barebox / arch / arm / boards / karo-tx25 / flash-header-tx25.imxcfg
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 14 Jul 2020 549 bytes scripts: imx-image: rename dcdofs to ivtofs
# currently unused in barebox, but useful to generate
# a imx-image to use with imx-usb-loader
soc imx25
loadaddr 0x80000000
ivtofs 0x400
wm 32 0xb8001010 0x00000002
wm 32 0xb8001004 0x00095728
wm 32 0xb8001000 0x92116480
wm 32 0x80000400 0x92116480
wm 32 0xb8001000 0xa2116480
wm 32 0xb8001000 0xb2116480
wm 8 0x80000033 0x80
wm 32 0xb8001000 0x82116480

wm 32 0xb800100c 0x00095728
wm 32 0xb8001008 0x92116480
wm 32 0x80000400 0x92116480
wm 32 0xb8001008 0xa2116480
wm 32 0xb8001008 0xb2116480
wm 8 0x90000033 0x80
wm 32 0xb8001008 0x82116480