ceva,p1-comwake-params = /bits/ 8 <0x06 0x14 0x08 0x0E>;
	ceva,p1-burst-params = /bits/ 8 <0x13 0x08 0x4A 0x06>;
	ceva,p1-retry-params = /bits/ 16 <0x96A4 0x3FFC>;

/* SD1 with level shifter */
&sdhci1 {
	status = "okay";

&uart0 {
	status = "okay";

&uart1 {
	status = "okay";

/* ULPI SMSC USB3320 */
&usb0 {
	status = "okay";

&watchdog0 {
	status = "okay";