mbed-os / components / TARGET_PSA / TARGET_TFM / interface / include / tfm_api.h
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#ifndef __TFM_API_H__
#define __TFM_API_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stdint.h>
#include "psa_client.h"


 * \brief Checks if the provided client ID is a secure client ID.
 * \param[in] client_id Client ID to check
 * \return Returns 1 if the client Id is secure. Otherwise, returns 0.
#define TFM_CLIENT_ID_IS_S(client_id)  ((client_id)>0)

 * \brief Checks if the provided client ID is a non-secure client ID.
 * \param[in] client_id Client ID to check
 * \return Returns 1 if the client Id is non-secure. Otherwise, returns 0.
#define TFM_CLIENT_ID_IS_NS(client_id) ((client_id)<0)

/* Maximum number of input and output vectors */
#define PSA_MAX_IOVEC    (4)

/* FixMe: sort out DEBUG compile option and limit return value options
 * on external interfaces */
/* For secure functions using prorietary signatures
 * TFM will only return values recognized and parsed by TFM core.
 * Service return codes are not automatically passed on to REE.
 * Any non-zero return value is interpreted as an error that may trigger
 * TEE error handling flow.
 * For secure functions using the veneers in secure_fw/ns_callable/tfm_veneers.c
 * (iovec API) this limitation does not apply.
enum tfm_status_e
    TFM_SUCCESS = 0,

//==================== Secure function declarations ==========================//

 * \brief Assign client ID to the current TZ context
 * \param[in]  ns_client_id  The client ID to be assigned to the current
 *                           context
 * \return TFM_SUCCESS if the client ID assigned successfully, an error code
 *         according to \ref tfm_status_e in case of error.
 * \note This function have to be called from handler mode.
enum tfm_status_e tfm_register_client_id (int32_t ns_client_id);

 * \brief Retrieve the version of the PSA Framework API that is implemented
 * \return The version of the PSA Framework
uint32_t tfm_psa_framework_version_veneer(void);

 * \brief Return version of secure function provided by secure binary
 * \param[in]  sid          ID of secure service
 * \return Version number of secure function
uint32_t tfm_psa_version_veneer(uint32_t sid);

 * \brief Connect to secure function
 * \param[in]  sid              ID of secure service
 * \param[in]  minor_version    Minor version of SF requested by client
 * \return Returns handle to connection
psa_handle_t tfm_psa_connect_veneer(uint32_t sid, uint32_t minor_version);

 * \brief Call a secure function referenced by a connection handle
 * \param[in]  handle   Handle to connection
 * \param[in]  in_vecs  invec containing pointer/count of input vectors
 * \param[in]  out_vecs outvec containing pointer/count of output vectors
 * \return Returns \ref psa_status_t status code
psa_status_t tfm_psa_call_veneer(psa_handle_t handle,
                                 const psa_invec *in_vecs,
                                 psa_outvec *out_vecs);

 * \brief Close connection to secure function referenced by a connection handle
 * \param[in]  handle   Handle to connection
 * \return Returns \ref psa_status_t status code
psa_status_t tfm_psa_close_veneer(psa_handle_t handle);

//================ End Secure function declarations ==========================//

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __TFM_API_H__ */