Make ticker computation use shift-by-0
Runtime code that analysed clock frequency to determine numerator and
denominator for conversion to standard 1MHz failed to handle the case
of either being 1 correctly.

Although it would spot other values that could be performed as shifts,
it failed to spot that 1 is "shift by 0", so would end up doing runtime
multiply and/or divide by 1. The runtime divide by 1 could be slow on a
Cortex-M0 device, increasing interrupt latency.

UART character loss on STM32F0 devices has been traced to this incorrect

Correct the `exact_log2` routine so that `exact_log2(1)` returns 0 to
fix this.

Original code had a single special no-multiply-or-divide case for
hardware clock frequency being exactly 1MHz, as USTICKER is on STM32F0 -
this code lacks that but has a more general special case that covers all
shift-convertible frequencies like 500kHz or 8MHz, which should be
similar speed as shifts are cheap.
1 parent 35b8e55 commit 904d4e4d2baa5128a0b0466a9f7c4927b4e68fa4
@Kevin Bracey Kevin Bracey authored on 12 Apr 2021
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