mbed-os / features / lorawan / lorastack / mac / LoRaMacCommand.h
@Hasnain Virk Hasnain Virk on 10 Jan 2019 7 KB Doxygen corrections
 * \file      LoRaMacCommand.h
 * \brief     LoRa MAC layer implementation
 * \copyright Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
 * \code
 *                ______                              _
 *               / _____)             _              | |
 *              ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
 *               \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
 *               _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
 *              (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
 *              (C)2013 Semtech
 *               ___ _____ _   ___ _  _____ ___  ___  ___ ___
 *              / __|_   _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
 *              \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) |   / (__| _|
 *              |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
 * \endcode
 * \author    Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
 * \author    Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
 * \author    Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
 * \defgroup  LORAMAC LoRa MAC layer implementation
 *            This module specifies the API implementation of the LoRaMAC layer.
 *            This is a placeholder for a detailed description of the LoRaMac
 *            layer and the supported features.
 * Copyright (c) 2017, Arm Limited and affiliates.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#include <stdint.h>
#include "system/lorawan_data_structures.h"
#include "lorastack/phy/LoRaPHY.h"

 * Maximum MAC commands buffer size
#define LORA_MAC_COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH                 128

class LoRaMac;

/** LoRaMacCommand Class
 * Helper class for LoRaMac layer to handle any MAC commands
class LoRaMacCommand {


     * @brief Clear MAC command buffer.
    void clear_command_buffer(void);

     * @brief Get the length of MAC commands
     * @return status    Length of used MAC buffer (bytes)
    uint8_t get_mac_cmd_length() const;

     * @brief Get MAC command buffer
     * @return    Pointer to MAC command buffer
    uint8_t *get_mac_commands_buffer();

     * @brief Parses the MAC commands which must be re-sent.
    void parse_mac_commands_to_repeat();

     * @brief Clear  MAC command repeat buffer.
    void clear_repeat_buffer();

     * @brief Copy MAC commands from repeat buffer to actual MAC command buffer.
    void copy_repeat_commands_to_buffer();

     * @brief Get the length of MAC commands in repeat buffer
     * @return status  Length of used MAC Repeat buffer (bytes)
    uint8_t get_repeat_commands_length() const;

     * @brief Clear sticky MAC commands.
    void clear_sticky_mac_cmd();

     * @brief Check if MAC command buffer contains sticky commands
     * @return status  True: buffer has sticky MAC commands in it, false: no sticky commands in buffer
    bool has_sticky_mac_cmd() const;

     * @brief Decodes MAC commands in the fOpts field and in the payload
     * @return status  Function status. LORAWAN_STATUS_OK if command successful.
    lorawan_status_t process_mac_commands(const uint8_t *payload, uint8_t mac_index,
                                          uint8_t commands_size, uint8_t snr,
                                          loramac_mlme_confirm_t &mlme_conf,
                                          lora_mac_system_params_t &mac_params,
                                          LoRaPHY &lora_phy);

     * @brief Adds a new LinkCheckReq MAC command to be sent.
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_link_check_req();

     * @brief Set battery level query callback method
     *        If callback is not set, BAT_LEVEL_NO_MEASURE is returned.
    void set_batterylevel_callback(mbed::Callback<uint8_t(void)> battery_level);

     * @brief Get the remaining size of the MAC command buffer
     * @return      Remaining free space in buffer (bytes).
    int32_t cmd_buffer_remaining() const;

     * @brief Adds a new LinkAdrAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @param [in] status Status bits
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_link_adr_ans(uint8_t status);

     * @brief Adds a new DutyCycleAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_duty_cycle_ans();

     * @brief Adds a new RXParamSetupAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @param [in] status Status bits
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_rx_param_setup_ans(uint8_t status);

     * @brief Adds a new DevStatusAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @param [in] battery  Battery level
     * @param [in] margin   Demodulation signal-to-noise ratio (dB)
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_dev_status_ans(uint8_t battery, uint8_t margin);

     * @brief Adds a new NewChannelAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @param [in] status Status bits
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_new_channel_ans(uint8_t status);

     * @brief Adds a new RXTimingSetupAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_rx_timing_setup_ans();

     * @brief Adds a new TXParamSetupAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_tx_param_setup_ans();

     * @brief Adds a new DlChannelAns MAC command to be sent.
     * @param [in] status Status bits
     * @return status  Function status: LORAWAN_STATUS_OK: OK,
     *                                  LORAWAN_STATUS_LENGTH_ERROR: Buffer full
    lorawan_status_t add_dl_channel_ans(uint8_t status);

      * Indicates if there are any pending sticky MAC commands
    bool sticky_mac_cmd;

     * Contains the current Mac command buffer index in 'mac_cmd_buffer'
    uint8_t mac_cmd_buf_idx;

     * Contains the current Mac command buffer index for MAC commands to repeat in
     * 'mac_cmd_buffer_to_repeat'
    uint8_t mac_cmd_buf_idx_to_repeat;

     * Buffer containing the MAC layer commands
    uint8_t mac_cmd_buffer[LORA_MAC_COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH];

     * Buffer containing the MAC layer commands which must be repeated
    uint8_t mac_cmd_buffer_to_repeat[LORA_MAC_COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH];

    mbed::Callback<uint8_t(void)> _battery_level_cb;