arm-trusted-firmware / bl1 / aarch64 / bl1_context_mgmt.c
@John Powell John Powell on 3 Apr 2020 2 KB Fix MISRA C issues in BL1/BL2/BL31
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2020, ARM Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#include <assert.h>

#include <arch_helpers.h>
#include <context.h>
#include <common/debug.h>
#include <lib/el3_runtime/context_mgmt.h>
#include <plat/common/platform.h>

#include "../bl1_private.h"

 * Following array will be used for context management.
 * There are 2 instances, for the Secure and Non-Secure contexts.
static cpu_context_t bl1_cpu_context[2];

/* Following contains the cpu context pointers. */
static void *bl1_cpu_context_ptr[2];

void *cm_get_context(uint32_t security_state)
	return bl1_cpu_context_ptr[security_state];

void cm_set_context(void *context, uint32_t security_state)
	bl1_cpu_context_ptr[security_state] = context;

 * This function prepares the context for Secure/Normal world images.
 * Normal world images are transitioned to EL2(if supported) else EL1.
void bl1_prepare_next_image(unsigned int image_id)
	unsigned int security_state, mode = MODE_EL1;
	image_desc_t *desc;
	entry_point_info_t *next_bl_ep;

	 * Ensure that the build flag to save AArch32 system registers in CPU
	 * context is not set for AArch64-only platforms.
	if (el_implemented(1) == EL_IMPL_A64ONLY) {
		ERROR("EL1 supports AArch64-only. Please set build flag "
				"CTX_INCLUDE_AARCH32_REGS = 0\n");

	/* Get the image descriptor. */
	desc = bl1_plat_get_image_desc(image_id);
	assert(desc != NULL);

	/* Get the entry point info. */
	next_bl_ep = &desc->ep_info;

	/* Get the image security state. */
	security_state = GET_SECURITY_STATE(next_bl_ep->h.attr);

	/* Setup the Secure/Non-Secure context if not done already. */
	if (cm_get_context(security_state) == NULL)
		cm_set_context(&bl1_cpu_context[security_state], security_state);

	/* Prepare the SPSR for the next BL image. */
	if ((security_state != SECURE) && (el_implemented(2) != EL_IMPL_NONE)) {
		mode = MODE_EL2;

	next_bl_ep->spsr = (uint32_t)SPSR_64(mode, MODE_SP_ELX,

	/* Allow platform to make change */
	bl1_plat_set_ep_info(image_id, next_bl_ep);

	/* Prepare the context for the next BL image. */

	/* Indicate that image is in execution state. */
	desc->state = IMAGE_STATE_EXECUTED;
