mbed-os / features / FEATURE_BLE / targets / TARGET_CORDIO_LL / stack / controller / include / ble / ll_init_api.h
@Paul Szczeanek Paul Szczeanek on 2 Jul 2020 3 KB switch to 5.1 api
 *  \file
 *  \brief  LL initialization implementation file.
 *  Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
 *  Initialization conditional compilation are used to control LL initialization options.
 *  Define one or more of the following to enable roles and features.
 *    - INIT_BROADCASTER (default)
 *    - BT_VER
 *  \note   Each feature may require additional \ref LlRtCfg_t requirements.

#ifndef LL_INIT_API_H
#define LL_INIT_API_H

#include "wsf_types.h"
#include "bb_api.h"
#include "ll_api.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 *  \addtogroup LL_INIT_API
 *  \{


/*! \brief  Initialize broadcaster feature. */

#ifndef BT_VER
/*! \brief  Initialize default BT version. */
#define BT_VER        LL_VER_BT_CORE_SPEC_5_1

  Data Types

/*! \brief      Runtime configuration parameters. */
typedef struct
  const BbRtCfg_t   *pBbRtCfg;      /*!< BB runtime configuration. */
  const uint8_t     wlSizeCfg;      /*!< Whitelist size configuration. */
  const uint8_t     rlSizeCfg;      /*!< Resolving list size configuration. */
  const uint8_t     plSizeCfg;      /*!< Periodic list size configuration. */
  const LlRtCfg_t   *pLlRtCfg;      /*!< LL runtime configuration. */
  uint8_t           *pFreeMem;      /*!< Pointer to free memory, returns adjusted location of free memory. */
  uint32_t          freeMemAvail;   /*!< Amount of free memory available, returns adjusted amount of free memory. */
} LlInitRtCfg_t;

  Functions Declarations

/* System initializers. */
uint32_t LlInit(LlInitRtCfg_t *pCfg);
uint32_t LlInitControllerInit(LlInitRtCfg_t *pCfg);

/* Intermediate initializers. */
uint32_t LlInitSetBbRtCfg(const BbRtCfg_t *pBbRtCfg, const uint8_t wlSizeCfg, const uint8_t rlSizeCfg,
                          const uint8_t plSizeCfg, uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemAvail);
uint32_t LlInitSetLlRtCfg(const LlRtCfg_t *pLlRtCfg, uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemAvail);
void LlInitBbInit(void);
void LlInitSchInit(void);
void LlInitLlInit(void);
void LlInitChciTrInit(uint16_t maxAclLen, uint16_t maxIsoLen);
void LlInitLhciInit(void);
void LlMathSetSeed(const uint32_t *pSeed);
void LlInitLhciHandler(void);

/*! \} */    /* LL_INIT_API */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* LL_INIT_API_H */