External buildroot tree for LuminaSensum MynaPlayer

@Xogium Xogium authored on 6 Aug 2020
board/ myna-player-odyssey board/MynaPlayer odyssey: only copy machine-id into the target with postbuild scripts. Use a device table file to alter its permissions later -- this avoids getting a permission denied error if you have to run the postbuild script multiple times e.g: build errors with trying multiple fixes. 4 years ago
configs board/MynaPlayer odyssey: only copy machine-id into the target with postbuild scripts. Use a device table file to alter its permissions later -- this avoids getting a permission denied error if you have to run the postbuild script multiple times e.g: build errors with trying multiple fixes. 4 years ago
packages packages/disabled-services: add systemd-bootchart. 4 years ago
scripts Reworked certificates handling. The certs.sh.example contains a full example of this, and must be copied to certs.sh, and modified accordingly to reflect the real paths where the certificates are stored. A script that can be called by any board is creating symlinks from the real paths to corresponding statics targets for usage in genimage and postbuild scripts. The certs folder in the external tree must never be distributed in the repository, and is hence ignored via .gitignore. 4 years ago
.gitignore Reworked certificates handling. The certs.sh.example contains a full example of this, and must be copied to certs.sh, and modified accordingly to reflect the real paths where the certificates are stored. A script that can be called by any board is creating symlinks from the real paths to corresponding statics targets for usage in genimage and postbuild scripts. The certs folder in the external tree must never be distributed in the repository, and is hence ignored via .gitignore. 4 years ago
Config.in Initial commit. 4 years ago
LICENSE Added LICENSE file. This work is entirely under the GPL 3.0 or later, except where otherwise noted (third party code). 4 years ago
changelog.md Release 2020-08-06 4 years ago
external.desc Initial commit. 4 years ago
external.mk Reworked certificates handling. The certs.sh.example contains a full example of this, and must be copied to certs.sh, and modified accordingly to reflect the real paths where the certificates are stored. A script that can be called by any board is creating symlinks from the real paths to corresponding statics targets for usage in genimage and postbuild scripts. The certs folder in the external tree must never be distributed in the repository, and is hence ignored via .gitignore. 4 years ago