NewLang / tests / parse2 /
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
# Copyright 2022 Jookia <>

import enum

from hypothesis import assume, given
from hypothesis.strategies import composite, integers, lists

from src.ast_types import Statement
from src.parse2.parse import (
from tests.parse2.templates import (
from tests.parse2.test_error import static_parse_context
from tests.parse2.test_token import (

# Values indicating what a parser did
class ParserMockAction(enum.Enum):

# Dummy Parser for testing statement parsing
# Return a static value of ParserMockACTION.PARSE_VALUE if a token starts with "TestValue"
# Otherwise throw an error of ParseMockAction.WRONG_VALUE
class ParserStatementMock(Parser):
    def parse_value(self, stream, context):
        token = read_token(stream, None, context)
        if token.value.startswith("TestValue"):
            return ParserMockAction.PARSE_VALUE
            raise ParseErrorException(
                ParserMockAction.WRONG_VALUE, token, None, context

# Creates a dummy parse function with a terminator specified by the last token
def make_test_parser(tokens):
    def parser(stream, context):
        if tokens == []:
            terminator = ""
            terminator = tokens[-1].value
        return ParserStatementMock().parse_statement(stream, context, terminator)

    return parser

# Draws a statement value with a somewhat random name
def draw_token_statement_value(draw):
    number = draw(integers())
    return static_token_by_value("TestValue" + str(number))

# Draws a statement name
def draw_token_statement_name(draw):
    return draw(draw_token_unknown())

# Draws a statement terminator
def draw_token_statement_terminator(draw):
    return draw(draw_token_random())

# Creates a context for a token in a statement
def make_test_context(parent_context, index, statement_token, token):
    statement_context = ParseContext(
        ParseTask.PARSE_STATEMENT, statement_token, parent_context
    if index == 0:
        context = ParseTask.PARSE_SUBJECT
    elif index == 1:
        context = ParseTask.PARSE_VERB
        context = ParseTask.PARSE_ARGUMENT
    context = ParseContext(context, token, statement_context)
    return context

# Creates a context using existing tokens
def make_test_context_tokens(parent_context, index, tokens):
    return make_test_context(parent_context, index, tokens[0], tokens[index])

# Draws a valid statement's tokens
def draw_token_statement(draw):
    values = draw(lists(draw_token_statement_value(), min_size=1))
    subject = values[0]
    verb = []
    if len(values) > 1:
        verb = [draw(draw_token_statement_name())]
    arguments = values[2:]
    terminator = draw(draw_token_statement_terminator())
    assume(terminator not in values)
    assume(terminator not in verb)
    tokens = [subject] + verb + arguments + [terminator]
    return tokens

# Draws a valid statement
def draw_token_statement_valid(draw):
    tokens = draw(draw_token_statement())
    subject = ParserMockAction.PARSE_VALUE
    verb = None
    # Account for the terminator
    if len(tokens) > 2:
        verb = tokens[1].value
    argument_count = len(tokens) - 3
    arguments = [ParserMockAction.PARSE_VALUE] * argument_count
    statement = Statement(subject, verb, arguments)
    return (tokens, statement)

# Draws a statement with an invalid subject or argument
def draw_token_statement_invalid_value(draw):
    tokens = draw(draw_token_statement())
    new_token = draw(draw_token_random())
    assume(not new_token.value.startswith("TestValue"))  # Not a value
    assume(new_token.value != tokens[-1].value)  # Not the terminator
    max_position = len(tokens) - 2  # Ignore Terminator
    position = draw(integers(min_value=0, max_value=max_position))
    assume(position != 1)  # Skip Verb
    new_tokens = tokens[:position] + [new_token] + tokens[position + 1 :]
    return (new_tokens, new_token, position)

# Tests parsing a valid statement
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - A value is read as the subject
# - Optionally, a name is read as the verb
# - Optionally, any number of arguments are read as values
# - A terminator is found afterwards
# template_test_valid provides general parsing properties
def test_parse2_statement_valid(valid_data):
    (tokens, expected) = valid_data
    parser = make_test_parser(tokens)
    template_test_valid(parser, tokens, expected)

# Tests parsing a statement without a terminator
# This also covers cases of premature truncation for verbs and arguments
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - Error reading a verb or argument
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_VERB or ParseTask.PARSE_ARGUMENT as the context's parse task
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_STATEMENT as the context's parse task's parent
# - Have ParseError.NO_TOKEN as the exception code
# template_test_invalid provides general parsing properties
def test_parse2_statement_invalid_no_terminator(tokens):
    truncated = tokens[:-1]
    parent_context = static_parse_context()
    context = make_test_context(parent_context, len(truncated), tokens[0], None)
    error = ParseErrorException(ParseError.NO_TOKEN, None, None, context)
    parser = make_test_parser(tokens)
    template_test_invalid(parser, parent_context, truncated, error)

# Tests parsing a statement with an invalid value
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - Error reading a invalid value on subject or argument
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_SUBJECT or ParseTask.PARSE_ARGUMENT as the context's parse task
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_STATEMENT as the context's parse task's parent
# - Have ParserMockAction.WRONG_VALUE as the exception code
# template_test_invalid provides general parsing properties
def test_parse2_statement_invalid_value(invalid):
    (new_tokens, new_value, position) = invalid
    parent_context = static_parse_context()
    context = make_test_context_tokens(parent_context, position, new_tokens)
    error = ParseErrorException(ParserMockAction.WRONG_VALUE, new_value, None, context)
    parser = make_test_parser(new_tokens)
    template_test_invalid(parser, parent_context, new_tokens, error)

# Tests parsing a statement with an invalid verb
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - Error reading a known token as a verb
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_VERB as the context's parse task
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_STATEMENT as the context's parse task's parent
# - Have ParseError.RESERVED_NAME as the exception code
# template_test_invalid provides general parsing properties
@given(draw_token_statement(), draw_token_known())
def test_parse2_statement_invalid_verb(tokens, new_token):
    assume(new_token.value != tokens[-1].value)
    new_tokens = tokens[:1] + [new_token] + tokens[1:]
    parent_context = static_parse_context()
    context = make_test_context_tokens(parent_context, 1, new_tokens)
    error = ParseErrorException(ParseError.RESERVED_NAME, new_token, None, context)
    parser = make_test_parser(new_tokens)
    template_test_invalid(parser, parent_context, new_tokens, error)

# Tests parsing an empty statement
# We expect the following behaviour:
# - Error reading an empty statement
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_SUBJECT as the context's parse task
# - Have ParseTask.PARSE_STATEMENT as the context's parse task's parent
# - Have ParserError.NO_TOKEN as the exception code
# template_test_invalid provides general parsing properties
def test_parse2_statement_invalid_empty():
    tokens = []
    parent_context = static_parse_context()
    context = make_test_context(parent_context, 0, None, None)
    error = ParseErrorException(ParseError.NO_TOKEN, None, None, context)
    parser = make_test_parser(tokens)
    template_test_invalid(parser, parent_context, tokens, error)