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How to erase the QSPI flash

If you wish to entirely erase the QSPI flash of the discovery kit, (e.g: for repurposing it), while the software is not in USB storage mode, press the user button twice. It will proceed to unmount the file system created on the flash, and then proceed with the erasing procedure. This usually takes a few minutes, so please be patient.

Once it is done, the system will deinitialize the block device and halt. You can then flash another program on the internal flash of the discovery kit.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If you reset the board in the midle of the erase procedure, it will recreate a new file system, as per the behavior of Tardis
  • The same applies if the procedure was completed.
  • This procedure is permanent and currently doesn't propose to cancel the action in any way. Please be sure that you really wish to do this!