mbed-os / connectivity / FEATURE_BLE / libraries / cordio_stack / ble-host / sources / stack / att / atts_eatt.c
@Paul Szczepanek Paul Szczepanek on 19 Feb 2021 16 KB fix Cordio attsCsfActClientState index parameter
 *  \file
 *  \brief  Enhanced ATT (EATT) server.
 *  Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#include <string.h>
#include "wsf_types.h"
#include "wsf_assert.h"
#include "wsf_trace.h"
#include "wsf_timer.h"
#include "wsf_msg.h"
#include "wsf_math.h"
#include "wsf_os.h"
#include "util/bstream.h"
#include "l2c_api.h"
#include "l2c_main.h"
#include "dm_api.h"
#include "att_api.h"
#include "att_main.h"
#include "atts_main.h"
#include "eatt_api.h"
#include "att_eatt.h"
#include "svc_core.h"

  Function Prototypes

static void eattsL2cCocDataInd(l2cCocEvt_t *pEvt);
static void eattsL2cCocDataCnf(l2cCocEvt_t *pEvt);
static void eattsConnCback(attCcb_t *pCcb, dmEvt_t *pDmEvt);

  Local Variables

/* Interface to ATT */
static const eattFcnIf_t attsFcnIf =
  (attMsgHandler_t) attsMsgCback,

  Global Variables

extern attsProcFcn_t attsProcFcnTbl[];
extern const uint8_t attsMinPduLen[];

 *  \brief  Get a channel for transmission of an EATT server message.
 *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
 *  \param  priority    Operation priority.
 *  \param  dataLen     Length of value data.
 *  \return Slot ID
static uint8_t eattsGetFreeSlot(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t dataLen)
  eattConnCb_t *pCcb = eattGetConnCb(connId);
  attCcb_t     *pAttCcb = attCcbByConnId(connId);

  if (pCcb && pAttCcb)
    uint8_t i;

    for (i = 0; i < EATT_CONN_CHAN_MAX; i++)
      eattChanCb_t *pChanCb = &pCcb->pChanCb[i];

      if (pChanCb->inUse && (pChanCb->priority >= priority) && (pChanCb->localMtu >= dataLen))
        if (!(pAttCcb->sccb[i].control & ATT_CCB_STATUS_RSP_PENDING))
          EATT_TRACE_INFO1("eattsGetFreeSlot: allocating slot: %#x", i + 1);
          return i + 1;


 *  \brief  L2CAP CoC data indication callback function.
 *  \param  pEvt    Pointer to event structure.
 *  \return None.
static void eattsL2cCocDataInd(l2cCocEvt_t *pEvt)
  l2cCocDataInd_t   *pDataInd = &pEvt->dataInd;
  uint8_t           opcode;
  uint8_t           method;
  uint8_t           err;
  uint16_t          attHandle;
  attsProcFcn_t     procFcn;
  dmConnId_t        connId = (dmConnId_t) pDataInd->hdr.param;
  uint8_t           slot = eattGetSlotId(connId, pDataInd->cid);
  attCcb_t          *pAttCcb = attCcbByConnId(connId);
  attsCcb_t         *pAttsCcb = attsCcbByConnId(connId, slot);
  uint16_t          len = pEvt->dataInd.dataLen;

    /* parse opcode */
    opcode = *(pDataInd->pData);

    /* get method */
    if ((opcode <= ATT_PDU_WRITE_REQ) ||
        ((opcode >= ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_REQ) && (opcode <= ATT_PDU_VALUE_CNF)))
      method = ATT_OPCODE_2_METHOD(opcode);
    else if (opcode == ATT_PDU_WRITE_CMD)
      method = ATT_METHOD_WRITE_CMD;
    else if (opcode == ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_VAR_REQ)
      method = ATT_METHOD_READ_MULT_VAR;
    else if (opcode == ATT_PDU_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD)
      method = ATT_METHOD_ERR;

    /* ignore packet if write response is pending. */
    if (pAttCcb->sccb[slot].control & ATT_CCB_STATUS_RSP_PENDING)
      if (method != ATT_METHOD_VALUE_CNF)

    /* check client's status to see if server is allowed to process this PDU. */
    err = attsCsfActClientState(connId, opcode, pEvt->dataInd.pData - L2C_PAYLOAD_START);
    if (err)
      BYTES_TO_UINT16(attHandle, pEvt->dataInd.pData + ATT_HDR_LEN);
      attHandle = ATT_HANDLE_NONE;

    if (attCb.errTest != ATT_SUCCESS)
      attsErrRsp(pAttCcb, ATT_BEARER_SLOT_ID, opcode, attHandle, attCb.errTest);

    /* if no error process request */
    if (!err)
      /* look up processing function */
      procFcn = attsProcFcnTbl[method];

      /* if method is supported */
      if (procFcn != NULL)
        /* verify length */
        if (len >= attsMinPduLen[method])
          /* execute processing function */
          (*procFcn)(pAttsCcb, len, pEvt->dataInd.pData - L2C_PAYLOAD_START);
          err = 0;
          /* invalid PDU length */
          err = ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU;
        /* PDU not supported */
        err = ATT_ERR_NOT_SUP;

    /* if there's an error and an error response can be sent for this opcode */
    if (err && (opcode != ATT_PDU_MTU_REQ) && (opcode != ATT_PDU_VALUE_CNF) &&
        ((opcode & ATT_PDU_MASK_COMMAND) == 0))
      attsErrRsp(pAttCcb, slot, opcode, attHandle, err);

 *  \brief  L2CAP CoC data confirm callback function.
 *  \param  pEvt    Pointer to event structure.
 *  \return None.
static void eattsL2cCocDataCnf(l2cCocEvt_t *pEvt)
  dmConnId_t connId = (dmConnId_t) pEvt->dataCnf.hdr.param;
  uint8_t slot = eattGetSlotId(connId,  pEvt->dataCnf.cid);
  attsCcb_t *pCcb;

  /* note this function is currently only called when flow is enabled */

    /* get CCB */
    if ((pCcb = attsCcbByConnId(connId, slot)) != NULL)
      /* call pending indication and notification callback */
      attsIndNtfCallback(connId, pCcb, ATT_SUCCESS);

 *  \brief  Connection callback for ATTS.
 *  \param  pCcb    ATT control block.
 *  \param  pDmEvt  DM callback event.
 *  \return None.
static void eattsConnCback(attCcb_t *pCcb, dmEvt_t *pDmEvt)
  (void) pCcb;
  (void) pDmEvt;

  /* take no action */

 *  \brief  Calculate the length of a list of handle length value tupples.
 *  \param  numTuples   The number of tuples.
 *  \param  pTupleList  Pointer to a list of tuples.
 *  \return length of tupples.
static uint16_t eattMultiNtfLen(uint16_t numTuples, eattTuple_t *pTupleList)
  uint8_t i;
  uint16_t len = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < numTuples; i++)
    len += pTupleList[i].len + sizeof(uint16_t) * 2;

  return len;

 *  \brief  Send multiple attribute protocol Handle Value Notification.
 *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
 *  \param  priority    Operation priority.
 *  \param  numTuples   The number of tuples.
 *  \param  pTupleList  Pointer to a list of tuples.
 *  \return None.
void EattsMultiValueNtf(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t numTuples, eattTuple_t *pTupleList)
  uint16_t       valueLen = eattMultiNtfLen(numTuples, pTupleList);
  uint8_t        slot;
  bool_t         msgSent = FALSE;


  slot = eattsGetFreeSlot(connId, priority, valueLen + ATT_MULT_VALUE_NTF_BUF_LEN);


  if (slot)
    /* Only send notifications and indications if client is aware of any database changes. */
    if (attsCsfIsClientChangeAware(connId, 0))
      attsApiMsg_t  *pMsg;
      uint8_t       *p;
      uint8_t       i;

      /* allocate message buffer */
      if ((pMsg = WsfMsgAlloc(sizeof(attsApiMsg_t))) != NULL)
        /* set parameters */
        pMsg->hdr.param = connId;
        pMsg->hdr.event = ATTS_MSG_API_VALUE_IND_NTF;
        pMsg->slot = slot;
        pMsg->pPkt = attMsgAlloc(ATT_MULT_VALUE_NTF_BUF_LEN + valueLen);

        if (pMsg->pPkt != NULL)
          /* set data length and handle (ind and ntf have same header length) */
          pMsg->pPkt->len = ATT_PDU_MULT_VALUE_NTF_LEN + valueLen;

          /* build packet */
          p = (uint8_t *)pMsg->pPkt + L2C_PAYLOAD_START;

          for (i = 0; i < numTuples; i++)
            UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, pTupleList[i].handle);
            UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, pTupleList[i].len);
            memcpy(p, pTupleList[i].pValue, pTupleList[i].len);
            p += pTupleList[i].len;

          /* send message */
          WsfMsgSend(attCb.handlerId, pMsg);
          msgSent = TRUE;
          /* free message buffer if packet buffer alloc failed */

    if (!msgSent)
      /* Failed to send the packet, release the slot. */
      attExecCallback(connId, ATTS_MULT_VALUE_CNF, 0, ATT_ERR_MEMORY, 0);
    /* call callback with no channel available status */
    attExecCallback(connId, ATTS_MULT_VALUE_CNF, 0, ATT_ERR_NO_CHANNEL, 0);

 *  \brief  Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication.
 *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
 *  \param  priority    Operation priority.
 *  \param  handle      Attribute handle.
 *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
 *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
 *  \return None.
void EattsHandleValueInd(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen,
                         uint8_t *pValue)
  uint8_t slot = eattsGetFreeSlot(connId, priority, valueLen);
  attsHandleValueIndNtf(connId, handle, slot, valueLen, pValue, ATT_PDU_VALUE_IND, FALSE);

 *  \brief  Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification.
 *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
 *  \param  priority    Operation priority.
 *  \param  handle      Attribute handle.
 *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
 *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
 *  \return None.
void EattsHandleValueNtf(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen,
                         uint8_t *pValue)
  uint8_t slot = eattsGetFreeSlot(connId, priority, valueLen);
  attsHandleValueIndNtf(connId, handle, slot, valueLen, pValue, ATT_PDU_VALUE_NTF, FALSE);

 *  \brief  Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication without copying the attribute
 *          value data.
 *          Note: attribute value buffer 'pValue' must be allocated with AttMsgAlloc().
 *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
 *  \param  priority    Operation priority.
 *  \param  handle      Attribute handle.
 *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
 *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
 *  \return None.
void EattsHandleValueIndZeroCpy(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle,
                                uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
  uint8_t slot = eattsGetFreeSlot(connId, priority, valueLen);
  attsHandleValueIndNtf(connId, handle, slot, valueLen, pValue, ATT_PDU_VALUE_IND, TRUE);

 *  \brief  Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification without copying the attribute
 *          value data.
 *          Note: attribute value buffer 'pValue' must be allocated with AttMsgAlloc().
 *  \param  connId      DM connection ID.
 *  \param  priority    Operation priority.
 *  \param  handle      Attribute handle.
 *  \param  valueLen    Length of value data.
 *  \param  pValue      Pointer to value data.
 *  \return None.
void EattsHandleValueNtfZeroCpy(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle,
                                uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
  uint8_t slot = eattsGetFreeSlot(connId, priority, valueLen);
  attsHandleValueIndNtf(connId, handle, slot, valueLen, pValue, ATT_PDU_VALUE_NTF, TRUE);

 *  \brief  Send a response to a pending write request.  For use with ATT_RSP_PENDING.
 *  \param  connId      Connection ID.
 *  \param  slot        EATT channel slot ID.
 *  \param  handle      Attribute handle.
 *  \param  status      Status of the write request.
 *  \return None.
 *  \note   When a higher layer returns ATT_RSP_PENDING to an ATT write callback indicating the
 *          response status is pending, the higher layer must subsequently call this function
 *          with the status of the write request.
void EattsContinueWriteReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t slot, uint16_t handle, uint8_t status)
  attCcb_t *pCcb;
  uint8_t  *pBuf;
  uint8_t  *p;

  /* get connection cb for this handle */
  if ((pCcb = attCcbByConnId(connId)) == NULL)

  if (pCcb->sccb[slot].control & ATT_CCB_STATUS_RSP_PENDING)
    /* clear response pending */
    pCcb->sccb[slot].control &= ~ATT_CCB_STATUS_RSP_PENDING;

    if (status)
      attsErrRsp(pCcb, slot, ATT_PDU_WRITE_REQ, handle, status);
      if ((pBuf = attMsgAlloc(L2C_PAYLOAD_START + ATT_WRITE_RSP_LEN)) != NULL)
        /* build and send PDU */
        p = pBuf + L2C_PAYLOAD_START;

        attL2cDataReq(pCcb, slot, ATT_WRITE_RSP_LEN, pBuf);

 *  \brief  Initialize the Enhanced ATT Server.
 *  \return None
void EattsInit()
  /* set up callback interface */
  attCb.pEnServer = &attsFcnIf;