barebox / dts / src / arm / imx6ul.dtsi
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 4 Feb 2016 20 KB dts: update to v4.5-rc1
 * Copyright 2015 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.

#include <dt-bindings/clock/imx6ul-clock.h>
#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
#include "imx6ul-pinfunc.h"
#include "skeleton.dtsi"

/ {
	aliases {
		ethernet0 = &fec1;
		ethernet1 = &fec2;
		gpio0 = &gpio1;
		gpio1 = &gpio2;
		gpio2 = &gpio3;
		gpio3 = &gpio4;
		gpio4 = &gpio5;
		i2c0 = &i2c1;
		i2c1 = &i2c2;
		i2c2 = &i2c3;
		i2c3 = &i2c4;
		mmc0 = &usdhc1;
		mmc1 = &usdhc2;
		serial0 = &uart1;
		serial1 = &uart2;
		serial2 = &uart3;
		serial3 = &uart4;
		serial4 = &uart5;
		serial5 = &uart6;
		serial6 = &uart7;
		serial7 = &uart8;
		spi0 = &ecspi1;
		spi1 = &ecspi2;
		spi2 = &ecspi3;
		spi3 = &ecspi4;
		usbphy0 = &usbphy1;
		usbphy1 = &usbphy2;

	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;

		cpu0: cpu@0 {
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a7";
			device_type = "cpu";
			reg = <0>;
			clock-latency = <61036>; /* two CLK32 periods */
			operating-points = <
				/* kHz	uV */
				528000	1250000
				396000	1150000
				198000	1150000
			fsl,soc-operating-points = <
				/* KHz	uV */
				528000	1250000
				396000	1150000
				198000	1150000
			clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ARM>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_PLL2_BUS>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_PLL2_PFD2>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CA7_SECONDARY_SEL>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_STEP>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_PLL1_SW>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_PLL1_SYS>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_PLL1_BYPASS>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_PLL1>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_PLL1_BYPASS_SRC>,
				 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_OSC>;
			clock-names = "arm", "pll2_bus",  "pll2_pfd2_396m",
				      "secondary_sel", "step", "pll1_sw",
				      "pll1_sys", "pll1_bypass", "pll1",
				      "pll1_bypass_src", "osc";
			arm-supply = <&reg_arm>;
			soc-supply = <&reg_soc>;

	intc: interrupt-controller@00a01000 {
		compatible = "arm,cortex-a7-gic";
		#interrupt-cells = <3>;
		reg = <0x00a01000 0x1000>,
		      <0x00a02000 0x1000>,
		      <0x00a04000 0x2000>,
		      <0x00a06000 0x2000>;

	ckil: clock-cli {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <32768>;
		clock-output-names = "ckil";

	osc: clock-osc {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <24000000>;
		clock-output-names = "osc";

	ipp_di0: clock-di0 {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <0>;
		clock-output-names = "ipp_di0";

	ipp_di1: clock-di1 {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <0>;
		clock-output-names = "ipp_di1";

	soc {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		interrupt-parent = <&gpc>;

		pmu {
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a7-pmu";
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 94 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			status = "disabled";

		ocram: sram@00900000 {
			compatible = "mmio-sram";
			reg = <0x00900000 0x20000>;

		aips1: aips-bus@02000000 {
			compatible = "fsl,aips-bus", "simple-bus";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			reg = <0x02000000 0x100000>;

			spba-bus@02000000 {
				compatible = "fsl,spba-bus", "simple-bus";
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <1>;
				reg = <0x02000000 0x40000>;

				ecspi1: ecspi@02008000 {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-ecspi", "fsl,imx51-ecspi";
					reg = <0x02008000 0x4000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 31 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI1>,
						 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI1>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					status = "disabled";

				ecspi2: ecspi@0200c000 {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-ecspi", "fsl,imx51-ecspi";
					reg = <0x0200c000 0x4000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 32 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI2>,
						 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI2>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					status = "disabled";

				ecspi3: ecspi@02010000 {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-ecspi", "fsl,imx51-ecspi";
					reg = <0x02010000 0x4000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 33 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI3>,
						 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI3>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					status = "disabled";

				ecspi4: ecspi@02014000 {
					#address-cells = <1>;
					#size-cells = <0>;
					compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-ecspi", "fsl,imx51-ecspi";
					reg = <0x02014000 0x4000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 34 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI4>,
						 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ECSPI4>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					status = "disabled";

				uart7: serial@02018000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
					reg = <0x02018000 0x4000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 39 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART7_IPG>,
						 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART7_SERIAL>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					status = "disabled";

				uart1: serial@02020000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
					reg = <0x02020000 0x4000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 26 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART1_IPG>,
						 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART1_SERIAL>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					status = "disabled";

				uart8: serial@02024000 {
					compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
					reg = <0x02024000 0x4000>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 40 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART8_IPG>,
						 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART8_SERIAL>;
					clock-names = "ipg", "per";
					status = "disabled";

			gpt1: gpt@02098000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpt", "fsl,imx6sx-gpt";
				reg = <0x02098000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 55 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_GPT1_BUS>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_GPT1_SERIAL>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

			gpio1: gpio@0209c000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x0209c000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 66 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			gpio2: gpio@020a0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x020a0000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 68 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			gpio3: gpio@020a4000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x020a4000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 70 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			gpio4: gpio@020a8000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x020a8000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 72 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			gpio5: gpio@020ac000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpio", "fsl,imx35-gpio";
				reg = <0x020ac000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 74 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				#gpio-cells = <2>;
				#interrupt-cells = <2>;

			fec2: ethernet@020b4000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-fec", "fsl,imx6q-fec";
				reg = <0x020b4000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 120 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 121 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET_AHB>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET_PTP>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET2_REF_125M>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET2_REF_125M>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "ptp",
					      "enet_clk_ref", "enet_out";
				status = "disabled";

			wdog1: wdog@020bc000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-wdt", "fsl,imx21-wdt";
				reg = <0x020bc000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 80 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_WDOG1>;

			wdog2: wdog@020c0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-wdt", "fsl,imx21-wdt";
				reg = <0x020c0000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 81 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_WDOG2>;
				status = "disabled";

			clks: ccm@020c4000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-ccm";
				reg = <0x020c4000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 87 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				#clock-cells = <1>;
				clocks = <&ckil>, <&osc>, <&ipp_di0>, <&ipp_di1>;
				clock-names = "ckil", "osc", "ipp_di0", "ipp_di1";

			anatop: anatop@020c8000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-anatop", "fsl,imx6q-anatop",
					     "syscon", "simple-bus";
				reg = <0x020c8000 0x1000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 49 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 127 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

				reg_3p0: regulator-3p0@120 {
					compatible = "fsl,anatop-regulator";
					regulator-name = "vdd3p0";
					regulator-min-microvolt = <2625000>;
					regulator-max-microvolt = <3400000>;
					anatop-reg-offset = <0x120>;
					anatop-vol-bit-shift = <8>;
					anatop-vol-bit-width = <5>;
					anatop-min-bit-val = <0>;
					anatop-min-voltage = <2625000>;
					anatop-max-voltage = <3400000>;
					anatop-enable-bit = <0>;

				reg_arm: regulator-vddcore@140 {
					compatible = "fsl,anatop-regulator";
					regulator-name = "cpu";
					regulator-min-microvolt = <725000>;
					regulator-max-microvolt = <1450000>;
					anatop-reg-offset = <0x140>;
					anatop-vol-bit-shift = <0>;
					anatop-vol-bit-width = <5>;
					anatop-delay-reg-offset = <0x170>;
					anatop-delay-bit-shift = <24>;
					anatop-delay-bit-width = <2>;
					anatop-min-bit-val = <1>;
					anatop-min-voltage = <725000>;
					anatop-max-voltage = <1450000>;

				reg_soc: regulator-vddsoc@140 {
					compatible = "fsl,anatop-regulator";
					regulator-name = "vddsoc";
					regulator-min-microvolt = <725000>;
					regulator-max-microvolt = <1450000>;
					anatop-reg-offset = <0x140>;
					anatop-vol-bit-shift = <18>;
					anatop-vol-bit-width = <5>;
					anatop-delay-reg-offset = <0x170>;
					anatop-delay-bit-shift = <28>;
					anatop-delay-bit-width = <2>;
					anatop-min-bit-val = <1>;
					anatop-min-voltage = <725000>;
					anatop-max-voltage = <1450000>;

			usbphy1: usbphy@020c9000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-usbphy", "fsl,imx23-usbphy";
				reg = <0x020c9000 0x1000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 44 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USBPHY1>;
				phy-3p0-supply = <&reg_3p0>;
				fsl,anatop = <&anatop>;

			usbphy2: usbphy@020ca000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-usbphy", "fsl,imx23-usbphy";
				reg = <0x020ca000 0x1000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 45 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USBPHY2>;
				phy-3p0-supply = <&reg_3p0>;
				fsl,anatop = <&anatop>;

			snvs: snvs@020cc000 {
				compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-mon", "syscon", "simple-mfd";
				reg = <0x020cc000 0x4000>;

				snvs_rtc: snvs-rtc-lp {
					compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-mon-rtc-lp";
					regmap = <&snvs>;
					offset = <0x34>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 19 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
						     <GIC_SPI 20 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

				snvs_poweroff: snvs-poweroff {
					compatible = "syscon-poweroff";
					regmap = <&snvs>;
					offset = <0x38>;
					mask = <0x60>;
					status = "disabled";

				snvs_pwrkey: snvs-powerkey {
					compatible = "fsl,sec-v4.0-pwrkey";
					regmap = <&snvs>;
					interrupts = <GIC_SPI 4 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
					linux,keycode = <KEY_POWER>;

			epit1: epit@020d0000 {
				reg = <0x020d0000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 56 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

			epit2: epit@020d4000 {
				reg = <0x020d4000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 57 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

			src: src@020d8000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-src", "fsl,imx51-src";
				reg = <0x020d8000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 91 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
				#reset-cells = <1>;

			gpc: gpc@020dc000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpc", "fsl,imx6q-gpc";
				reg = <0x020dc000 0x4000>;
				#interrupt-cells = <3>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 89 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				interrupt-parent = <&intc>;

			iomuxc: iomuxc@020e0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-iomuxc";
				reg = <0x020e0000 0x4000>;

			gpr: iomuxc-gpr@020e4000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-iomuxc-gpr", "syscon";
				reg = <0x020e4000 0x4000>;

			gpt2: gpt@020e8000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-gpt", "fsl,imx6sx-gpt";
				reg = <0x020e8000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 109 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";

			pwm5: pwm@020f0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x020f0000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 114 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <2>;

			pwm6: pwm@020f4000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x020f4000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 115 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <2>;

			pwm7: pwm@020f8000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x020f8000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 116 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <2>;

			pwm8: pwm@020fc000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-pwm", "fsl,imx27-pwm";
				reg = <0x020fc000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 117 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_DUMMY>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				#pwm-cells = <2>;

		aips2: aips-bus@02100000 {
			compatible = "fsl,aips-bus", "simple-bus";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			reg = <0x02100000 0x100000>;

			usbotg1: usb@02184000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-usb", "fsl,imx27-usb";
				reg = <0x02184000 0x200>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 43 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USBOH3>;
				fsl,usbphy = <&usbphy1>;
				fsl,usbmisc = <&usbmisc 0>;
				fsl,anatop = <&anatop>;
				ahb-burst-config = <0x0>;
				tx-burst-size-dword = <0x10>;
				rx-burst-size-dword = <0x10>;
				status = "disabled";

			usbotg2: usb@02184200 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-usb", "fsl,imx27-usb";
				reg = <0x02184200 0x200>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 42 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USBOH3>;
				fsl,usbphy = <&usbphy2>;
				fsl,usbmisc = <&usbmisc 1>;
				ahb-burst-config = <0x0>;
				tx-burst-size-dword = <0x10>;
				rx-burst-size-dword = <0x10>;
				status = "disabled";

			usbmisc: usbmisc@02184800 {
				#index-cells = <1>;
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-usbmisc", "fsl,imx6q-usbmisc";
				reg = <0x02184800 0x200>;

			fec1: ethernet@02188000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-fec", "fsl,imx6q-fec";
				reg = <0x02188000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 118 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 119 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET_AHB>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET_PTP>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET_REF>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ENET_REF>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "ptp",
					      "enet_clk_ref", "enet_out";
				status = "disabled";

			tsc: tsc@02040000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-tsc";
				reg = <0x02040000 0x4000>, <0x0219c000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 3 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					     <GIC_SPI 101 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_IPG>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ADC2>;
				clock-names = "tsc", "adc";
				status = "disabled";

			usdhc1: usdhc@02190000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-usdhc", "fsl,imx6sx-usdhc";
				reg = <0x02190000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 22 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USDHC1>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USDHC1>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USDHC1>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "per";
				bus-width = <4>;
				status = "disabled";

			usdhc2: usdhc@02194000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-usdhc", "fsl,imx6sx-usdhc";
				reg = <0x02194000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 23 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USDHC2>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USDHC2>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_USDHC2>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "ahb", "per";
				bus-width = <4>;
				status = "disabled";

			adc1: adc@02198000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-adc", "fsl,vf610-adc";
				reg = <0x02198000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 100 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_ADC1>;
				num-channels = <2>;
				clock-names = "adc";
				fsl,adck-max-frequency = <30000000>, <40000000>,
				status = "disabled";

			i2c1: i2c@021a0000 {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				reg = <0x021a0000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 36 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_I2C1>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c2: i2c@021a4000 {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				reg = <0x021a4000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 37 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_I2C2>;
				status = "disabled";

			i2c3: i2c@021a8000 {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				reg = <0x021a8000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 38 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_I2C3>;
				status = "disabled";

			mmdc: mmdc@021b0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-mmdc", "fsl,imx6q-mmdc";
				reg = <0x021b0000 0x4000>;

			qspi: qspi@021e0000 {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-qspi", "fsl,imx6sx-qspi";
				reg = <0x021e0000 0x4000>, <0x60000000 0x10000000>;
				reg-names = "QuadSPI", "QuadSPI-memory";
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 107 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_QSPI>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_QSPI>;
				clock-names = "qspi_en", "qspi";
				status = "disabled";

			uart2: serial@021e8000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
				reg = <0x021e8000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 27 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART2_IPG>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART2_SERIAL>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				status = "disabled";

			uart3: serial@021ec000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
				reg = <0x021ec000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 28 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART3_IPG>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART3_SERIAL>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				status = "disabled";

			uart4: serial@021f0000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
				reg = <0x021f0000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 29 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART4_IPG>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART4_SERIAL>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				status = "disabled";

			uart5: serial@021f4000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
				reg = <0x021f4000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 30 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART5_IPG>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART5_SERIAL>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				status = "disabled";

			i2c4: i2c@021f8000 {
				#address-cells = <1>;
				#size-cells = <0>;
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-i2c", "fsl,imx21-i2c";
				reg = <0x021f8000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 35 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_I2C4>;
				status = "disabled";

			uart6: serial@021fc000 {
				compatible = "fsl,imx6ul-uart",
				reg = <0x021fc000 0x4000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
				clocks = <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART6_IPG>,
					 <&clks IMX6UL_CLK_UART6_SERIAL>;
				clock-names = "ipg", "per";
				status = "disabled";