mbed-os / features / lorawan / lorastack / mac / LoRaMacChannelPlan.h
@Martin Kojtal Martin Kojtal on 7 Nov 2018 3 KB lorawan: fix astyle coding style
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    (C)2013 Semtech
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Description: LoRaWAN stack layer that controls both MAC and PHY underneath

License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project

Maintainer: Miguel Luis ( Semtech ), Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) and Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )

Copyright (c) 2017, Arm Limited and affiliates.

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


#include "system/lorawan_data_structures.h"
#include "lorastack/phy/LoRaPHY.h"

class LoRaMacChannelPlan {


    /** Constructor
     * Sets local handles to NULL. These handles will be set when the subsystem
     * is activated by the MAC layer.

    /** Destructor
     * Does nothing

    /** Activates Channel Planning subsystem
     * Stores pointers to PHY layer MIB subsystem
     * @param phy    pointer to PHY layer
    void activate_channelplan_subsystem(LoRaPHY *phy);

    /** Set a given channel plan
     * Used to set application provided channel plan. This API can be used to
     * set a single channel as well to the existing channel plan.
     * @param plan    a reference to application channel plan. PHY layer takes a
     *                copy of the channel parameters provided within.
     * @return        LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if everything goes well otherwise
     *                a negative error code is returned.
    lorawan_status_t set_plan(const lorawan_channelplan_t &plan);

    /** Access the active channel plan
     * Used to get active channel plan.
     * @param plan          a reference to application provided channel plan structure
     *                      which gets filled in with active channel plan data.
     * @param channel_list  pointer to structure containing channel information
     * @return              LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if everything goes well otherwise
     *                      a negative error code is returned.
    lorawan_status_t get_plan(lorawan_channelplan_t &plan, const channel_params_t *channel_list);

    /** Remove the active channel plan
     * Drops the whole channel list except the 'Default Channels' ofcourse.
     * @return        LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if everything goes well otherwise
     *                a negative error code is returned.
    lorawan_status_t remove_plan();

    /** Remove a single channel from the plan
     * @param id    the channel id which needs to be removed
     * @return      LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if everything goes well otherwise
     *              a negative error code is returned.
    lorawan_status_t remove_single_channel(uint8_t id);


     * Local handles
    LoRaPHY *_lora_phy;