NewLang / tests / parse /
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
# Copyright 2022 Jookia <>

from hypothesis.strategies import composite

from src.ast_types import Reference
from src.parse import ParseContext, ParseError, ParseErrorException, ParseTask, Parser
from tests.parse.templates import template_parse_valid, template_parse_invalid
from tests.test_token import draw_token_known, draw_token_unknown

# Draws tokens to make a reference
def draw_token_reference_valid(draw):
    token = draw(draw_token_unknown())
    return ([token], Reference(token.value))

# Tests parse_reference works correctly
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - The resulting reference has the token's value
# template_parse_valid provides general parsing properties
@template_parse_valid(Parser().parse_reference, draw_token_reference_valid())
def test_parse_reference_valid():

# Tests parsing a reference with a reserved name errors
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - Error if a keyword or literal is encountered
# - Have ParseError.RESERVED_NAME as the exception code
def test_parse_note_invalid_extrastartnote(draw, parent_context):
    token = draw(draw_token_known())
    context = ParseContext(ParseTask.PARSE_REFERENCE, token, parent_context)
    error = ParseErrorException(ParseError.RESERVED_NAME, token, None, context)
    return ([token], error)

# Tests parsing of empty references
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - Error if there isn't a token
# - Have ParseError.NO_TOKEN as the exception code
def test_parse_reference_invalid_empty(draw, parent_context):
    context = ParseContext(ParseTask.PARSE_REFERENCE, None, parent_context)
    error = ParseErrorException(ParseError.NO_TOKEN, None, None, context)
    return ([], error)