memory: of_fixup: adapt to new memory layout
Since kernel 4.16 the memory nodes got a @<reg> suffix so the fixup
won't work correctly anymore, because instead of adapting the extisting
one the fixup creates a new node and keeps the old (maybe incorrect)

To be compatible with the old and new layout delete the found memory
node and create a new one. The new node follows the new @<reg> style.

The patch also renames the node parameter to make it clearer.

Signed-off-by: Marco Felsch <>
Signed-off-by: Sascha Hauer <>
1 parent 5033b4f commit 8a29e7b493c8c2aa57174c9e79c14b93c9807a4b
@Marco Felsch Marco Felsch authored on 12 Feb 2019
Sascha Hauer committed on 12 Feb 2019
Showing 1 changed file