mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / mtb-pdl-cat1 / drivers / source / cy_ipc_sema.c
@Dustin Crossman Dustin Crossman on 4 Jun 2021 15 KB Fix file modes.
* \file cy_ipc_sema.c
* \version 1.60
*  Description:
*   IPC Semaphore Driver - This source file contains the source code for the
*   semaphore level APIs for the IPC interface.
* Copyright 2016-2020 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "cy_device.h"

#if defined (CY_IP_M4CPUSS)

#include "cy_ipc_drv.h"
#include "cy_ipc_sema.h"
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#include <string.h> /* The memset() definition */

/* Defines a mask to Check if semaphore count is a multiple of 32 */

/* Pointer to IPC structure used for semaphores */
static IPC_STRUCT_Type* cy_semaIpcStruct;

* Function Name: Cy_IPC_Sema_Init
* This function initializes the semaphores subsystem. The user must create an
* array of unsigned 32-bit words to hold the semaphore bits. The number
* of semaphores will be the size of the array * 32. The total semaphores count
* will always be a multiple of 32.
* \note In a multi-CPU system this init function should be called with all
* initialized parameters on one CPU only to provide a pointer to SRAM that can
* be shared between all the CPUs in the system that will use semaphores.
* On other CPUs user must specify the IPC semaphores channel and pass 0 / NULL
* to count and memPtr parameters correspondingly.
* \param ipcChannel
* The IPC channel number used for semaphores
* \param count
*  The maximum number of semaphores to be supported (multiple of 32).
* \param memPtr
*  This points to the array of (count/32) words that contain the semaphore data.
* \return Status of the operation
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS: Successfully initialized
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM:     Memory pointer is NULL and count is not zero,
*                             or count not multiple of 32
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_ERROR_LOCKED:  Could not acquire semaphores IPC channel
* \funcusage
* \snippet ipc/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_IPC_Sema_Init
cy_en_ipcsema_status_t Cy_IPC_Sema_Init(uint32_t ipcChannel,
                                        uint32_t count, uint32_t memPtr[])
    /* Structure containing semaphores control data */
    static cy_stc_ipc_sema_t       cy_semaData;

    cy_en_ipcsema_status_t retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM;

    if( (NULL == memPtr) && (0u == count))
        cy_semaIpcStruct = Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(ipcChannel);

        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS;

    /* Check for non Null pointers and count value */
    else if ((NULL != memPtr) && (0u != count))
        cy_semaData.maxSema  = count;
        cy_semaData.arrayPtr = memPtr;

        retStatus = Cy_IPC_Sema_InitExt(ipcChannel, &cy_semaData);

        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM;


* Function Name: Cy_IPC_Sema_InitExt
* This function initializes the semaphores subsystem. The user must create an
* array of unsigned 32-bit words to hold the semaphore bits. The number
* of semaphores will be the size of the array * 32. The total semaphores count
* will always be a multiple of 32.
* \note In a multi-CPU system this init function should be called with all
* initialized parameters on one CPU only to provide a pointer to SRAM that can
* be shared between all the CPUs in the system that will use semaphores.
* On other CPUs user must specify the IPC semaphores channel and pass 0 / NULL
* to count and memPtr parameters correspondingly.
* \param ipcChannel
* The IPC channel number used for semaphores
* \param ipcSema
*  This is configuration structure of the IPC semaphore.
*  See \ref cy_stc_ipc_sema_t.
* \return Status of the operation
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS: Successfully initialized
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM:     Memory pointer is NULL and count is not zero,
*                             or count not multiple of 32
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_ERROR_LOCKED:  Could not acquire semaphores IPC channel
cy_en_ipcsema_status_t Cy_IPC_Sema_InitExt(uint32_t ipcChannel, cy_stc_ipc_sema_t *ipcSema)
    cy_en_ipcsema_status_t retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM;

    if (ipcChannel >= CY_IPC_CHANNELS)
        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM;
        if(NULL != ipcSema)
            /* Check if semaphore count is a multiple of 32 */
            if( 0UL == (ipcSema->maxSema & CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD_MASK))
                cy_semaIpcStruct = Cy_IPC_Drv_GetIpcBaseAddress(ipcChannel);

                /* Initialize all semaphores to released */
                (void)memset(ipcSema->arrayPtr, 0, (ipcSema->maxSema /8u));

                /* Make sure semaphores start out released.  */
                /* Ignore the return value since it is OK if it was already released. */
                (void) Cy_IPC_Drv_LockRelease (cy_semaIpcStruct, CY_IPC_NO_NOTIFICATION);

                 /* Set the IPC Data with the pointer to the array. */
                if( CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS == Cy_IPC_Drv_SendMsgPtr (cy_semaIpcStruct, CY_IPC_NO_NOTIFICATION, ipcSema))
                    if(CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS == Cy_IPC_Drv_LockRelease (cy_semaIpcStruct, CY_IPC_NO_NOTIFICATION))
                        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS;
                        /* IPC channel not released, still semaphored */
                        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_ERROR_LOCKED;
                    /* Could not acquire semaphore channel */
                    retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_ERROR_LOCKED;
                retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM;
            retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_BAD_PARAM;


* Function Name: Cy_IPC_Sema_Set
* This function tries to acquire a semaphore. If the
* semaphore is not available, this function returns immediately with
* It first acquires the IPC channel that is used for all the semaphores, sets
* the semaphore if it is cleared, then releases the IPC channel used for the
* semaphore.
* \param semaNumber
*  The semaphore number to acquire.
* \param preemptable
*  When this parameter is enabled the function can be preempted by another
*  task or other forms of context switching in an RTOS environment.
* \note
*  If <b>preemptable</b> is enabled (true), the user must ensure that there are
*  no deadlocks in the system, which can be caused by an interrupt that occurs
*  after the IPC channel is locked. Unless the user is ready to handle IPC
*  channel locks correctly at the application level, set <b>preemptable</b> to
*  false.
* \return Status of the operation
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS:      The semaphore was set successfully
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_LOCKED:       The semaphore channel is busy or locked
*                              by another process
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_NOT_ACQUIRED: Semaphore was already set
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_OUT_OF_RANGE: The semaphore number is not valid
* \funcusage
* \snippet ipc/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_IPC_Sema_Set
cy_en_ipcsema_status_t Cy_IPC_Sema_Set(uint32_t semaNumber, bool preemptable)
    uint32_t semaIndex;
    uint32_t semaMask;
    uint32_t interruptState = 0UL;

    cy_stc_ipc_sema_t      *semaStruct;
    cy_en_ipcsema_status_t  retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_LOCKED;

    /* Get pointer to structure */
    semaStruct = (cy_stc_ipc_sema_t *)Cy_IPC_Drv_ReadDataValue(cy_semaIpcStruct);

    if (semaNumber < semaStruct->maxSema)
        semaIndex = semaNumber / CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD;
        semaMask = (uint32_t)(1UL << (semaNumber - (semaIndex * CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD) ));

        if (!preemptable)
            interruptState = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();

        /* Check to make sure the IPC channel is released
           If so, check if specific channel can be locked. */
        if(CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS == Cy_IPC_Drv_LockAcquire (cy_semaIpcStruct))
            if((semaStruct->arrayPtr[semaIndex] & semaMask) == 0UL)
                semaStruct->arrayPtr[semaIndex] |= semaMask;
                retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS;
                retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_NOT_ACQUIRED;

            /* Release, but do not trigger a release event */
            (void) Cy_IPC_Drv_LockRelease (cy_semaIpcStruct, CY_IPC_NO_NOTIFICATION);

        if (!preemptable)
        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_OUT_OF_RANGE;


* Function Name: Cy_IPC_Sema_Clear
* This functions tries to releases a semaphore.
* It first acquires the IPC channel that is used for all the semaphores, clears
* the semaphore if it is set, then releases the IPC channel used for the
* semaphores.
* \param semaNumber
*  The index of the semaphore to release.
* \param preemptable
*  When this parameter is enabled the function can be preempted by another
*  task or other forms of context switching in an RTOS environment.
* \note
*  If <b>preemptable</b> is enabled (true), the user must ensure that there are
*  no deadlocks in the system, which can be caused by an interrupt that occurs
*  after the IPC channel is locked. Unless the user is ready to handle IPC
*  channel locks correctly at the application level, set <b>preemptable</b> to
*  false.
* \return Status of the operation
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS:         The semaphore was cleared successfully
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_NOT_ACQUIRED:    The semaphore was already cleared
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_LOCKED:          The semaphore channel was semaphored or busy
*    \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_OUT_OF_RANGE:    The semaphore number is not valid
* \funcusage
* \snippet ipc/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_IPC_Sema_Clear
cy_en_ipcsema_status_t Cy_IPC_Sema_Clear(uint32_t semaNumber, bool preemptable)
    uint32_t semaIndex;
    uint32_t semaMask;
    uint32_t interruptState = 0UL;

    cy_stc_ipc_sema_t      *semaStruct;
    cy_en_ipcsema_status_t  retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_LOCKED;

    /* Get pointer to structure */
    semaStruct = (cy_stc_ipc_sema_t *)Cy_IPC_Drv_ReadDataValue(cy_semaIpcStruct);

    if (semaNumber < semaStruct->maxSema)
        semaIndex = semaNumber / CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD;
        semaMask = (uint32_t)(1UL << (semaNumber - (semaIndex * CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD) ));

        if (!preemptable)
            interruptState = Cy_SysLib_EnterCriticalSection();

        /* Check to make sure the IPC channel is released
           If so, check if specific channel can be locked. */
        if(CY_IPC_DRV_SUCCESS == Cy_IPC_Drv_LockAcquire (cy_semaIpcStruct))
            if((semaStruct->arrayPtr[semaIndex] & semaMask) != 0UL)
                semaStruct->arrayPtr[semaIndex] &= ~semaMask;
                retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_SUCCESS;
                retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_NOT_ACQUIRED;

            /* Release, but do not trigger a release event */
            (void) Cy_IPC_Drv_LockRelease (cy_semaIpcStruct, CY_IPC_NO_NOTIFICATION);

        if (!preemptable)
        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_OUT_OF_RANGE;

* Function Name: Cy_IPC_Sema_Status
* This function returns the status of the semaphore.
* \param semaNumber
*  The index of the semaphore to return status.
* \return Status of the operation
*     \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_STATUS_LOCKED:    The semaphore is in the set state.
*     \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_STATUS_UNLOCKED:  The semaphore is in the cleared state.
*     \retval CY_IPC_SEMA_OUT_OF_RANGE:     The semaphore number is not valid
* \funcusage
* \snippet ipc/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_IPC_Sema_Status
cy_en_ipcsema_status_t Cy_IPC_Sema_Status(uint32_t semaNumber)
    cy_en_ipcsema_status_t   retStatus;
    uint32_t semaIndex;
    uint32_t semaMask;
    cy_stc_ipc_sema_t      *semaStruct;

    /* Get pointer to structure */
    semaStruct = (cy_stc_ipc_sema_t *)Cy_IPC_Drv_ReadDataValue(cy_semaIpcStruct);

    if (semaNumber < semaStruct->maxSema)
        /* Get the index into the semaphore array and calculate the mask */
        semaIndex = semaNumber / CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD;
        semaMask = (uint32_t)(1UL << (semaNumber - (semaIndex * CY_IPC_SEMA_PER_WORD) ));

        if((semaStruct->arrayPtr[semaIndex] & semaMask) != 0UL)
            retStatus =  CY_IPC_SEMA_STATUS_LOCKED;
            retStatus =  CY_IPC_SEMA_STATUS_UNLOCKED;
        retStatus = CY_IPC_SEMA_OUT_OF_RANGE;

* Function Name: Cy_IPC_Sema_GetMaxSems
* This function returns the number of semaphores in the semaphores subsystem.
* \return
*     Returns the semaphores quantity.
* \funcusage
* \snippet ipc/snippet/main.c snippet_Cy_IPC_Sema_GetMaxSems
uint32_t Cy_IPC_Sema_GetMaxSems(void)
    cy_stc_ipc_sema_t      *semaStruct;

    /* Get pointer to structure */
    semaStruct = (cy_stc_ipc_sema_t *)Cy_IPC_Drv_ReadDataValue(cy_semaIpcStruct);

    return (semaStruct->maxSema);


/* [] END OF FILE */