mbed-os / tools /
# Mbed OS Build Tools

This directory contains the python tools used for building Mbed OS and
Mbed 2. 

Quick navigation:

| file/directory        | Purpose/function                               |
| ``            | implementation of `mbed compile --library`     |
| ``        | full-project build operations                  |
| ``    | CLI for making an mbed 2 release               |
| `config`              | implementation of Config System                |
| `debug_tools`         | Crash log parsing                              |
| `` | Default version of project local `` |
| ``   | implementation of `mbed detect`                |
| ``| implementation of `mbed device-management`     |
| `export`              | Export plugins and API for woking with them    | 
| `flash_algo`          | CMSIS flash algorithm parser                   |
| ``       | implementation of `mbed compile --config`      |
| `host_tests`          | location of pre-htrun host tests               |
| `importer`            | code importer for use with CMSIS, TFM/PSA etc. |
| ``        | constants for building mbed 2 libraries        |
| ``             | implementation of `mbed compile`               |
| ``            | map file parser and summary generator           |
| `notifier`            | API for seting compile status to a frontend    |
| ``          | Default option parser and option utilities     |
| ``            | constants for many paths used                  |
| `profiles`            | location of the default build profiles         |
| ``          | implementation of `mbed export`                |
| `psa`                 | PSA                                            |
| ``          | merging from managed bootloader mode           |
| `resources`           | scans directories for files used in a project  |
| ``       | implementation of `mbed test --icetea`         |
| ``         | project specific settings from env vars        |
| ``       | location of pre-greentea greentea              |
| `targets`             | target description reader and post-build steps |
| `test`                | unit tests for tools                           |
| ``         | part of pre-greentea greentea                  |
| `test_configs`        | configuration files used by `mbed test`        |
| ``   | part of pre-greentea greentea                  |
| ``            | implementation of `mbed test --greentea`       |
| `toolchains`          | API for calling the selected compiler          |
| ``            | General purpose utilities like file moving     |