#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Copyright (c) 2023 John Watts and the LuminaSensum contributors import sys # This is a fairly basic compiler for a simple programming language # It is split to three phases: # Parsing (AST and parse sections) # IR (IR and IR generator sections) # Register allocation # Output (Bytecode section) ## AST class ASTNumber(): def __init__(self, number): self.number = number def __repr__(self): return 'ASTNumber(number=%i)' % (self.number) class ASTBoolean(): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __repr__(self): return 'ASTBoolean(value=%s)' % (self.value) class ASTReference(): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def __repr__(self): return 'ASTReference(name="%s")' % (self.name) class ASTCall(): def __init__(self, subject, verb, args): self.subject = subject self.verb = verb self.args = args def __repr__(self): return '\n\t\tASTCall(subject=%s, verb="%s", args=%s)' % (self.subject, self.verb, self.args) class ASTSet(): def __init__(self, name, command): self.name = name self.command = command def __repr__(self): return '\n\tASTSet(name="%s", command=%s)' % (self.name, self.command) class ASTReturn(): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __repr__(self): return '\n\tASTReturn(value=%s)' % (self.value) class ASTFunction(): def __init__(self, name, args, statements): self.name = name self.args = args self.statements = statements def __repr__(self): return 'ASTFunction(name="%s", args="%s", statements=%s)' % (self.name, self.args, self.statements) ## Parser def tokenize(code): line = [] lines = [] tok = "" for c in code.strip(): if c == ' ': line.append(tok) tok = "" elif c == '\n': line.append(tok) lines.append(line) line = [] tok = "" else: tok += c line.append(tok) lines.append(line) return lines def parse_value(val): if val[0].isdigit(): return ASTNumber(int(val)) elif val == "True": return ASTBoolean(True) elif val == "False": return ASTBoolean(False) else: return ASTReference(val) def parse_call(line, offset): cut = line[offset-1:] if len(cut) < 1: print("not a call? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return None subject = parse_value(cut[0]) if not subject: print("not a subject? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return None verb = None if len(cut) > 1: verb = cut[1] args = [] for arg in cut[2:]: val = parse_value(arg) if not val: print("not a arg value? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return None args.append(val) return ASTCall(subject, verb, args) def parse_set(line): if len(line) < 4 or line[0] != "Set" or line[2] != "To": print("not a set? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return None call = parse_call(line, 4) if not call: return None return ASTSet(line[1], call) def parse_return(line): if len(line) != 2 or line[0] != "Return": print("not a return? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return None value = parse_value(line[1]) if not value: print("not a return value? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return None return ASTReturn(value) def parse_statement(lines): line = lines[0] instr = line[0] statement = None if instr == "Set": statement = parse_set(line) elif instr == "Return": statement = parse_return(line) else: print("not a statement? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return (statement, lines[1:]) if statement: return (statement, lines[1:]) else: return (None, []) def parse_function(lines): line = lines[0] lines = lines[1:] if line[0] != "Function": print("not a function? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return (None, []) name = line[1] statements = [] if len(line) != 2: # we have args if len(line) < 4 or line[2] != "Args": print("no function args? line: %s" % (' '.join(line))) return (None, []) args = line[3:] else: args = [] while len(lines) != 0: first_word = lines[0][0] if first_word == "EndFunction": lines = lines[1:] break (statement, lines) = parse_statement(lines) if statement == None: return (None, []) else: statements.append(statement) func = ASTFunction(name, args, statements) return (func, lines) def parse_toplevel(lines): ast = [] while len(lines) != 0: (func, lines) = parse_function(lines) if func == None: return None else: ast.append(func) return ast ## IR class IRNumber(): def __init__(self, number): self.number = number def __repr__(self): return 'IRNumber(number=%i)' % (self.number) class IRBoolean(): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __repr__(self): return 'IRBoolean(value=%s)' % (self.value) class IRAllocate(): def __init__(self, size): self.size = size def __repr__(self): return 'IRAllocate(size=%i)' % (self.size) class IRDrop(): def __init__(self, size): self.size = size def __repr__(self): return 'IRDrop(number=%i)' % (self.size) class IRSelf(): def __repr__(self): return 'IRSelf' class IRLoad(): def __init__(self, variable): self.variable = variable def __repr__(self): return 'IRLoad(variable=%s)' % (self.variable) class IRStore(): def __init__(self, variable): self.variable = variable def __repr__(self): return 'IRStore(variable=%s)' % (self.variable) class IRCall(): def __init__(self, name, args): self.name = name self.args = args def __repr__(self): return 'IRCall(name="%s", args=%i)' % (self.name, self.args) class IRReturn(): def __repr__(self): return 'IRReturn()' class IRFunction(): def __init__(self, name, args, statements): self.name = name self.args = args self.statements = statements def __repr__(self): return 'IRFunction(name="%s", args=%s, statements=%s)' % (self.name, self.args, self.statements) class IRDepthCheck(): def __init__(self, depth): self.depth = depth def __repr__(self): return 'IRDepthCheck(depth=%i)' % (self.depth) ## IR Generator def generate_ir_value(value): if isinstance(value, ASTNumber): return [IRNumber(value.number)] elif isinstance(value, ASTBoolean): return [IRBoolean(value.value)] elif isinstance(value, ASTReference): if value.name == "Self": return [IRSelf()] else: return [IRLoad(value.name)] else: print("Unknown value ast node: %s" % (node)) return None def generate_ir_call(ast): final_ir = [] subject_ir = generate_ir_value(ast.subject) if not subject_ir: print("Unknown subject ast node: %s" % (node)) return None if not ast.verb: return subject_ir args_ir = [] for arg in ast.args: arg_ir = generate_ir_value(arg) if not arg_ir: print("Unknown arg ast node: %s" % (arg)) return None args_ir = args_ir + arg_ir args_count = len(ast.args) alloc_ir = [IRAllocate(1)] call_ir = [IRCall(ast.verb, args_count)] final_ir = final_ir + alloc_ir final_ir = final_ir + args_ir final_ir = final_ir + subject_ir final_ir = final_ir + call_ir return final_ir def generate_ir_set(ast): command = ast.command sub_ir = generate_ir_call(command) if not sub_ir: print("Unknown set ast node: %s" % (node)) return None store = IRStore(ast.name) return sub_ir + [store] def generate_ir_return(ast): value_ir = generate_ir_value(ast.value) if not value_ir: print("Unknown return ast node: %s" % (node)) return None store_ret = IRStore("Return") ret = IRReturn() return value_ir + [store_ret, ret] def generate_ir_function(ast): name = ast.name ir = [] for node in ast.statements: sub_ir = None if isinstance(node, ASTSet): sub_ir = generate_ir_set(node) elif isinstance(node, ASTReturn): sub_ir = generate_ir_return(node) if not sub_ir: print("Unknown statement ast node: %s" % (node)) return None ir = ir + sub_ir return IRFunction(name, ast.args, ir) def generate_ir(ast): ir = [] for node in ast: sub_ir = None if isinstance(node, ASTFunction): sub_ir = generate_ir_function(node) if not sub_ir: print("Unknown ast node: %s" % (node)) return None ir.append(sub_ir) return ir ## Register allocation # Register allocation here is very simple: Each variable gets one stack slot # No further analysis is done to optimize use of the stack def find_variables(ir): vars = {'Return': 0} var_count = 0 for arg in ir.args: var_count += 1 vars[arg] = var_count for node in ir.statements: if isinstance(node, IRStore): var = node.variable if var not in vars: var_count += 1 vars[var] = var_count elif isinstance(node, IRLoad): var = node.variable if var not in vars: print("Unset variable: %s" % (var)) return None return vars def replace_variables(ir, variables): new_ir = [] vars_args = len(ir.args) + 1 # Include Return vars_local = len(variables) - vars_args vars_all = vars_args + vars_local vars_cleanup = vars_all - 1 # Retain Return new_ir.append(IRDepthCheck(vars_args)) if vars_local != 0: new_ir.append(IRAllocate(vars_local)) for node in ir.statements: if isinstance(node, IRLoad): reg = variables[node.variable] new_ir.append(IRLoad(reg)) elif isinstance(node, IRStore): reg = variables[node.variable] new_ir.append(IRStore(reg)) continue elif isinstance(node, IRCall): new_ir.append(node) # Include Return and function call return new_ir.append(IRDepthCheck(vars_all + 1)) continue elif isinstance(node, IRReturn): if vars_cleanup != 0: new_ir.append(IRDrop(vars_cleanup)) new_ir.append(IRReturn()) else: new_ir.append(node) return new_ir def registers_allocate_func(ir): registers = find_variables(ir) if not registers: return None new_ir = replace_variables(ir, registers) name = ir.name args = ir.args return IRFunction(name, args, new_ir) def registers_allocate(ir): new_ir = [] for node in ir: sub_ir = None if isinstance(node, IRFunction): sub_ir = registers_allocate_func(node) if not sub_ir: return None new_ir.append(sub_ir) return new_ir ## Bytecode generation def generate_bytecode_function(ir): bytes = b"" output = "" for node in ir.statements: output += "\t// " + str(node) + "\n\t" if isinstance(node, IRNumber): bytes += b"\x01" # OP_NUM bytes += node.number.to_bytes(4, 'little') elif isinstance(node, IRBoolean): bool_value = int(node.value == 1) bytes += b"\x0B" # OP_BOOLEAN bytes += bool_value.to_bytes(1, 'little') elif isinstance(node, IRAllocate): for i in range(0, node.size): bytes += b"\x05" # OP_NULL elif isinstance(node, IRDrop): bytes += b"\x08" # OP_DROP bytes += node.size.to_bytes(1) elif isinstance(node, IRLoad): index = int(node.variable) bytes += b"\x06" # OP_GET bytes += index.to_bytes(1) elif isinstance(node, IRStore): index = int(node.variable) bytes += b"\x07" # OP_SET bytes += index.to_bytes(1) elif isinstance(node, IRCall): bytes += b"\x04" # OP_CALL bytes += (node.args + 1).to_bytes(1) bytes += node.name.encode('utf-8') bytes += b"\x00" # NULL terminator elif isinstance(node, IRReturn): bytes += b"\x03" # OP_RET elif isinstance(node, IRDepthCheck): depth = int(node.depth) bytes += b"\x09" # OP_DEPTH_CHECK bytes += depth.to_bytes(1) elif isinstance(node, IRSelf): bytes += b"\x0A" # OP_SELF else: print("Unknown bytecode node: %s" % (node)) return None for b in bytes: output += "0x%02x, " % (b) bytes = b"" output += "\n" #bytes += b"\x00" # OP_END return output ## C file output def generate_header(ir, source): header = "/* Autogenerated by compile.py.\n\n" header += source header += "*/\n\n" includes = [ '"bytecode.h"', '"error.h"', '"object.h"', '"vm.h"', '<stddef.h>', ] for i in includes: header += "#include %s\n" % i header += """ static struct object_class module_class; Object module_create(void) { Object obj = object_create(&module_class, 1); abort_if(!obj, "unable to allocate module"); return obj; } static void module_cleanup(Object obj) { (void)obj; } static void module_call(VmState state, Object obj, void *priv) { bytecode_run(state, obj, (const unsigned char *)priv); }\n\n""" return header def generate_footer(verbs): footer = """static struct object_call calls[] = {\n""" for verb in verbs: footer += "\t" + verb + "\n" footer += "\t{.name = NULL, /* end */}\n};" footer += """\n static struct object_class module_class = { .cleanup = module_cleanup, .calls = &calls[0], };""" return footer def generate_bytecode(node): bytes = generate_bytecode_function(node) if bytes is None: print("Unknown bytecode node: %s" % (node)) return None output = "static const unsigned char " output += "bytecode_%s [] = {\n" % (node.name) output += bytes output += "};\n\n" return output def generate_call(node): call = '{.name = "%s", .handler = module_call, ' % (node.name) call += '\n\t\t.priv = (void *)bytecode_%s},' % (node.name) return call def generate_c_file(ir, source): output = generate_header(ir, source) verbs = [] for node in ir: next = None if isinstance(node, IRFunction): next = generate_bytecode(node) verbs.append(generate_call(node)) if next is None: print("Can't generate node: %s" % (node)) return None output += next footer = generate_footer(verbs) if footer is None: print("Can't generate footer") return None output += footer return output ## Main wrapper def compile(code): lines = tokenize(code) if not lines: return None ast = parse_toplevel(lines) if not ast: return None ir = generate_ir(ast) if not ir: return None ir_reg = registers_allocate(ir) if not ir_reg: return None c_code = generate_c_file(ir_reg, code) if not c_code: return None return c_code if __name__ == "__main__": input = open(sys.argv[1], "r") output = open(sys.argv[2], "w") code = input.read() c_code = compile(code) output.write(c_code) input.close() output.close()