mbed-os / hal / targets / hal / TARGET_Atmel / TARGET_SAM_CortexM0P / drivers / services / delay / sam0 / systick_counter.c
@Mihail Stoyanov Mihail Stoyanov on 23 May 2016 1 KB Simplify layout:
#include "delay.h"

 * Value used to calculate ms delay. Default to be used with a 8MHz clock;
static uint32_t cycles_per_ms = 8000000UL / 1000;
static uint32_t cycles_per_us = 8000000UL / 1000000;

 * \brief Initialize the delay driver.
 * This must be called during start up to initialize the delay routine with
 * the current used main clock. It must run any time the main CPU clock is changed.
void delay_init(void)
    cycles_per_ms = system_gclk_gen_get_hz(0);
    cycles_per_ms /= 1000;
    cycles_per_us = cycles_per_ms / 1000;

    SysTick->CTRL = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk | SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;

 * \brief Delay loop to delay at least n number of microseconds
 * \param n  Number of microseconds to wait
void delay_cycles_us(
    uint32_t n)
    while (n--) {
        /* Devide up to blocks of 10u */

 * \brief Delay loop to delay at least n number of milliseconds
 * \param n  Number of milliseconds to wait
void delay_cycles_ms(
    uint32_t n)
    while (n--) {
        /* Devide up to blocks of 1ms */