mbed-os / targets / TARGET_NXP / TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS / TARGET_MIMXRT1170 / drivers / fsl_gpt.h
@s-bruce13 s-bruce13 on 6 Apr 2021 15 KB Adding NXP TARGET- MIMXRT1170_EVK
 * Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
 * Copyright 2016-2020 NXP
 * All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#ifndef _FSL_GPT_H_
#define _FSL_GPT_H_

#include "fsl_common.h"

 * @addtogroup gpt
 * @{

 * Definitions

/*! @name Driver version */

 * @brief List of clock sources
 * @note Actual number of clock sources is SoC dependent
typedef enum _gpt_clock_source
    kGPT_ClockSource_Off      = 0U, /*!< GPT Clock Source Off.*/
    kGPT_ClockSource_Periph   = 1U, /*!< GPT Clock Source from Peripheral Clock.*/
    kGPT_ClockSource_HighFreq = 2U, /*!< GPT Clock Source from High Frequency Reference Clock.*/
    kGPT_ClockSource_Ext      = 3U, /*!< GPT Clock Source from external pin.*/
    kGPT_ClockSource_LowFreq  = 4U, /*!< GPT Clock Source from Low Frequency Reference Clock.*/
    kGPT_ClockSource_Osc      = 5U, /*!< GPT Clock Source from Crystal oscillator.*/
} gpt_clock_source_t;

/*! @brief List of input capture channel number. */
typedef enum _gpt_input_capture_channel
    kGPT_InputCapture_Channel1 = 0U, /*!< GPT Input Capture Channel1.*/
    kGPT_InputCapture_Channel2 = 1U, /*!< GPT Input Capture Channel2.*/
} gpt_input_capture_channel_t;

/*! @brief List of input capture operation mode. */
typedef enum _gpt_input_operation_mode
    kGPT_InputOperation_Disabled = 0U, /*!< Don't capture.*/
    kGPT_InputOperation_RiseEdge = 1U, /*!< Capture on rising edge of input pin.*/
    kGPT_InputOperation_FallEdge = 2U, /*!< Capture on falling edge of input pin.*/
    kGPT_InputOperation_BothEdge = 3U, /*!< Capture on both edges of input pin.*/
} gpt_input_operation_mode_t;

/*! @brief List of output compare channel number. */
typedef enum _gpt_output_compare_channel
    kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel1 = 0U, /*!< Output Compare Channel1.*/
    kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel2 = 1U, /*!< Output Compare Channel2.*/
    kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel3 = 2U, /*!< Output Compare Channel3.*/
} gpt_output_compare_channel_t;

/*! @brief List of output compare operation mode. */
typedef enum _gpt_output_operation_mode
    kGPT_OutputOperation_Disconnected = 0U, /*!< Don't change output pin.*/
    kGPT_OutputOperation_Toggle       = 1U, /*!< Toggle output pin.*/
    kGPT_OutputOperation_Clear        = 2U, /*!< Set output pin low.*/
    kGPT_OutputOperation_Set          = 3U, /*!< Set output pin high.*/
    kGPT_OutputOperation_Activelow    = 4U, /*!< Generate a active low pulse on output pin.*/
} gpt_output_operation_mode_t;

/*! @brief List of GPT interrupts */
typedef enum _gpt_interrupt_enable
    kGPT_OutputCompare1InterruptEnable = GPT_IR_OF1IE_MASK, /*!< Output Compare Channel1 interrupt enable*/
    kGPT_OutputCompare2InterruptEnable = GPT_IR_OF2IE_MASK, /*!< Output Compare Channel2 interrupt enable*/
    kGPT_OutputCompare3InterruptEnable = GPT_IR_OF3IE_MASK, /*!< Output Compare Channel3 interrupt enable*/
    kGPT_InputCapture1InterruptEnable  = GPT_IR_IF1IE_MASK, /*!< Input Capture Channel1 interrupt enable*/
    kGPT_InputCapture2InterruptEnable  = GPT_IR_IF2IE_MASK, /*!< Input Capture Channel1 interrupt enable*/
    kGPT_RollOverFlagInterruptEnable   = GPT_IR_ROVIE_MASK, /*!< Counter rolled over interrupt enable*/
} gpt_interrupt_enable_t;

/*! @brief Status flag. */
typedef enum _gpt_status_flag
    kGPT_OutputCompare1Flag = GPT_SR_OF1_MASK, /*!< Output compare channel 1 event.*/
    kGPT_OutputCompare2Flag = GPT_SR_OF2_MASK, /*!< Output compare channel 2 event.*/
    kGPT_OutputCompare3Flag = GPT_SR_OF3_MASK, /*!< Output compare channel 3 event.*/
    kGPT_InputCapture1Flag  = GPT_SR_IF1_MASK, /*!< Input Capture channel 1 event.*/
    kGPT_InputCapture2Flag  = GPT_SR_IF2_MASK, /*!< Input Capture channel 2 event.*/
    kGPT_RollOverFlag       = GPT_SR_ROV_MASK, /*!< Counter reaches maximum value and rolled over to 0 event.*/
} gpt_status_flag_t;

/*! @brief Structure to configure the running mode. */
typedef struct _gpt_init_config
    gpt_clock_source_t clockSource; /*!< clock source for GPT module. */
    uint32_t divider;               /*!< clock divider (prescaler+1) from clock source to counter. */
    bool enableFreeRun;             /*!< true: FreeRun mode, false: Restart mode. */
    bool enableRunInWait;           /*!< GPT enabled in wait mode. */
    bool enableRunInStop;           /*!< GPT enabled in stop mode. */
    bool enableRunInDoze;           /*!< GPT enabled in doze mode. */
    bool enableRunInDbg;            /*!< GPT enabled in debug mode. */
    bool enableMode;                /*!< true:  counter reset to 0 when enabled;
                                    false: counter retain its value when enabled. */
} gpt_config_t;

 * API

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

 * @name Initialization and deinitialization
 * @{

 * @brief Initialize GPT to reset state and initialize running mode.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param initConfig GPT mode setting configuration.
void GPT_Init(GPT_Type *base, const gpt_config_t *initConfig);

 * @brief Disables the module and gates the GPT clock.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
void GPT_Deinit(GPT_Type *base);

 * @brief Fills in the GPT configuration structure with default settings.
 * The default values are:
 * @code
 *    config->clockSource = kGPT_ClockSource_Periph;
 *    config->divider = 1U;
 *    config->enableRunInStop = true;
 *    config->enableRunInWait = true;
 *    config->enableRunInDoze = false;
 *    config->enableRunInDbg = false;
 *    config->enableFreeRun = false;
 *    config->enableMode  = true;
 * @endcode
 * @param config Pointer to the user configuration structure.
void GPT_GetDefaultConfig(gpt_config_t *config);

 * @name Software Reset
 * @{

 * @brief Software reset of GPT module.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
static inline void GPT_SoftwareReset(GPT_Type *base)
    base->CR |= GPT_CR_SWR_MASK;
    /* Wait reset finished. */
    while ((base->CR & GPT_CR_SWR_MASK) == GPT_CR_SWR_MASK)

 * @name Clock source and frequency control
 * @{

 * @brief Set clock source of GPT.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param source Clock source (see @ref gpt_clock_source_t typedef enumeration).
static inline void GPT_SetClockSource(GPT_Type *base, gpt_clock_source_t source)
    if (source == kGPT_ClockSource_Osc)
        base->CR = (base->CR & ~GPT_CR_CLKSRC_MASK) | GPT_CR_EN_24M_MASK | GPT_CR_CLKSRC(source);
        base->CR = (base->CR & ~(GPT_CR_CLKSRC_MASK | GPT_CR_EN_24M_MASK)) | GPT_CR_CLKSRC(source);

 * @brief Get clock source of GPT.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @return clock source (see @ref gpt_clock_source_t typedef enumeration).
static inline gpt_clock_source_t GPT_GetClockSource(GPT_Type *base)
    return (gpt_clock_source_t)(uint8_t)((base->CR & GPT_CR_CLKSRC_MASK) >> GPT_CR_CLKSRC_SHIFT);

 * @brief Set pre scaler of GPT.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param divider Divider of GPT (1-4096).
static inline void GPT_SetClockDivider(GPT_Type *base, uint32_t divider)
    assert(divider - 1U <= GPT_PR_PRESCALER_MASK);

    base->PR = (base->PR & ~GPT_PR_PRESCALER_MASK) | GPT_PR_PRESCALER(divider - 1U);

 * @brief Get clock divider in GPT module.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @return clock divider in GPT module (1-4096).
static inline uint32_t GPT_GetClockDivider(GPT_Type *base)

 * @brief OSC 24M pre-scaler before selected by clock source.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param divider OSC Divider(1-16).
static inline void GPT_SetOscClockDivider(GPT_Type *base, uint32_t divider)
    assert(divider - 1U <= (GPT_PR_PRESCALER24M_MASK >> GPT_PR_PRESCALER24M_SHIFT));

    base->PR = (base->PR & ~GPT_PR_PRESCALER24M_MASK) | GPT_PR_PRESCALER24M(divider - 1U);

 * @brief Get OSC 24M clock divider in GPT module.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @return OSC clock divider in GPT module (1-16).
static inline uint32_t GPT_GetOscClockDivider(GPT_Type *base)
    return ((base->PR & GPT_PR_PRESCALER24M_MASK) >> GPT_PR_PRESCALER24M_SHIFT) + 1U;

/*! @}*/

 * @name Timer Start and Stop
 * @{
 * @brief Start GPT timer.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
static inline void GPT_StartTimer(GPT_Type *base)
    base->CR |= GPT_CR_EN_MASK;

 * @brief Stop GPT timer.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
static inline void GPT_StopTimer(GPT_Type *base)
    base->CR &= ~GPT_CR_EN_MASK;

 * @name Read the timer period
 * @{

 * @brief Reads the current GPT counting value.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @return Current GPT counter value.
static inline uint32_t GPT_GetCurrentTimerCount(GPT_Type *base)
    return base->CNT;


 * @name GPT Input/Output Signal Control
 * @{

 * @brief Set GPT operation mode of input capture channel.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT capture channel (see @ref gpt_input_capture_channel_t typedef enumeration).
 * @param mode GPT input capture operation mode (see @ref gpt_input_operation_mode_t typedef enumeration).
static inline void GPT_SetInputOperationMode(GPT_Type *base,
                                             gpt_input_capture_channel_t channel,
                                             gpt_input_operation_mode_t mode)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_InputCapture_Channel2);

    base->CR =
        (base->CR & ~(GPT_CR_IM1_MASK << ((uint32_t)channel * 2UL))) | (GPT_CR_IM1(mode) << ((uint32_t)channel * 2UL));

 * @brief Get GPT operation mode of input capture channel.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT capture channel (see @ref gpt_input_capture_channel_t typedef enumeration).
 * @return GPT input capture operation mode (see @ref gpt_input_operation_mode_t typedef enumeration).
static inline gpt_input_operation_mode_t GPT_GetInputOperationMode(GPT_Type *base, gpt_input_capture_channel_t channel)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_InputCapture_Channel2);

    return (gpt_input_operation_mode_t)(uint8_t)((base->CR >> (GPT_CR_IM1_SHIFT + (uint32_t)channel * 2UL)) &
                                                 (GPT_CR_IM1_MASK >> GPT_CR_IM1_SHIFT));

 * @brief Get GPT input capture value of certain channel.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT capture channel (see @ref gpt_input_capture_channel_t typedef enumeration).
 * @return GPT input capture value.
static inline uint32_t GPT_GetInputCaptureValue(GPT_Type *base, gpt_input_capture_channel_t channel)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_InputCapture_Channel2);

    return base->ICR[(uint32_t)channel];

 * @brief Set GPT operation mode of output compare channel.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT output compare channel (see @ref gpt_output_compare_channel_t typedef enumeration).
 * @param mode GPT output operation mode (see @ref gpt_output_operation_mode_t typedef enumeration).
static inline void GPT_SetOutputOperationMode(GPT_Type *base,
                                              gpt_output_compare_channel_t channel,
                                              gpt_output_operation_mode_t mode)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel3);

    base->CR =
        (base->CR & ~(GPT_CR_OM1_MASK << ((uint32_t)channel * 3UL))) | (GPT_CR_OM1(mode) << ((uint32_t)channel * 3UL));

 * @brief Get GPT operation mode of output compare channel.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT output compare channel (see @ref gpt_output_compare_channel_t typedef enumeration).
 * @return GPT output operation mode (see @ref gpt_output_operation_mode_t typedef enumeration).
static inline gpt_output_operation_mode_t GPT_GetOutputOperationMode(GPT_Type *base,
                                                                     gpt_output_compare_channel_t channel)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel3);

    return (gpt_output_operation_mode_t)(uint8_t)((base->CR >> (GPT_CR_OM1_SHIFT + (uint32_t)channel * 3UL)) &
                                                  (GPT_CR_OM1_MASK >> GPT_CR_OM1_SHIFT));

 * @brief Set GPT output compare value of output compare channel.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT output compare channel (see @ref gpt_output_compare_channel_t typedef enumeration).
 * @param value GPT output compare value.
static inline void GPT_SetOutputCompareValue(GPT_Type *base, gpt_output_compare_channel_t channel, uint32_t value)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel3);

    base->OCR[(uint32_t)channel] = value;

 * @brief Get GPT output compare value of output compare channel.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT output compare channel (see @ref gpt_output_compare_channel_t typedef enumeration).
 * @return GPT output compare value.
static inline uint32_t GPT_GetOutputCompareValue(GPT_Type *base, gpt_output_compare_channel_t channel)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel3);

    return base->OCR[(uint32_t)channel];

 * @brief Force GPT output action on output compare channel, ignoring comparator.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param channel GPT output compare channel (see @ref gpt_output_compare_channel_t typedef enumeration).
static inline void GPT_ForceOutput(GPT_Type *base, gpt_output_compare_channel_t channel)
    assert(channel <= kGPT_OutputCompare_Channel3);

    base->CR |= (GPT_CR_FO1_MASK << (uint32_t)channel);


 * @name GPT Interrupt and Status Interface
 * @{

 * @brief Enables the selected GPT interrupts.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param mask The interrupts to enable. This is a logical OR of members of the
 *             enumeration ::gpt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void GPT_EnableInterrupts(GPT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
    base->IR |= mask;

 * @brief Disables the selected GPT interrupts.
 * @param base    GPT peripheral base address
 * @param mask    The interrupts to disable. This is a logical OR of members of the
 *                enumeration ::gpt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline void GPT_DisableInterrupts(GPT_Type *base, uint32_t mask)
    base->IR &= ~mask;

 * @brief Gets the enabled GPT interrupts.
 * @param base    GPT peripheral base address
 * @return The enabled interrupts. This is the logical OR of members of the
 *         enumeration ::gpt_interrupt_enable_t
static inline uint32_t GPT_GetEnabledInterrupts(GPT_Type *base)
                        GPT_IR_IF2IE_MASK | GPT_IR_ROVIE_MASK));

 * @name Status Interface
 * @{

 * @brief Get GPT status flags.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param flags GPT status flag mask (see @ref gpt_status_flag_t for bit definition).
 * @return GPT status, each bit represents one status flag.
static inline uint32_t GPT_GetStatusFlags(GPT_Type *base, gpt_status_flag_t flags)
    return base->SR & (uint32_t)flags;

 * @brief Clears the GPT status flags.
 * @param base GPT peripheral base address.
 * @param flags GPT status flag mask (see @ref gpt_status_flag_t for bit definition).
static inline void GPT_ClearStatusFlags(GPT_Type *base, gpt_status_flag_t flags)
    base->SR = (uint32_t)flags;


#if defined(__cplusplus)

/*! @}*/

#endif /* _FSL_GPT_H_ */