barebox / dts / Bindings / timer / ingenic,tcu.txt
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 27 Apr 2020 3 KB dts: update to v5.7-rc1
Ingenic JZ47xx SoCs Timer/Counter Unit devicetree bindings

For a description of the TCU hardware and drivers, have a look at

Required properties:

- compatible: Must be one of:
  * ingenic,jz4740-tcu
  * ingenic,jz4725b-tcu
  * ingenic,jz4770-tcu
  * ingenic,x1000-tcu
  followed by "simple-mfd".
- reg: Should be the offset/length value corresponding to the TCU registers
- clocks: List of phandle & clock specifiers for clocks external to the TCU.
  The "pclk", "rtc" and "ext" clocks should be provided. The "tcu" clock
  should be provided if the SoC has it.
- clock-names: List of name strings for the external clocks.
- #clock-cells: Should be <1>;
  Clock consumers specify this argument to identify a clock. The valid values
  may be found in <dt-bindings/clock/ingenic,tcu.h>.
- interrupt-controller : Identifies the node as an interrupt controller
- #interrupt-cells : Specifies the number of cells needed to encode an
  interrupt source. The value should be 1.
- interrupts : Specifies the interrupt the controller is connected to.

Optional properties:

- ingenic,pwm-channels-mask: Bitmask of TCU channels reserved for PWM use.
  Default value is 0xfc.

Children nodes

PWM node:

Required properties:

- compatible: Must be one of:
  * ingenic,jz4740-pwm
  * ingenic,jz4725b-pwm
- #pwm-cells: Should be 3. See ../pwm/pwm.yaml for a description of the cell
- clocks: List of phandle & clock specifiers for the TCU clocks.
- clock-names: List of name strings for the TCU clocks.

Watchdog node:

Required properties:

- compatible: Must be "ingenic,jz4740-watchdog"
- clocks: phandle to the WDT clock
- clock-names: should be "wdt"

OS Timer node:

Required properties:

- compatible: Must be one of:
  * ingenic,jz4725b-ost
  * ingenic,jz4770-ost
- clocks: phandle to the OST clock
- clock-names: should be "ost"
- interrupts : Specifies the interrupt the OST is connected to.


#include <dt-bindings/clock/jz4770-cgu.h>
#include <dt-bindings/clock/ingenic,tcu.h>

/ {
	tcu: timer@10002000 {
		compatible = "ingenic,jz4770-tcu", "simple-mfd";
		reg = <0x10002000 0x1000>;
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;
		ranges = <0x0 0x10002000 0x1000>;

		#clock-cells = <1>;

		clocks = <&cgu JZ4770_CLK_RTC
			  &cgu JZ4770_CLK_EXT
			  &cgu JZ4770_CLK_PCLK>;
		clock-names = "rtc", "ext", "pclk";

		#interrupt-cells = <1>;

		interrupt-parent = <&intc>;
		interrupts = <27 26 25>;

		watchdog: watchdog@0 {
			compatible = "ingenic,jz4740-watchdog";
			reg = <0x0 0xc>;

			clocks = <&tcu TCU_CLK_WDT>;
			clock-names = "wdt";

		pwm: pwm@40 {
			compatible = "ingenic,jz4740-pwm";
			reg = <0x40 0x80>;

			#pwm-cells = <3>;

			clocks = <&tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER0
				  &tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER1
				  &tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER2
				  &tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER3
				  &tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER4
				  &tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER5
				  &tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER6
				  &tcu TCU_CLK_TIMER7>;
			clock-names = "timer0", "timer1", "timer2", "timer3",
				      "timer4", "timer5", "timer6", "timer7";

		ost: timer@e0 {
			compatible = "ingenic,jz4770-ost";
			reg = <0xe0 0x20>;

			clocks = <&tcu TCU_CLK_OST>;
			clock-names = "ost";

			interrupts = <15>;