barebox / firmware / Makefile
@Lucas Stach Lucas Stach on 1 Feb 2019 2 KB firmware: drop the imx subdir
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# kbuild file for firmware/

	lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_dmem.bin \
	lpddr4_pmu_train_1d_imem.bin \
	lpddr4_pmu_train_2d_dmem.bin \

firmware-$(CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IMX8MQ_ATF) += imx8mq-bl31.bin

# Create $(fwabs) from $(CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR) -- if it doesn't have a
# leading /, it's relative to $(srctree).
fwdir := $(subst $(quote),,$(CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR))
fwabs := $(addprefix $(srctree)/,$(filter-out /%,$(fwdir)))$(filter /%,$(fwdir))

fw-external-y := $(firmware-y)

quiet_cmd_fwbin = MK_FW   $@
      cmd_fwbin = FWNAME="$(patsubst firmware/%.gen.S,%,$@)";		     \
		  FWSTR="$(subst /,_,$(subst .,_,$(subst -,_,$(patsubst	     \
				firmware/%.gen.S,%,$@))))";		     \
		  ASM_WORD=$(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),.quad,.long);		     \
		  ASM_ALIGN=$(if $(CONFIG_64BIT),3,2);			     \
		  PROGBITS=$(if $(CONFIG_ARM),%,@)progbits;		     \
		  echo "/* Generated by firmware/Makefile */"		> $@;\
		  echo "    .section .rodata.$${FWSTR}"			>>$@;\
		  echo "    .p2align $${ASM_ALIGN}"			>>$@;\
		  echo ".global _fw_$${FWSTR}_start"			>>$@;\
		  echo "_fw_$${FWSTR}_start:"				>>$@;\
		  echo "    .incbin \"$(2)\""				>>$@;\
		  echo ".global _fw_$${FWSTR}_end"			>>$@;\
		  echo "_fw_$${FWSTR}_end:"				>>$@;

# One of these files will change, or come into existence, whenever
# the configuration changes between 32-bit and 64-bit. The .S files
# need to change when that happens.
wordsize_deps := $(wildcard include/config/64bit.h include/config/32bit.h)

$(patsubst %,$(obj)/%.gen.S, $(fw-external-y)): %: $(wordsize_deps) \
	$(call cmd,fwbin,$(fwabs)/$(patsubst $(obj)/%.gen.S,%,$@))

# The .o files depend on the binaries directly; the .S files don't.
$(patsubst %,$(obj)/%.gen.o, $(fw-external-y)): $(obj)/%.gen.o: $(fwdir)/%

obj-pbl-y			 += $(patsubst %,%.gen.o, $(fw-external-y))

ifeq ($(KBUILD_SRC),)
# only creates subdirectories for O= builds, but external
# firmware might live outside the kernel source tree
_dummy := $(foreach d,$(addprefix $(obj)/,$(dir $(fw-external-y))), $(shell [ -d $(d) ] || mkdir -p $(d)))

targets := $(patsubst $(obj)/%,%, \
                                $(shell find $(obj) -name \*.gen.S 2>/dev/null))

# just to build a built-in.o. Otherwise compilation fails when no
# firmware is built.
obj- += dummy.o