mbed-os / hal / tests / TESTS / mbed_hal / watchdog / main.cpp
@Rajkumar Kanagaraj Rajkumar Kanagaraj on 25 Aug 2020 10 KB Move greentea tests closure to library
 * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Arm Limited and affiliates.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#error [NOT_SUPPORTED] Watchdog not supported for this target

#include "greentea-client/test_env.h"
#include "hal/watchdog_api.h"
#include "mbed_wait_api.h"
#include "unity/unity.h"
#include "utest/utest.h"
#include "watchdog_api_tests.h"
#include "mbed.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

/* The shortest timeout value, this test suite is able to handle correctly. */

// Do not set watchdog timeout shorter than WDG_MIN_TIMEOUT_MS, as it may
// cause the host-test-runner return 'TIMEOUT' instead of 'FAIL' / 'PASS'
// if watchdog performs reset during test suite teardown.
#define WDG_TIMEOUT_MS 100UL

#define MSG_VALUE_DUMMY "0"
#define MSG_VALUE_LEN 24
#define MSG_KEY_LEN 24

#define MSG_KEY_DEVICE_READY "ready"
#define MSG_KEY_START_CASE "start_case"
#define MSG_KEY_DEVICE_RESET "reset_on_case_teardown"

/* To prevent a loss of Greentea data, the serial buffers have to be flushed
 * before the UART peripheral shutdown. The UART shutdown happens when the
 * device is entering the deepsleep mode or performing a reset.
 * With the current API, it is not possible to check if the hardware buffers
 * are empty. However, it is possible to determine the time required for the
 * buffers to flush.
 * Assuming the biggest Tx FIFO of 128 bytes (as for CY8CPROTO_062_4343W)
 * and a default UART config (9600, 8N1), flushing the Tx FIFO wold take:
 * (1 start_bit + 8 data_bits + 1 stop_bit) * 128 * 1000 / 9600 = 133.3 ms.
 * To be on the safe side, set the wait time to 150 ms.

bool CASE_IGNORED = false;

using utest::v1::Case;
using utest::v1::Specification;
using utest::v1::Harness;

const watchdog_config_t WDG_CONFIG_DEFAULT = { .timeout_ms = WDG_TIMEOUT_MS };

void test_max_timeout_is_valid()
    TEST_ASSERT(hal_watchdog_get_platform_features().max_timeout > 1UL);

void test_restart_is_possible()
    watchdog_features_t features = hal_watchdog_get_platform_features();
    if (!features.disable_watchdog) {
        CASE_IGNORED = true;
        TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("Disabling watchdog not supported for this platform");

void test_stop()
    watchdog_features_t features = hal_watchdog_get_platform_features();
    if (!features.disable_watchdog) {
        CASE_IGNORED = true;
        TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("Disabling watchdog not supported for this platform");

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(WATCHDOG_STATUS_OK, hal_watchdog_stop());

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(WATCHDOG_STATUS_OK, hal_watchdog_stop());
    // Make sure that a disabled watchdog does not reset the core.
    ThisThread::sleep_for(2 * WDG_TIMEOUT_MS); // Watchdog should fire before twice the timeout value.

    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(WATCHDOG_STATUS_OK, hal_watchdog_stop());

void test_update_config()
    watchdog_features_t features = hal_watchdog_get_platform_features();
    if (!features.update_config) {
        CASE_IGNORED = true;
        TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("Updating watchdog config not supported for this platform");

    watchdog_config_t config = WDG_CONFIG_DEFAULT;
    uint32_t timeouts[] = {
        features.max_timeout / 4,
        features.max_timeout / 8,
        features.max_timeout / 16
    int num_timeouts = sizeof timeouts / sizeof timeouts[0];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_timeouts; i++) {
        if (timeouts[i] < WDG_MIN_TIMEOUT_MS) {
            CASE_IGNORED = true;
            TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("Requested timeout value is too short -- ignoring test case.");

        config.timeout_ms = timeouts[i];
        TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(WATCHDOG_STATUS_OK, hal_watchdog_init(&config));
        uint32_t reload_value = hal_watchdog_get_reload_value();
        // The watchdog should trigger at, or after the timeout value.
        TEST_ASSERT(reload_value >= timeouts[i]);
        // The watchdog should trigger before twice the timeout value.
        TEST_ASSERT(reload_value < 2 * timeouts[i]);

utest::v1::status_t case_setup_sync_on_reset(const Case *const source, const size_t index_of_case)
    CASE_INDEX_CURRENT = index_of_case;
    CASE_IGNORED = false;
    return utest::v1::greentea_case_setup_handler(source, index_of_case);

utest::v1::status_t case_teardown_sync_on_reset(const Case *const source, const size_t passed, const size_t failed,
                                                const utest::v1::failure_t failure)
    if (CASE_IGNORED) {
        return utest::v1::greentea_case_teardown_handler(source, passed, failed, failure);
    // Start kicking the watchdog during teardown.
    Ticker wdg_kicking_ticker;
    wdg_kicking_ticker.attach_us(mbed::callback(hal_watchdog_kick), 20000);
    utest::v1::status_t status = utest::v1::greentea_case_teardown_handler(source, passed, failed, failure);
    if (failed) {
        /* Return immediately and skip the device reset, if the test case failed.
         * Provided that the device won't be restarted by other means (i.e. watchdog timer),
         * this should allow the test suite to finish in a defined manner
         * and report failure to host.
         * In case of watchdog reset during test suite teardown, the loss of serial
         * connection is possible, so the host-test-runner may return 'TIMEOUT'
         * instead of 'FAIL'.
        return status;
    utest_printf("The device will now restart.\n");
    ThisThread::sleep_for(SERIAL_FLUSH_TIME_MS); // Wait for the serial buffers to flush.
    return status; // Reset is instant so this line won't be reached.

utest::v1::status_t case_teardown_wdg_stop_or_reset(const Case *const source, const size_t passed, const size_t failed,
                                                    const utest::v1::failure_t failure)
    if (CASE_IGNORED) {
        return utest::v1::greentea_case_teardown_handler(source, passed, failed, failure);
    watchdog_features_t features = hal_watchdog_get_platform_features();
    if (features.disable_watchdog) {
        return utest::v1::greentea_case_teardown_handler(source, passed, failed, failure);

    return case_teardown_sync_on_reset(source, passed, failed, failure);

template<uint32_t timeout_ms>
void test_init()
    if (timeout_ms < WDG_MIN_TIMEOUT_MS) {
        CASE_IGNORED = true;
        TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("Requested timeout value is too short -- ignoring test case.");
    watchdog_config_t config = { .timeout_ms = timeout_ms };
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(WATCHDOG_STATUS_OK, hal_watchdog_init(&config));
    uint32_t reload_value = hal_watchdog_get_reload_value();
    // The watchdog should trigger at, or after the timeout value.
    TEST_ASSERT(reload_value >= timeout_ms);
    // The watchdog should trigger before twice the timeout value.
    TEST_ASSERT(reload_value < 2 * timeout_ms);

void test_init_max_timeout()
    watchdog_features_t features = hal_watchdog_get_platform_features();
    watchdog_config_t config = { .timeout_ms = features.max_timeout };
    TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(WATCHDOG_STATUS_OK, hal_watchdog_init(&config));
    // The watchdog should trigger at, or after the timeout value.
    TEST_ASSERT(hal_watchdog_get_reload_value() >= features.max_timeout);

int testsuite_setup_sync_on_reset(const size_t number_of_cases)
    GREENTEA_SETUP(45, "sync_on_reset");
    utest::v1::status_t status = utest::v1::greentea_test_setup_handler(number_of_cases);
    if (status != utest::v1::STATUS_CONTINUE) {
        return status;

    char key[MSG_KEY_LEN + 1] = { };
    char value[MSG_VALUE_LEN + 1] = { };

    greentea_send_kv(MSG_KEY_DEVICE_READY, MSG_VALUE_DUMMY);
    greentea_parse_kv(key, value, MSG_KEY_LEN, MSG_VALUE_LEN);

    if (strcmp(key, MSG_KEY_START_CASE) != 0) {
        utest_printf("Invalid message key.\n");
        return utest::v1::STATUS_ABORT;

    char *tailptr = NULL;
    CASE_INDEX_START = (int) strtol(value, &tailptr, 10);
    if (*tailptr != '\0' || CASE_INDEX_START < 0) {
        utest_printf("Invalid start case index received from host\n");
        return utest::v1::STATUS_ABORT;

    utest_printf("Starting with test case index %i of all %i defined test cases.\n", CASE_INDEX_START, number_of_cases);
    return CASE_INDEX_START;

Case cases[] = {
    Case("Platform feature max_timeout is valid", test_max_timeout_is_valid),
    Case("Stopped watchdog can be started again", test_restart_is_possible),
    Case("Watchdog can be stopped", test_stop),

    Case("Update config with multiple init calls",
         (utest::v1::case_setup_handler_t) case_setup_sync_on_reset,
         (utest::v1::case_teardown_handler_t) case_teardown_wdg_stop_or_reset),

    Case("Init, 100 ms", (utest::v1::case_setup_handler_t) case_setup_sync_on_reset,
         test_init<100UL>, (utest::v1::case_teardown_handler_t) case_teardown_sync_on_reset),
    Case("Init, max_timeout", (utest::v1::case_setup_handler_t) case_setup_sync_on_reset,
         test_init_max_timeout, (utest::v1::case_teardown_handler_t) case_teardown_sync_on_reset),

Specification specification((utest::v1::test_setup_handler_t) testsuite_setup_sync_on_reset, cases);

int main()
    // Harness will start with a test case index provided by host script.
    return !Harness::run(specification);