mbed-os / features / FEATURE_BLE / targets / TARGET_CORDIO_LL / stack / controller / sources / ble / lctr / lctr_main_enc_slave.c
@Paul Szczeanek Paul Szczeanek on 2 Jul 2020 5 KB update cordio LL files to 20.05r
 *  \file
 *  \brief  Link layer controller slave encryption implementation file.
 *  Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#include "lctr_int_conn.h"
#include "lctr_int_conn_slave.h"
#include "lctr_int_enc_slave.h"
#include "lmgr_api.h"
#include "wsf_assert.h"
#include "wsf_trace.h"

 *  \brief      Process a received data channel PDU in slave role.
 *  \param      pCtx    Connection context.
 *  \param      pBuf    PDU buffer.
static void lctrSlvEncProcessDataPdu(lctrConnCtx_t *pCtx, uint8_t *pBuf)
  if (pCtx->enabled)
    uint8_t ctrlResult, encResult;

    if (((ctrlResult = lctrDecodeCtrlPdu(&lctrDataPdu, pBuf, pCtx->role)) == LL_SUCCESS) ||
        ((encResult = lctrDecodeEncPdu(&lctrDataPdu, pBuf, pCtx->role)) == LL_SUCCESS))
      if ((llTesterCb.rxLlcpFilter & (1 << lctrDataPdu.opcode)) != 0)
      lctrSlvConnExecuteSm(pCtx, LCTR_CONN_MSG_RX_LLCP);
    else if ((ctrlResult == LL_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_LMP_PARAMS) ||
             (encResult == LL_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_LMP_PARAMS))
      lctrSlvConnExecuteSm(pCtx, LCTR_CONN_MSG_RX_LLCP_INVALID_PARAM);
      lctrSlvConnExecuteSm(pCtx, LCTR_CONN_MSG_RX_LLCP_UNKNOWN);

 *  \brief      Initialize link layer controller resources for connectable encrypted slave.
void LctrSlvConnEncInit(void)
  /* Add LLCP SM handler. */
  lctrSlvLlcpSmTbl[LCTR_LLCP_SM_ENCRYPT] = lctrSlvExecuteEncryptSm;
  lctrSlvLlcpSmTbl[LCTR_LLCP_SM_PING]    = lctrExecutePingSm;

  /* Add control PDU handler. */
  if (!lctrCtrlPduHdlr)
    lctrCtrlPduHdlr = lctrSlvEncProcessDataPdu;

  /* Add packet encryption handlers. */
  lctrInitCipherBlkHdlr = PalCryptoAesEnable;
  lctrPktEncryptHdlr = PalCryptoAesCcmEncrypt;
  lctrSetEncryptPktCountHdlr = PalCryptoSetEncryptPacketCount;
  lctrPktDecryptHdlr = PalCryptoAesCcmDecrypt;
  lctrSetDecryptPktCountHdlr = PalCryptoSetDecryptPacketCount;

  /* Set supported features. */
  lmgrPersistCb.featuresDefault |= LL_FEAT_ENCRYPTION;
  if (pLctrRtCfg->btVer >= LL_VER_BT_CORE_SPEC_4_1)
    lmgrPersistCb.featuresDefault |= LL_FEAT_LE_PING;


 *  \brief  Set a new authentication payload timeout.
 *  \param  handle      Connection handle.
 *  \return Timeout value in milliseconds.
uint32_t LctrGetAuthPayloadTimeout(uint16_t handle)
  lctrConnCtx_t *pCtx = LCTR_GET_CONN_CTX(handle);

  return pCtx->authTimeoutMs;

 *  \brief  Set a new authentication payload timeout.
 *  \param  handle      Connection handle.
 *  \param  timeoutMs   New timeout value in milliseconds.
 *  \return TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
bool_t LctrSetAuthPayloadTimeout(uint16_t handle, uint32_t timeoutMs)
  lctrConnCtx_t *pCtx = LCTR_GET_CONN_CTX(handle);

  uint32_t pingPeriodMs = lctrCalcPingPeriodMs(pCtx, timeoutMs);

  /* Check parameters. */
  if (pingPeriodMs == timeoutMs)
    LL_TRACE_WARN1("!!! Impractical authentication payload timeoutMs=%u for given connection interval", timeoutMs);
    return FALSE;

  /* Modify operating parameters. */
  pCtx->authTimeoutMs = timeoutMs;
  pCtx->pingPeriodMs  = pingPeriodMs;

  /* Encryption started? */
  if (pCtx->bleData.chan.enc.enaDecrypt)
    /* Reset authentication payload timer. */
    WsfTimerStartMs(&pCtx->tmrAuthTimeout, pCtx->authTimeoutMs);
    WsfTimerStartMs(&pCtx->tmrPingTimeout, pCtx->pingPeriodMs);

  return TRUE;