NewLang / tests / parse2 /
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
# Copyright 2022 Jookia <>

# Clear notes syntax consists of the following:
# - One or more tokens or notes
# Parsing gives the following:
# All tokens that aren't notes
# The following error contexts are used:
# CLEAR_NOTES - Used when parsing the file
# The following parse errors are generated:
# FOUND_ENDNOTE - When a stray EndNote token is found

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import composite, just, lists, one_of

from newlang.parse2.parse import (
from newlang.parse2.token import TokenStream
from tests.parse2.templates import template_test_invalid
from tests.parse2.test_error import static_parse_context
from tests.parse2.test_note import (
from tests.parse2.test_token import static_token_by_value

# Draws a tokens of notes and non-notes and output without notes
def draw_notes_to_clear(draw):
    token_sets = draw(
        lists(one_of([lists(draw_note_value_token()), just(static_note_tokens())]))
    output = []
    tokens = []
    for set in token_sets:
        tokens += set
        if set != static_note_tokens():
            output += set
    return (tokens, output)

# Tests clear_notes filters out notes
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - Tokens that are part of note structures are removed
# template_test provides general parsing properties
def test_parse2_clear_notes_valid(test_data):
    (tokens, result) = test_data
    stream = TokenStream(tokens)
    cleared = clear_notes(stream, None)
    assert cleared == result

# Tests clear_notes passes through note errors
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - When an invalid note is parsed the error is propagated
# - Have ParseTask.CLEAR_NOTES as the context's parse task
def test_parse2_clear_notes_startnote_propagation():
    tokens = static_note_invalid()
    parent_context = static_parse_context()
    context = ParseContext(ParseTask.CLEAR_NOTES, tokens[0], parent_context)
    error = static_note_invalid_error(context)
    template_test_invalid(clear_notes, parent_context, tokens, error)

# Tests clear_notes errors when finding an EndNote
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - When EndNote is found a ParseError.FOUND_ENDNOTE error is raised
# - Have ParseTask.CLEAR_NOTES as the context's parse task
def test_parse2_clear_notes_invalid_endnote(tokens):
    token = static_token_by_value("EndNote")
    new_tokens = tokens + [token]
    parent_context = static_parse_context()
    context = ParseContext(ParseTask.CLEAR_NOTES, new_tokens[0], parent_context)
    error = ParseErrorException(ParseError.FOUND_ENDNOTE, token, None, context)
    template_test_invalid(clear_notes, parent_context, new_tokens, error)