barebox / dts / src / arm64 / freescale / fsl-ls1088a.dtsi
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 11 Sep 2018 16 KB dts: update to v4.19-rc1
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
 * Device Tree Include file for NXP Layerscape-1088A family SoC.
 * Copyright 2017 NXP
 * Harninder Rai <>
#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
#include <dt-bindings/thermal/thermal.h>

/ {
	compatible = "fsl,ls1088a";
	interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
	#address-cells = <2>;
	#size-cells = <2>;

	aliases {
		crypto = &crypto;

	cpus {
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <0>;

		/* We have 2 clusters having 4 Cortex-A53 cores each */
		cpu0: cpu@0 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x0>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 0>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		cpu1: cpu@1 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x1>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 0>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		cpu2: cpu@2 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x2>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 0>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		cpu3: cpu@3 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x3>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 0>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		cpu4: cpu@100 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x100>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 1>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		cpu5: cpu@101 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x101>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 1>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		cpu6: cpu@102 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x102>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 1>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		cpu7: cpu@103 {
			device_type = "cpu";
			compatible = "arm,cortex-a53";
			reg = <0x103>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 1 1>;
			cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_PH20>;
			#cooling-cells = <2>;

		CPU_PH20: cpu-ph20 {
			compatible = "arm,idle-state";
			idle-state-name = "PH20";
			arm,psci-suspend-param = <0x0>;
			entry-latency-us = <1000>;
			exit-latency-us = <1000>;
			min-residency-us = <3000>;

	gic: interrupt-controller@6000000 {
		compatible = "arm,gic-v3";
		#interrupt-cells = <3>;
		reg = <0x0 0x06000000 0 0x10000>, /* GIC Dist */
		      <0x0 0x06100000 0 0x100000>, /* GICR(RD_base+SGI_base)*/
		      <0x0 0x0c0c0000 0 0x2000>, /* GICC */
		      <0x0 0x0c0d0000 0 0x1000>, /* GICH */
		      <0x0 0x0c0e0000 0 0x20000>; /* GICV */
		interrupts = <1 9 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
		#address-cells = <2>;
		#size-cells = <2>;

		its: gic-its@6020000 {
			compatible = "arm,gic-v3-its";
			reg = <0x0 0x6020000 0 0x20000>;

	thermal-zones {
		cpu_thermal: cpu-thermal {
			polling-delay-passive = <1000>;
			polling-delay = <5000>;
			thermal-sensors = <&tmu 0>;

			trips {
				cpu_alert: cpu-alert {
					temperature = <85000>;
					hysteresis = <2000>;
					type = "passive";

				cpu_crit: cpu-crit {
					temperature = <95000>;
					hysteresis = <2000>;
					type = "critical";

			cooling-maps {
				map0 {
					trip = <&cpu_alert>;
					cooling-device =
						<&cpu0 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT

				map1 {
					trip = <&cpu_alert>;
					cooling-device =
						<&cpu4 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT

	timer {
		compatible = "arm,armv8-timer";
		interrupts = <1 13 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>,/* Physical Secure PPI */
			     <1 14 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>,/* Physical Non-Secure PPI */
			     <1 11 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>,/* Virtual PPI */
			     <1 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;/* Hypervisor PPI */

	fsl_mc: fsl-mc@80c000000 {
		compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc";
		reg = <0x00000008 0x0c000000 0 0x40>,	 /* MC portal base */
		      <0x00000000 0x08340000 0 0x40000>; /* MC control reg */
		msi-parent = <&its>;
		#address-cells = <3>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		 * Region type 0x0 - MC portals
		 * Region type 0x1 - QBMAN portals
		ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x8 0x0c000000 0x4000000
			  0x1 0x0 0x0 0x8 0x18000000 0x8000000>;

		dpmacs {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;

			dpmac1: dpmac@1 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <1>;

			dpmac2: dpmac@2 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <2>;

			dpmac3: dpmac@3 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <3>;

			dpmac4: dpmac@4 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <4>;

			dpmac5: dpmac@5 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <5>;

			dpmac6: dpmac@6 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <6>;

			dpmac7: dpmac@7 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <7>;

			dpmac8: dpmac@8 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <8>;

			dpmac9: dpmac@9 {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <9>;

			dpmac10: dpmac@a {
				compatible = "fsl,qoriq-mc-dpmac";
				reg = <0xa>;

	psci {
		compatible = "arm,psci-0.2";
		method = "smc";

	sysclk: sysclk {
		compatible = "fixed-clock";
		#clock-cells = <0>;
		clock-frequency = <100000000>;
		clock-output-names = "sysclk";

	soc {
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		#address-cells = <2>;
		#size-cells = <2>;

		clockgen: clocking@1300000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ls1088a-clockgen";
			reg = <0 0x1300000 0 0xa0000>;
			#clock-cells = <2>;
			clocks = <&sysclk>;

		dcfg: dcfg@1e00000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ls1088a-dcfg", "syscon";
			reg = <0x0 0x1e00000 0x0 0x10000>;

		tmu: tmu@1f80000 {
			compatible = "fsl,qoriq-tmu";
			reg = <0x0 0x1f80000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 23 0x4>;
			fsl,tmu-range = <0xb0000 0x9002a 0x6004c 0x30062>;
			fsl,tmu-calibration =
				/* Calibration data group 1 */
				<0x00000000 0x00000026
				0x00000001 0x0000002d
				0x00000002 0x00000032
				0x00000003 0x00000039
				0x00000004 0x0000003f
				0x00000005 0x00000046
				0x00000006 0x0000004d
				0x00000007 0x00000054
				0x00000008 0x0000005a
				0x00000009 0x00000061
				0x0000000a 0x0000006a
				0x0000000b 0x00000071
				/* Calibration data group 2 */
				0x00010000 0x00000025
				0x00010001 0x0000002c
				0x00010002 0x00000035
				0x00010003 0x0000003d
				0x00010004 0x00000045
				0x00010005 0x0000004e
				0x00010006 0x00000057
				0x00010007 0x00000061
				0x00010008 0x0000006b
				0x00010009 0x00000076
				/* Calibration data group 3 */
				0x00020000 0x00000029
				0x00020001 0x00000033
				0x00020002 0x0000003d
				0x00020003 0x00000049
				0x00020004 0x00000056
				0x00020005 0x00000061
				0x00020006 0x0000006d
				/* Calibration data group 4 */
				0x00030000 0x00000021
				0x00030001 0x0000002a
				0x00030002 0x0000003c
				0x00030003 0x0000004e>;
			#thermal-sensor-cells = <1>;

		duart0: serial@21c0500 {
			compatible = "fsl,ns16550", "ns16550a";
			reg = <0x0 0x21c0500 0x0 0x100>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>;
			interrupts = <0 32 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			status = "disabled";

		duart1: serial@21c0600 {
			compatible = "fsl,ns16550", "ns16550a";
			reg = <0x0 0x21c0600 0x0 0x100>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>;
			interrupts = <0 32 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			status = "disabled";

		gpio0: gpio@2300000 {
			compatible = "fsl,qoriq-gpio";
			reg = <0x0 0x2300000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 36 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			#gpio-cells = <2>;
			#interrupt-cells = <2>;

		gpio1: gpio@2310000 {
			compatible = "fsl,qoriq-gpio";
			reg = <0x0 0x2310000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 36 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			#gpio-cells = <2>;
			#interrupt-cells = <2>;

		gpio2: gpio@2320000 {
			compatible = "fsl,qoriq-gpio";
			reg = <0x0 0x2320000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 37 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			#gpio-cells = <2>;
			#interrupt-cells = <2>;

		gpio3: gpio@2330000 {
			compatible = "fsl,qoriq-gpio";
			reg = <0x0 0x2330000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 37 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			#gpio-cells = <2>;
			#interrupt-cells = <2>;

		ifc: ifc@2240000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ifc", "simple-bus";
			reg = <0x0 0x2240000 0x0 0x20000>;
			interrupts = <0 21 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			#address-cells = <2>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			status = "disabled";

		i2c0: i2c@2000000 {
			compatible = "fsl,vf610-i2c";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x0 0x2000000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 34 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>;
			status = "disabled";

		i2c1: i2c@2010000 {
			compatible = "fsl,vf610-i2c";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x0 0x2010000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 34 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>;
			status = "disabled";

		i2c2: i2c@2020000 {
			compatible = "fsl,vf610-i2c";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x0 0x2020000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 35 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>;
			status = "disabled";

		i2c3: i2c@2030000 {
			compatible = "fsl,vf610-i2c";
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x0 0x2030000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 35 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>;
			status = "disabled";

		esdhc: esdhc@2140000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ls1088a-esdhc", "fsl,esdhc";
			reg = <0x0 0x2140000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 28 0x4>; /* Level high type */
			clock-frequency = <0>;
			voltage-ranges = <1800 1800 3300 3300>;
			bus-width = <4>;
			status = "disabled";

		usb0: usb3@3100000 {
			compatible = "snps,dwc3";
			reg = <0x0 0x3100000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 80 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			dr_mode = "host";
			snps,quirk-frame-length-adjustment = <0x20>;
			status = "disabled";

		usb1: usb3@3110000 {
			compatible = "snps,dwc3";
			reg = <0x0 0x3110000 0x0 0x10000>;
			interrupts = <0 81 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			dr_mode = "host";
			snps,quirk-frame-length-adjustment = <0x20>;
			status = "disabled";

		sata: sata@3200000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ls1088a-ahci";
			reg = <0x0 0x3200000 0x0 0x10000>,
				<0x7 0x100520 0x0 0x4>;
			reg-names = "ahci", "sata-ecc";
			interrupts = <0 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>;
			status = "disabled";

		crypto: crypto@8000000 {
			compatible = "fsl,sec-v5.0", "fsl,sec-v4.0";
			fsl,sec-era = <8>;
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <1>;
			ranges = <0x0 0x00 0x8000000 0x100000>;
			reg = <0x00 0x8000000 0x0 0x100000>;
			interrupts = <GIC_SPI 139 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

			sec_jr0: jr@10000 {
				compatible = "fsl,sec-v5.0-job-ring",
				reg	   = <0x10000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 140 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

			sec_jr1: jr@20000 {
				compatible = "fsl,sec-v5.0-job-ring",
				reg	   = <0x20000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 141 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

			sec_jr2: jr@30000 {
				compatible = "fsl,sec-v5.0-job-ring",
				reg	   = <0x30000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 142 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

			sec_jr3: jr@40000 {
				compatible = "fsl,sec-v5.0-job-ring",
				reg	   = <0x40000 0x10000>;
				interrupts = <GIC_SPI 143 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		pcie@3400000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ls1088a-pcie", "snps,dw-pcie";
			reg = <0x00 0x03400000 0x0 0x00100000   /* controller registers */
			       0x20 0x00000000 0x0 0x00002000>; /* configuration space */
			reg-names = "regs", "config";
			interrupts = <0 108 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; /* aer interrupt */
			interrupt-names = "aer";
			#address-cells = <3>;
			#size-cells = <2>;
			device_type = "pci";
			num-lanes = <4>;
			bus-range = <0x0 0xff>;
			ranges = <0x81000000 0x0 0x00000000 0x20 0x00010000 0x0 0x00010000   /* downstream I/O */
				  0x82000000 0x0 0x40000000 0x20 0x40000000 0x0 0x40000000>; /* non-prefetchable memory */
			msi-parent = <&its>;
			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			interrupt-map-mask = <0 0 0 7>;
			interrupt-map = <0000 0 0 1 &gic 0 0 0 109 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 2 &gic 0 0 0 110 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 3 &gic 0 0 0 111 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 4 &gic 0 0 0 112 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		pcie@3500000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ls1088a-pcie", "snps,dw-pcie";
			reg = <0x00 0x03500000 0x0 0x00100000   /* controller registers */
			       0x28 0x00000000 0x0 0x00002000>; /* configuration space */
			reg-names = "regs", "config";
			interrupts = <0 113 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; /* aer interrupt */
			interrupt-names = "aer";
			#address-cells = <3>;
			#size-cells = <2>;
			device_type = "pci";
			num-lanes = <4>;
			bus-range = <0x0 0xff>;
			ranges = <0x81000000 0x0 0x00000000 0x28 0x00010000 0x0 0x00010000   /* downstream I/O */
				  0x82000000 0x0 0x40000000 0x28 0x40000000 0x0 0x40000000>; /* non-prefetchable memory */
			msi-parent = <&its>;
			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			interrupt-map-mask = <0 0 0 7>;
			interrupt-map = <0000 0 0 1 &gic 0 0 0 114 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 2 &gic 0 0 0 115 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 3 &gic 0 0 0 116 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 4 &gic 0 0 0 117 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		pcie@3600000 {
			compatible = "fsl,ls1088a-pcie", "snps,dw-pcie";
			reg = <0x00 0x03600000 0x0 0x00100000   /* controller registers */
			       0x30 0x00000000 0x0 0x00002000>; /* configuration space */
			reg-names = "regs", "config";
			interrupts = <0 118 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; /* aer interrupt */
			interrupt-names = "aer";
			#address-cells = <3>;
			#size-cells = <2>;
			device_type = "pci";
			num-lanes = <8>;
			bus-range = <0x0 0xff>;
			ranges = <0x81000000 0x0 0x00000000 0x30 0x00010000 0x0 0x00010000   /* downstream I/O */
				  0x82000000 0x0 0x40000000 0x30 0x40000000 0x0 0x40000000>; /* non-prefetchable memory */
			msi-parent = <&its>;
			#interrupt-cells = <1>;
			interrupt-map-mask = <0 0 0 7>;
			interrupt-map = <0000 0 0 1 &gic 0 0 0 119 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 2 &gic 0 0 0 120 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 3 &gic 0 0 0 121 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>,
					<0000 0 0 4 &gic 0 0 0 122 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		cluster1_core0_watchdog: wdt@c000000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc000000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

		cluster1_core1_watchdog: wdt@c010000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc010000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

		cluster1_core2_watchdog: wdt@c020000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc020000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

		cluster1_core3_watchdog: wdt@c030000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc030000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

		cluster2_core0_watchdog: wdt@c100000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc100000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

		cluster2_core1_watchdog: wdt@c110000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc110000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

		cluster2_core2_watchdog: wdt@c120000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc120000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

		cluster2_core3_watchdog: wdt@c130000 {
			compatible = "arm,sp805-wdt", "arm,primecell";
			reg = <0x0 0xc130000 0x0 0x1000>;
			clocks = <&clockgen 4 3>, <&clockgen 4 3>;
			clock-names = "apb_pclk", "wdog_clk";

	firmware {
		optee {
			compatible = "linaro,optee-tz";
			method = "smc";
