mbed-os / connectivity / cellular / include / cellular / framework / API / CellularContext.h
@Rajkumar Kanagaraj Rajkumar Kanagaraj on 23 Jul 2020 14 KB Update header reference
 * Copyright (c) 2018, Arm Limited and affiliates.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "netsocket/NetworkStack.h"
#include "netsocket/CellularInterface.h"
#include "CellularDevice.h"
#include "CellularUtil.h"
#include "netsocket/ControlPlane_netif.h"
#include "PinNames.h"

/** @file CellularContext.h
 * @brief Cellular PDP context class

namespace mbed {

 * @addtogroup cellular
 * @{

/// CellularContext is CellularInterface/NetworkInterface with extensions for cellular connectivity
class CellularContext : public CellularInterface {


    // max simultaneous PDP contexts active
    static const int PDP_CONTEXT_COUNT = 4;

    /* authentication type when activating or modifying the pdp context */
    enum AuthenticationType {
        NOAUTH = 0,

    /*  whether the additional exception reports are allowed to be sent when the maximum uplink rate is reached */
    enum RateControlExceptionReports {
        NotAllowedToBeSent = 0,

    /* specifies the time unit to be used for the maximum uplink rate */
    enum RateControlUplinkTimeUnit {
        Unrestricted = 0,

    /// PDP Context information
    struct pdpcontext_params_t {
        char apn[MAX_ACCESSPOINT_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
        char local_addr[MAX_IPV6_ADDR_IN_IPV4LIKE_DOTTED_FORMAT + 1];
        char local_subnet_mask[MAX_IPV6_ADDR_IN_IPV4LIKE_DOTTED_FORMAT + 1];
        char gateway_addr[MAX_IPV6_ADDR_IN_IPV4LIKE_DOTTED_FORMAT + 1];
        char dns_primary_addr[MAX_IPV6_ADDR_IN_IPV4LIKE_DOTTED_FORMAT + 1];
        char dns_secondary_addr[MAX_IPV6_ADDR_IN_IPV4LIKE_DOTTED_FORMAT + 1];
        char p_cscf_prim_addr[MAX_IPV6_ADDR_IN_IPV4LIKE_DOTTED_FORMAT + 1];
        char p_cscf_sec_addr[MAX_IPV6_ADDR_IN_IPV4LIKE_DOTTED_FORMAT + 1];
        int cid;
        int bearer_id;
        int im_signalling_flag;
        int lipa_indication;
        int ipv4_mtu;
        int wlan_offload;
        int local_addr_ind;
        int non_ip_mtu;
        int serving_plmn_rate_control_value;
        pdpcontext_params_t *next;

            apn[0] = '\0';
            local_addr[0] = '\0';
            local_subnet_mask[0] = '\0';
            gateway_addr[0] = '\0';
            dns_primary_addr[0] = '\0';
            dns_secondary_addr[0] = '\0';
            p_cscf_prim_addr[0] = '\0';
            p_cscf_sec_addr[0] = '\0';
            cid = -1;
            bearer_id = -1;
            im_signalling_flag = -1;
            lipa_indication = -1;
            ipv4_mtu = -1;
            wlan_offload = -1;
            local_addr_ind = -1;
            non_ip_mtu = -1;
            serving_plmn_rate_control_value = -1;
            next = NULL;
    typedef CellularList<pdpcontext_params_t> pdpContextList_t;

    // pointer for next item when used as a linked list
    CellularContext *_next;
    // friend of CellularDevice, so it's the only way to close or delete this class.
    friend class CellularDevice;
    virtual ~CellularContext()
        if (_stack) {
            delete _stack;

public: // from NetworkInterface
    virtual nsapi_error_t set_blocking(bool blocking) = 0;
    virtual NetworkStack *get_stack() = 0;
    virtual nsapi_error_t get_ip_address(SocketAddress *address) = 0;

    /** Register callback for status reporting.
     *  The specified status callback function is called on the network, and the cellular device status changes.
     *  The parameters on the callback are the event type and event type dependent reason parameter.
     *  @remark  deleting CellularDevice/CellularContext in callback is not allowed.
     *  @remark  Allocating/adding lots of traces not recommended as callback is called mostly from State machines thread which
     *           is now 2048. You can change to main thread for example via EventQueue.
     *  @param status_cb The callback for status changes.
    virtual void attach(mbed::Callback<void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> status_cb) = 0;
    virtual nsapi_error_t connect() = 0;
    virtual nsapi_error_t disconnect() = 0;

    // from CellularInterface
    virtual void set_plmn(const char *plmn) = 0;
    virtual void set_sim_pin(const char *sim_pin) = 0;
    virtual nsapi_error_t connect(const char *sim_pin, const char *apn = 0, const char *uname = 0,
                                  const char *pwd = 0) = 0;
    virtual void set_credentials(const char *apn, const char *uname = 0, const char *pwd = 0) = 0;
    virtual bool is_connected() = 0;

    /** Same as NetworkInterface::get_default_instance()
     *  @note not to be used if get_default_nonip_instance() was already used
    static CellularContext *get_default_instance();

    /** Instantiates a default Non-IP cellular interface
     *  This function creates a new Non-IP PDP context.
     *  @note not to be used if get_default_instance() was already used
     *  @return         A Non-IP cellular PDP context
    static CellularContext *get_default_nonip_instance();

    /** Get pointer to CellularDevice instance. May be null if not AT-layer.
     *  @return pointer to CellularDevice instance
    CellularDevice *get_device() const;

// Operations, can be sync/async. Also Connect() is this kind of operation, inherited from NetworkInterface above.

    /** Start the interface
     *  Initializes the modem for communication.
     *  By default, this API is synchronous. API can be set to asynchronous with method set_blocking(...).
     *  In synchronous and asynchronous mode application can get result in from callback which is set with
     *  attach(...)
     *  @return         NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
     *                  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY on case of memory failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t set_device_ready() = 0;

    /** Start the interface
     *  Attempts to open the SIM.
     *  By default, this API is synchronous. API can be set to asynchronous with method set_blocking(...).
     *  In synchronous and asynchronous mode, the application can get result in from callback, which is set with
     *  attach(...)
     *  @return         NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
     *                  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY on case of memory failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t set_sim_ready() = 0;

    /** Start the interface
     *  Attempts to register the device to cellular network.
     *  By default, this API is synchronous. API can be set to asynchronous with method set_blocking(...).
     *  In synchronous and asynchronous mode, the application can get result in from callback, which is set with
     *  attach(...)
     *  @return         NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
     *                  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY on case of memory failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t register_to_network() = 0;

    /** Start the interface
     *  Attempts to attach the device to cellular network.
     *  By default, this API is synchronous. API can be set to asynchronous with method set_blocking(...).
     *  In synchronous and asynchronous mode, the application can get result in from callback, which is set with
     *  attach(...)
     *  @return         NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
     *                  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY on case of memory failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t attach_to_network() = 0;

// PDP Context specific functions

    /** Get APN rate control.
     *  @remark optional params are not updated if not received from network, so use good defaults
     *  @param reports       Additional exception reports at maximum rate reached are allowed to be sent [optional]
     *  @param time_unit     Uplink time unit with values 0=unrestricted, 1=minute, 2=hour, 3=day, 4=week [optional]
     *  @param uplink_rate   Maximum number of messages per timeUnit [optional]
     *  @return              NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
     *                       NSAPI_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR on case of failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t get_rate_control(CellularContext::RateControlExceptionReports &reports,
                                           CellularContext::RateControlUplinkTimeUnit &time_unit, int &uplink_rate) = 0;

    /** Get the relevant information for an active nonsecondary PDP context.
     *  @remark optional params are not updated if not received from network.
     *  @param params_list   reference to linked list, which is filled on successful call
     *  @return              NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
     *                       NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY on memory failure
     *                       NSAPI_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR on other failures
    virtual nsapi_error_t get_pdpcontext_params(pdpContextList_t &params_list) = 0;

    /** Get backoff timer value
     *  @param backoff_timer Backoff timer value associated with PDP APN in seconds
     *  @return              NSAPI_ERROR_OK on success
     *                       NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER if no access point is set or found when activating context
     *                       NSAPI_ERROR_DEVICE_ERROR on failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t get_apn_backoff_timer(int &backoff_timer) = 0;


    /** Enable or disable hang-up detection.
     *  This method will use data carrier detect to be able to detect disconnection much faster in PPP mode.
     *  When in PPP data pump mode, it is helpful if the FileHandle will signal hang-up via
     *  POLLHUP, e.g., if the DCD line is deasserted on a UART. During command mode, this
     *  signaling is not desired.
     *  @param dcd_pin      Pin used to set data carrier detect on/off for the given UART. NC if feature is disabled.
     *  @param active_high  a boolean set to true if DCD polarity is active low
     *  @return             NSAPI_ERROR_OK if success,
     *                      NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED if modem does not support this feature
    virtual nsapi_error_t configure_hup(PinName dcd_pin = NC, bool active_high = false) = 0;
#endif // #if DEVICE_SERIAL

    /** Returns the control plane AT command interface
    virtual ControlPlane_netif *get_cp_netif() = 0;

    /** Get the pdp context id associated with this context.
     *  @return cid
    int get_cid() const;

    /** Set the authentication type to be used in user authentication if user name and password are defined
     *  @param type enum AuthenticationType
    void set_authentication_type(AuthenticationType type);

protected: // Device specific implementations might need these so protected
    enum ContextOperation {
        OP_INVALID      = -1,
        OP_DEVICE_READY = 0,
        OP_SIM_READY    = 1,
        OP_REGISTER     = 2,
        OP_ATTACH       = 3,
        OP_CONNECT      = 4,
        OP_MAX          = 5

    enum pdp_type_t {

    /** The CellularDevice calls the status callback function on status changes on the network or CellularDevice.
    *  @param ev   event type
    *  @param ptr  event-type dependent reason parameter
    virtual void cellular_callback(nsapi_event_t ev, intptr_t ptr) = 0;

    /** Return PDP type string for Non-IP if modem uses other than standard "Non-IP"
     *  Some modems uses a non-standard PDP type string for non-ip (e.g. "NONIP").
     *  In those cases modem driver must implement this method to return the PDP type string
     *  used by the modem.
     *  @return PDP type string used by the modem or NULL if standard ("Non-IP")
    virtual const char *get_nonip_context_type_str() = 0;

    /** Triggers control plane's operations needed when control plane data is received,
     *  like socket event, for example.
    void cp_data_received();

    /** Retry logic after device attached to network. Retry to find and activate pdp context or in case
     *  of PPP find correct pdp context and open data channel. Retry logic is the same which is used in
     *  CellularStateMachine.
    virtual void do_connect_with_retry();

    /** Helper method to call callback function if it is provided
     *  @param status connection status which is parameter in callback function
    void call_network_cb(nsapi_connection_status_t status);

    /** Find and activate pdp context or in case of PPP find correct pdp context and open data channel.
    virtual void do_connect();

    /** After we have connected successfully we must check that we have a valid IP address.
     *  Some modems/networks don't give IP address right after connect so we must poll it for a while.
    void validate_ip_address();

    /** Converts the given pdp type in char format to enum pdp_type_t
     *  @param pdp_type     pdp type in string format
     *  @return             converted pdp_type_t enum
    CellularContext::pdp_type_t string_to_pdp_type(const char *pdp_type);

    // member variables needed in target override methods
    NetworkStack *_stack; // must be pointer because of PPP
    pdp_type_t _pdp_type;
    CellularContext::AuthenticationType _authentication_type;
    nsapi_connection_status_t _connect_status;
    cell_callback_data_t _cb_data;
    Callback<void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> _status_cb;
    int _cid;
    bool _new_context_set;
    bool _is_context_active;
    bool _is_context_activated; // did we activate the context
    const char *_apn;
    const char *_uname;
    const char *_pwd;

    ControlPlane_netif *_cp_netif;
    uint16_t _retry_timeout_array[CELLULAR_RETRY_ARRAY_SIZE];
    int _retry_array_length;
    int _retry_count;
    CellularDevice *_device;
    CellularNetwork *_nw;
    bool _is_blocking;
    // flag indicating if Non-IP context was requested to be setup
    bool _nonip_req;
    // tells if CCIOTOPTI received green from network for CP optimization use
    bool _cp_in_use;

 * @}

} // namespace mbed

#endif /* _CELLULARCONTEXT_H_ */