Make location meaningful in print_error_report
`handle_error` calls `MBED_CALLER_ADDR()`, but this is always a location from within platform/mbed_error.c. This is because `handle_error` is declared static. This does not cause the function to be inlined however. Instead, it is called by each function within mbed_error.c. For example, mbed_error yields this code:

000625c8 <mbed_error>:
   625c8:       b510            push    {r4, lr}
   625ca:       460c            mov     r4, r1
   625cc:       4611            mov     r1, r2
   625ce:       461a            mov     r2, r3
   625d0:       9b02            ldr     r3, [sp, #8]
   625d2:       f7ff feff       bl      623d4 <handle_error>
   625d6:       b968            cbnz    r0, 625f4 <mbed_error+0x2c>
   625d8:       4620            mov     r0, r4
   625da:       f7ff ff67       bl      624ac <print_error_report.constprop.0>
   625de:       f7ff fea8       bl      62332 <core_util_is_isr_active>
   625e2:       b910            cbnz    r0, 625ea <mbed_error+0x22>
   625e4:       f7ff fe9f       bl      62326 <core_util_are_interrupts_enabled>
   625e8:       b908            cbnz    r0, 625ee <mbed_error+0x26>
   625ea:       bf30            wfi
   625ec:       e7fd            b.n     625ea <mbed_error+0x22>
   625ee:       2001            movs    r0, #1
   625f0:       f000 f948       bl      62884 <__wrap_exit>
   625f4:       4800            ldr     r0, [pc, #0]    ; (625f8 <mbed_error+0x30>)
   625f6:       bd10            pop     {r4, pc}
   625f8:       80ff010f        .word   0x80ff010f

Note that at `625d2` there is a bl to handle error. That replaces the LR, which means that ALL calls to mbed_error will report a location of 0x625d6 or 0x625d7 (user vs. supervisor). I do not expect that this was the intention of the code. The simplest fix is to change line 99:

static inline mbed_error_status_t handle_error(mbed_error_status_t error_status, unsigned int error_value, const char *filename, int line_number)

Since `handle_error()` will be inlined, the link register will be kept the same, so `MBED_CALLER_ADDR()` will yield the expected result. However, there is no guarantee that the compiler will respect the `inline` keyword in all circumstances.

The result is that each function that wishes to report its caller must extract its caller. This code cannot be centralised.

I have modified `mbed_error.c` to report the caller of each error reporting function, rather than the error reporting function itself.
1 parent b170e1c commit 96fbd02f8ce8604011773c7cae29670bdbc013b5
@Brendan Moran Brendan Moran authored on 26 Jul 2018
GitHub committed on 26 Jul 2018
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