arm-trusted-firmware / plat / arm / board / fvp / fdts / fvp_tb_fw_config.dts
 * Copyright (c) 2020, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


/ {
	tb_fw-config {
		compatible = "arm,tb_fw";

		/* Disable authentication for development */
		disable_auth = <0x0>;

		 * The following two entries are placeholders for Mbed TLS
		 * heap information. The default values don't matter since
		 * they will be overwritten by BL1.
		 * In case of having shared Mbed TLS heap between BL1 and BL2,
		 * BL1 will populate these two properties with the respective
		 * info about the shared heap. This info will be available for
		 * BL2 in order to locate and re-use the heap.
		mbedtls_heap_addr = <0x0 0x0>;
		mbedtls_heap_size = <0x0>;

		/* BL2 image hash calculated by BL1 */
		bl2_hash_data = [
			00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
#if BL2_HASH_SIZE > 32
			00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
#if BL2_HASH_SIZE > 48
			00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
#endif /* > 48 */
#endif /* > 32 */
			00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00];
#endif /* MEASURED_BOOT */

	 * UUID's here are UUID RFC 4122 compliant meaning fieds are stored in
	 * network order (big endian)

	arm-io_policies {
		fip-handles {
			compatible = "arm,io-fip-handle";
			scp_bl2_uuid = <0x9766fd3d 0x89bee849 0xae5d78a1 0x40608213>;
			bl31_uuid = <0x47d4086d 0x4cfe9846 0x9b952950 0xcbbd5a00>;
			bl32_uuid = <0x05d0e189 0x53dc1347 0x8d2b500a 0x4b7a3e38>;
			bl32_extra1_uuid = <0x0b70c28b 0x2a5a7840 0x9f650a56 0x82738288>;
			bl32_extra2_uuid = <0x8ea87bb1 0xcfa23f4d 0x85fde7bb 0xa50220d9>;
			bl33_uuid = <0xd6d0eea7 0xfcead54b 0x97829934 0xf234b6e4>;
			hw_cfg_uuid = <0x08b8f1d9 0xc9cf9349 0xa9626fbc 0x6b7265cc>;
			soc_fw_cfg_uuid = <0x9979814b 0x0376fb46 0x8c8e8d26 0x7f7859e0>;
			tos_fw_cfg_uuid = <0x26257c1a 0xdbc67f47 0x8d96c4c4 0xb0248021>;
			nt_fw_cfg_uuid = <0x28da9815 0x93e87e44 0xac661aaf 0x801550f9>;
			t_key_cert_uuid = <0x827ee890 0xf860e411 0xa1b477a7 0x21b4f94c>;
			scp_fw_key_uuid = <0x024221a1 0xf860e411 0x8d9bf33c 0x0e15a014>;
			soc_fw_key_uuid = <0x8ab8becc 0xf960e411 0x9ad0eb48 0x22d8dcf8>;
			tos_fw_key_cert_uuid = <0x9477d603 0xfb60e411 0x85ddb710 0x5b8cee04>;
			nt_fw_key_cert_uuid = <0x8ad5832a 0xfb60e411 0x8aafdf30 0xbbc49859>;
			scp_fw_content_cert_uuid = <0x44be6f04 0x5e63e411 0xb28b73d8 0xeaae9656>;
			soc_fw_content_cert_uuid = <0xe2b20c20 0x5e63e411 0x9ce8abcc 0xf92bb666>;
			tos_fw_content_cert_uuid = <0xa49f4411 0x5e63e411 0x87283f05 0x722af33d>;
			nt_fw_content_cert_uuid = <0x8ec4c1f3 0x5d63e411 0xa7a987ee 0x40b23fa7>;
			sp_content_cert_uuid = <0x776dfd44 0x86974c3b 0x91ebc13e 0x025a2a6f>;
#endif /* ARM_IO_IN_DTB */

	secure-partitions {
		compatible = "arm,sp";
		op-tee {
			uuid = <0x486178e0 0xe7f811e3 0xbc5e0002 0xa5d5c51b>;
			load-address = <0x6280000>;
		cactus-primary {
			uuid = <0xb4b5671e 0x4a904fe1 0xb81ffb13 0xdae1dacb>;
			load-address = <0x7000000>;
			owner = "SiP";

		cactus-secondary {
			uuid = <0xd1582309 0xf02347b9 0x827c4464 0xf5578fc8>;
			load-address = <0x7100000>;
			owner = "Plat";

		cactus-tertiary {
			uuid = <0x79b55c73 0x1d8c44b9 0x859361e1 0x770ad8d2>;
			load-address = <0x7200000>;

	#include "cot_descriptors.dtsi"



#include "../fvp_def.h"

&trusted_nv_counter {
	reg = <TFW_NVCTR_BASE>;

&non_trusted_nv_counter {
	reg = <NTFW_CTR_BASE>;