barebox / dts / src / mips / ingenic / gcw0.dts
@Sascha Hauer Sascha Hauer on 1 Mar 2018 1 KB dts: update to v4.16-rc1
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0

#include "jz4770.dtsi"

/ {
	compatible = "gcw,zero", "ingenic,jz4770";
	model = "GCW Zero";

	aliases {
		serial0 = &uart0;
		serial1 = &uart1;
		serial2 = &uart2;
		serial3 = &uart3;

	chosen {
		stdout-path = "serial2:57600n8";

	board {
		compatible = "simple-bus";
		#address-cells = <1>;
		#size-cells = <1>;

		otg_phy: otg-phy {
			compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv";
			clocks = <&cgu JZ4770_CLK_OTG_PHY>;
			clock-names = "main_clk";

&ext {
	clock-frequency = <12000000>;

&uart2 {
	status = "okay";

&cgu {
	/* Put high-speed peripherals under PLL1, such that we can change the
	 * PLL0 frequency on demand without having to suspend peripherals.
	 * We use a rate of 432 MHz, which is the least common multiple of
	 * 27 MHz (required by TV encoder) and 48 MHz (required by USB host).
	assigned-clocks =
		<&cgu JZ4770_CLK_PLL1>,
		<&cgu JZ4770_CLK_UHC>;
	assigned-clock-parents =
		<&cgu JZ4770_CLK_PLL1>;
	assigned-clock-rates =

&uhc {
	/* The WiFi module is connected to the UHC. */
	status = "okay";