barebox / dts / Bindings / serial / fsl-mxs-auart.txt
* Freescale MXS Application UART (AUART)

Required properties:
- compatible : Should be "fsl,<soc>-auart". The supported SoCs include
  imx23 and imx28.
- reg : Address and length of the register set for the device
- interrupts : Should contain the auart interrupt numbers
- dmas: DMA specifier, consisting of a phandle to DMA controller node
  and AUART DMA channel ID.
  Refer to dma.txt and fsl-mxs-dma.txt for details.
- dma-names: "rx" for RX channel, "tx" for TX channel.

Optional properties:
- fsl,uart-has-rtscts : Indicate the UART has RTS and CTS lines,
	it also means you enable the DMA support for this UART.

auart0: serial@8006a000 {
	compatible = "fsl,imx28-auart", "fsl,imx23-auart";
	reg = <0x8006a000 0x2000>;
	interrupts = <112>;
	dmas = <&dma_apbx 8>, <&dma_apbx 9>;
	dma-names = "rx", "tx";

Note: Each auart port should have an alias correctly numbered in "aliases"


aliases {
	serial0 = &auart0;
	serial1 = &auart1;
	serial2 = &auart2;
	serial3 = &auart3;
	serial4 = &auart4;