mbed-os / connectivity / FEATURE_BLE / cordio / TARGET_CORDIO / stack / ble-host / sources / stack / att / attc_main.c
@Paul Szczeanek Paul Szczeanek on 7 Aug 2020 26 KB remove generic, TPPs, nested namespaces
 *  \file
 *  \brief  ATT client main module.
 *  Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#include <string.h>
#include "wsf_types.h"
#include "wsf_assert.h"
#include "wsf_trace.h"
#include "wsf_msg.h"
#include "wsf_math.h"
#include "util/bstream.h"
#include "att_api.h"
#include "att_main.h"
#include "attc_main.h"


  Data Types

/* type for send request function */
typedef void (*attcSendReq_t)(attcCcb_t *pCcb);

  Function Prototypes

static void attcDataCback(uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPacket);
static void attcCtrlCback(wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
static void attcConnCback(attCcb_t *pCcb, dmEvt_t *pDmEvt);

extern void attcMsgCback(attcApiMsg_t *pMsg);
extern void attcWriteCmdCallback(dmConnId_t connId, attcCcb_t *pCcb, uint8_t status);

static void attcSendSimpleReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb);
static void attcSendContinuingReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb);
static void attcSendMtuReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb);
static void attcSendWriteCmd(attcCcb_t *pCcb);
static void attcSendPrepWriteReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb);

  Local Variables

/* Interface to ATT */
static const attFcnIf_t attcFcnIf =
  (attMsgHandler_t) attcMsgCback,

/* Table of send request functions */
static const attcSendReq_t attcSendReqTbl[] =
  NULL,                         /* ATTC_MSG_API_NONE (unused) */
  attcSendMtuReq,               /* ATTC_MSG_API_MTU */
  attcSendContinuingReq,        /* ATTC_MSG_API_FIND_INFO */
  attcSendContinuingReq,        /* ATTC_MSG_API_FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE */
  attcSendContinuingReq,        /* ATTC_MSG_API_READ_BY_TYPE */
  attcSendSimpleReq,            /* ATTC_MSG_API_READ */
  attcSendContinuingReq,        /* ATTC_MSG_API_READ_LONG */
  attcSendSimpleReq,            /* ATTC_MSG_API_READ_MULTIPLE */
  attcSendContinuingReq,        /* ATTC_MSG_API_READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE */
  attcSendSimpleReq,            /* ATTC_MSG_API_WRITE */
  attcSendWriteCmd,             /* ATTC_MSG_API_WRITE_CMD */
  attcSendPrepWriteReq,         /* ATTC_MSG_API_PREP_WRITE */
  attcSendSimpleReq,            /* ATTC_MSG_API_EXEC_WRITE */
  NULL,                         /* unused */
  NULL,                         /* unused */
  NULL,                         /* unused */
  attcSendSimpleReq             /* ATTC_MSG_API_READ_MULT_VAR */

  Global Variables

/* Control block */
attcCb_t attcCb;

 *  \brief  Check if application callback is pending for a given write command, or the maximum
 *          number of simultaneous write commands has been reached.
 *  \param  pCcb    ATTC control block.
 *  \param  handle  Connection handle.
 *  \return TRUE if app callback's pending or maximum number of simultaneous write commands reached.
 *          FALSE, otherwise.
bool_t attcPendWriteCmd(attcCcb_t *pCcb, uint16_t handle)
  uint8_t     pendRsp;
  uint8_t     i;

  /* initialize number of response callbacks pending */
  pendRsp = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < ATT_NUM_SIMUL_WRITE_CMD; i++)
    /* if callback pending for write command */
    if (pCcb->pendWriteCmdHandle[i] != ATT_HANDLE_NONE)
      /* if callback pending for this handle */
      if (pCcb->pendWriteCmdHandle[i] == handle)
        /* callback pending for this write command */
        return TRUE;


  /* no callback is pending for this write command but see if the maximum number of simultaneous
     write commands has been reached */
  return (pendRsp < ATT_NUM_SIMUL_WRITE_CMD) ? FALSE : TRUE;

 *  \brief  Set pending write command response callback for a given attribute handle.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \return None.
static void attcSetPendWriteCmd(attcCcb_t *pCcb)
  uint8_t     i;

  for (i = 0; i < ATT_NUM_SIMUL_WRITE_CMD; i++)
    /* if entry free */
    if (pCcb->pendWriteCmdHandle[i] == ATT_HANDLE_NONE)
      /* set pending write command handle */
      pCcb->pendWriteCmdHandle[i] = pCcb->outReq.handle;

 *  \brief  Call pending write command response application callback.
 *  \param  connId  DM connection ID.
 *  \param  pCcb    ATTC control block.
 *  \param  status  Callback event status.
 *  \return None.
void attcWriteCmdCallback(dmConnId_t connId, attcCcb_t *pCcb, uint8_t status)
  uint8_t     i;

  /* if any pending write command callback */
  for (i = 0; i < ATT_NUM_SIMUL_WRITE_CMD; i++)
    if (pCcb->pendWriteCmdHandle[i] != ATT_HANDLE_NONE)
      /* call callback with status */
      attcExecCallback(connId, ATTC_WRITE_CMD_RSP, pCcb->pendWriteCmdHandle[i], status);
      pCcb->pendWriteCmdHandle[i] = ATT_HANDLE_NONE;

 *  \brief  Send attribute client request that has already been built.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \return None.
static void attcSendSimpleReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb)
  attcPktParam_t  *pPkt = pCcb->outReq.pPkt;

  /* clear stored packet pointer */
  pCcb->outReq.pPkt = NULL;

  /* start request timer (except for write command) */
  if (pCcb->outReq.hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_WRITE_CMD)
    pCcb->outReqTimer.msg.event = ATTC_MSG_REQ_TIMEOUT;
    WsfTimerStartSec(&pCcb->outReqTimer, pAttCfg->transTimeout);

  /* send packet to L2CAP */
  attL2cDataReq(pCcb->pMainCcb, pCcb->outReq.slot, pPkt->len, (uint8_t *) pPkt);

 *  \brief  Send a request that may be continuing.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \return None.
static void attcSendContinuingReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb)
  attcPktParam_t  *pPkt;
  uint8_t         *p;

  /* if continuing */
  if (pCcb->outReq.hdr.status == ATTC_CONTINUING)
    /* allocate new buffer */
    if ((pPkt = attMsgAlloc(pCcb->outReq.pPkt->len + L2C_PAYLOAD_START)) != NULL)
      /* copy stored packet to new */
      memcpy(pPkt, pCcb->outReq.pPkt, pCcb->outReq.pPkt->len + L2C_PAYLOAD_START);
    /* else handle error case of allocation failure */
      /* free stored packet and call callback with failure status */
      attcReqClear(pCcb->connId, &pCcb->outReq, ATT_ERR_MEMORY);
  /* else not continuing */
    /* send the stored packet */
    pPkt = pCcb->outReq.pPkt;

    /* clear stored packet pointer */
    pCcb->outReq.pPkt = NULL;

  /* build remaining fields of packet from stored parameters */
  p = (uint8_t *) pPkt + L2C_PAYLOAD_START + ATT_HDR_LEN;
  if (pCcb->outReq.hdr.event == ATTC_MSG_API_READ_LONG)
    /* build offset field */
    p += sizeof(uint16_t);
    UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, pCcb->outReqParams.o.offset);
     * Find Info, Find By Type Value, Read By Type, and Read By Group Type
     * request packets all begin with a start handle and end handle.
    UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, pCcb->outReqParams.h.startHandle);
    UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, pCcb->outReqParams.h.endHandle);

  /* start request timer */
  pCcb->outReqTimer.msg.event = ATTC_MSG_REQ_TIMEOUT;
  WsfTimerStartSec(&pCcb->outReqTimer, pAttCfg->transTimeout);

  /* send packet to L2CAP */
  attL2cDataReq(pCcb->pMainCcb, pCcb->outReq.slot, pPkt->len, (uint8_t *) pPkt);

 *  \brief  Send MTU request.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \return None.
static void attcSendMtuReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb)
  /* if MTU already exchanged */
  if (pCcb->pMainCcb->sccb[pCcb->outReq.slot].control & ATT_CCB_STATUS_MTU_SENT)
    /* discard request */

    /* clear out req */
    pCcb->outReq.hdr.event = ATTC_MSG_API_NONE;

    ATT_TRACE_WARN0("MTU req discarded");
    /* set MTU sent */
    pCcb->pMainCcb->sccb[pCcb->outReq.slot].control |= ATT_CCB_STATUS_MTU_SENT;

    /* send packet */

 *  \brief  Send attribute client Write command.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \return None.
static void attcSendWriteCmd(attcCcb_t *pCcb)
  /* send packet */

  /* if flow not disabled */
  if (!(pCcb->pMainCcb->sccb[pCcb->outReq.slot].control & ATT_CCB_STATUS_FLOW_DISABLED))
    /* call callback */
    attcExecCallback(pCcb->pMainCcb->connId, ATTC_WRITE_CMD_RSP, pCcb->outReq.handle, ATT_SUCCESS);
    /* set pending write command callback for this handle */

  /* clear out req */
  pCcb->outReq.hdr.event = ATTC_MSG_API_NONE;

 *  \brief  Send attribute client Prepare Write request.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \return None.
static void attcSendPrepWriteReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb)
  attcPktParam_t  *pPkt;
  uint8_t         *p;
  uint16_t        dataLen;
  uint16_t        mtu = pCcb->pMainCcb->sccb[pCcb->slot].mtu;

  /* if continuing */
  if (pCcb->outReq.hdr.status == ATTC_CONTINUING)
    /* determine size of buffer to allocate */
    if (pCcb->outReqParams.w.len < (mtu - ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN))
      dataLen = pCcb->outReqParams.w.len;
      dataLen = mtu - ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN;

    /* allocate new buffer */
    if ((pPkt = attMsgAlloc(dataLen + ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN + L2C_PAYLOAD_START)) != NULL)
      /* copy fixed fields */
      memcpy(pPkt, pCcb->outReq.pPkt, ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN + L2C_PAYLOAD_START);

      /* copy data */
      memcpy(((uint8_t *) pPkt + L2C_PAYLOAD_START + ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN),
             pCcb->outReqParams.w.pValue, dataLen);

      /* update length and data pointer */
      pCcb->outReqParams.w.pValue += dataLen;
      pCcb->outReqParams.w.len -= dataLen;
    /* else handle error case of allocation failure */
      /* free stored packet and call callback with failure status */
      attcReqClear(pCcb->connId, &pCcb->outReq, ATT_ERR_MEMORY);
  /* else not continuing */
    dataLen = pCcb->outReqParams.w.len;

    /* send the stored packet */
    pPkt = pCcb->outReq.pPkt;

    /* clear stored packet pointer */
    pCcb->outReq.pPkt = NULL;

  /* build remaining fields of packet from stored parameters */
  p = (uint8_t *) pPkt + L2C_PAYLOAD_START + ATT_HDR_LEN + sizeof(uint16_t);
  UINT16_TO_BSTREAM(p, pCcb->outReqParams.w.offset);

  /* update offset after building packet */
  pCcb->outReqParams.w.offset += dataLen;

  /* start request timer */
  pCcb->outReqTimer.msg.event = ATTC_MSG_REQ_TIMEOUT;
  WsfTimerStartSec(&pCcb->outReqTimer, pAttCfg->transTimeout);

  /* send packet to L2CAP */
  attL2cDataReq(pCcb->pMainCcb, pCcb->outReq.slot, dataLen + ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN, (uint8_t *) pPkt);

 *  \brief  Lookup and execute function to build and send request.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \return None.
void attcSendReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb)

 *  \brief  Set up and send an attribute client request.
 *  \param  pCcb  ATTC control block.
 *  \param  pMsg  ATTC message.
 *  \return None.
void attcSetupReq(attcCcb_t *pCcb, attcApiMsg_t *pMsg)
  /* set out req to api message */
  pCcb->outReq = *pMsg;

  /* store parameters */
  if (pMsg->hdr.event == ATTC_MSG_API_PREP_WRITE)
    memcpy(&pCcb->outReqParams.w, pMsg->pPkt->pW, sizeof(attcPktParamPrepWrite_t));
    memcpy(&pCcb->outReqParams, pMsg->pPkt, sizeof(attcPktParam_t));

  /* build and send request */

 *  \brief  Data callback for ATTC.
 *  \param  handle    The connection handle.
 *  \param  len       The length of the L2CAP payload data in pPacket.
 *  \param  pPacket   A buffer containing the packet.
 *  \return None.
static void attcDataCback(uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPacket)
  uint8_t       opcode;
  attcCcb_t     *pCcb;

  /* get connection control block for this handle, ignore packet if not found */
  if ((pCcb = attcCcbByHandle(handle, ATT_BEARER_SLOT_ID)) == NULL)

  /* parse opcode */
  opcode = *(pPacket + L2C_PAYLOAD_START);

  /* if response */
  if (opcode <= ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_RSP)
    attcProcRsp(pCcb, len, pPacket);
  /* else if indication or notification */
  else if ((opcode == ATT_PDU_VALUE_NTF) || (opcode == ATT_PDU_VALUE_IND))
    attcProcInd(pCcb, len, pPacket);
  else if (opcode == ATT_PDU_MULT_VALUE_NTF)
    attcProcMultiVarNtf(pCcb, len, pPacket);
  /* else unknown opcode */
    ATT_TRACE_WARN1("attc unknown opcode 0x%02x", opcode);

 *  \brief  L2CAP control callback.
 *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to message structure.
 *  \return None.
static void attcCtrlCback(wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg)
  attcCcb_t     *pCcb;

  /* note this function is currently only called when flow is enabled */

  /* get CCB */
  if ((pCcb = attcCcbByConnId((dmConnId_t) pMsg->param, ATT_BEARER_SLOT_ID)) != NULL)
    /* if confirmation pending try sending now */
    AttcIndConfirm((dmConnId_t) pMsg->param);

    /* call pending write command callback */
    attcWriteCmdCallback((dmConnId_t) pMsg->param, pCcb, ATT_SUCCESS);

 *  \brief  Connection callback for ATTC.
 *  \param  pCcb    ATT control block.
 *  \param  pDmEvt  DM callback event.
 *  \return None.
static void attcConnCback(attCcb_t *pCcb, dmEvt_t *pDmEvt)
  attcCcb_t *pClient;
  uint16_t  localMtu;
  uint8_t   status;
  uint8_t   i;

  /* if connection opened */
  if (pDmEvt->hdr.event == DM_CONN_OPEN_IND)
    /* if we initiated connection send MTU request */
    if (DmConnRole(pCcb->connId) == DM_ROLE_MASTER)
      localMtu = WSF_MIN(pAttCfg->mtu, (HciGetMaxRxAclLen() - L2C_HDR_LEN));

      /* if desired MTU is not the default */
      if (localMtu != ATT_DEFAULT_MTU)
        AttcMtuReq(pCcb->connId, localMtu);
  /* if connection closed */
  else if (pDmEvt->hdr.event == DM_CONN_CLOSE_IND)
    /* set status */
    if (pDmEvt->connClose.hdr.status == HCI_SUCCESS)
      status = pDmEvt->connClose.reason + ATT_HCI_ERR_BASE;
      status = pDmEvt->connClose.hdr.status + ATT_HCI_ERR_BASE;

    /* free any req on deck */
    if (attcCb.onDeck[pCcb->connId].hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_NONE)
      attcReqClear(pCcb->connId, &attcCb.onDeck[pCcb->connId], status);

    for (i = 0; i < ATT_BEARER_MAX; i++)
      /* get client control block directly */
      pClient = &attcCb.ccb[pCcb->connId - 1][i];

      /* free any out req */
      if (pClient->outReq.hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_NONE)
        attcReqClear(pClient->connId, &pClient->outReq, status);

      /* initialize other control block variables */
      pCcb->sccb[i].control &= ~ATT_CCB_STATUS_FLOW_DISABLED;
      pCcb->sccb[i].control &= ~ATT_CCB_STATUS_CNF_PENDING;

      /* pass to connection close callback for signed data */
      if (attcCb.pSign != NULL)
        (*attcCb.pSign->closeCback)(pClient, status);

      /* call pending write command callback */
      attcWriteCmdCallback(pCcb->connId, pClient, status);

 *  \brief  Message handler callback for ATTC.
 *  \param  pMsg  ATTC message.
 *  \return None.
void attcMsgCback(attcApiMsg_t *pMsg)
  attcCcb_t   *pCcb;

  ATT_TRACE_INFO2("attcMsgCback: msg: %#x slot: %#x", pMsg->hdr.event, pMsg->slot);

  /* if signed data event */
  if ((pMsg->hdr.event >= ATTC_MSG_API_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD) && (pMsg->hdr.event <= ATTC_MSG_CMAC_CMPL))
    /* pass to message callback for signed data */
    if (attcCb.pSign != NULL)
      (*attcCb.pSign->msgCback)(NULL, pMsg);


  /* get CCB and verify connection still in use */
  if ((pCcb = attcCcbByConnId((dmConnId_t) pMsg->hdr.param, pMsg->slot)) == NULL)
    /* if message has a packet buffer */
    if (pMsg->hdr.event >= ATTC_MSG_API_MTU &&
        pMsg->hdr.event <= ATTC_MSG_API_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD)
      /* free packet buffer */

    /* ignore if connection not in use */

  /* if an API request to send packet (non-signed) */
  if (pMsg->hdr.event <= ATTC_MSG_API_READ_MULT_VAR)
    /* verify no API request already waiting on deck, in progress, or no pending write command
       already for this handle */
    if (((pCcb->slot == ATT_BEARER_SLOT_ID) &&
         (attcCb.onDeck[pCcb->connId].hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_NONE)) ||
        (pCcb->outReq.hdr.event > ATTC_MSG_API_MTU)   ||
        ((pMsg->hdr.event == ATTC_MSG_API_WRITE_CMD)  &&
         attcPendWriteCmd(pCcb, pMsg->handle)))
      /* free request and call callback with failure status */
      attcReqClear(pCcb->connId, pMsg, ATT_ERR_OVERFLOW);

    /* if MTU request in progress or flow controlled */
    if ((pCcb->slot == ATT_BEARER_SLOT_ID) && (pCcb->outReq.hdr.event == ATTC_MSG_API_MTU))
      /* put request "on deck" for processing later */
      attcCb.onDeck[pCcb->connId] = *pMsg;
    /* otherwise ready to send; set up request */
      attcSetupReq(pCcb, pMsg);
  /* else if cancel request */
  else if (pMsg->hdr.event == ATTC_MSG_API_CANCEL)
    /* free any out req (except mtu req) */
    if (pCcb->outReq.hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_NONE &&
        pCcb->outReq.hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_MTU)
      attcReqClear(pCcb->connId, &pCcb->outReq, ATT_ERR_CANCELLED);
    /* else free any req on deck */
    else if ((pCcb->slot == ATT_BEARER_SLOT_ID) &
             (attcCb.onDeck[pCcb->connId].hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_NONE))
      attcReqClear(pCcb->connId, &attcCb.onDeck[pCcb->connId], ATT_ERR_CANCELLED);
  /* else if timeout */
  else if (pMsg->hdr.event == ATTC_MSG_REQ_TIMEOUT)
    /* free any out req */
    if (pCcb->outReq.hdr.event != ATTC_MSG_API_NONE)
      attcReqClear(pCcb->connId, &pCcb->outReq, ATT_ERR_TIMEOUT);
      pCcb->pMainCcb->sccb[pMsg->slot].control |= ATT_CCB_STATUS_TX_TIMEOUT;

 *  \brief  Return the ATTC connection control block connection ID.
 *  \param  connId    Connection ID.
 *  \return Pointer to connection control block or NULL if not in use.
attcCcb_t *attcCcbByConnId(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t slot)
  if (DmConnInUse(connId))
    return &attcCb.ccb[connId - 1][slot];
    ATT_TRACE_WARN1("attc ccb not in use: %d", connId);
    return NULL;

 *  \brief  Return the connection control block for the given handle.
 *  \param  handle    The connection handle.
 *  \return Pointer to connection control block or NULL if not found.
attcCcb_t *attcCcbByHandle(uint16_t handle, uint8_t slot)
  dmConnId_t  connId;

  if ((connId = DmConnIdByHandle(handle)) != DM_CONN_ID_NONE)
    return &attcCb.ccb[connId - 1][slot];

  return NULL;

 *  \brief  Free the packet buffer of an API message structure.
 *  \param  pMsg    Pointer to API message structure.
 *  \return None.
void attcFreePkt(attcApiMsg_t *pMsg)
  if (pMsg->pPkt != NULL)
    pMsg->pPkt = NULL;

 *  \brief  Execute application callback function.
 *  \param  connId  DM connection ID.
 *  \param  event   Callback event ID.
 *  \param  handle  Attribute handle.
 *  \param  status  Callback event status.
 *  \return None.
void attcExecCallback(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t event, uint16_t handle, uint8_t status)
  if (event != ATT_METHOD_MTU)
    attExecCallback(connId, event, handle, status, 0);

 *  \brief  Clear an outstanding request and execute the callback.
 *  \param  pCcb    Pointer to control block.
 *  \param  pMsg    API message.
 *  \param  status  Callback event status.
 *  \return None.
void attcReqClear(dmConnId_t connId, attcApiMsg_t *pMsg, uint8_t status)
  attcExecCallback(connId, pMsg->hdr.event, pMsg->handle, status);
  pMsg->hdr.event = ATTC_MSG_API_NONE;

 *  \brief  Set automatic Indication Confirmations sent from this ATT Client.
 *  \param  enable  \ref TRUE to enable automatic confirmations (default), \ref FALSE to disable.
 *  \return None.
void AttcSetAutoConfirm(bool_t enable)
  attcCb.autoCnf = enable;

 *  \brief  Initialize ATT client.
 *  \return None.
void AttcInit(void)
  uint8_t     i, j;
  attcCcb_t   *pCcb;

  /* Initialize control block */
  attcCb.pSign = NULL;
  attcCb.autoCnf = TRUE;

  /* Initialize control block CCBs */
  for (i = 0; i < DM_CONN_MAX; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < ATT_BEARER_MAX; j++)
      pCcb = &attcCb.ccb[i][j];

      /* set pointer to main CCB */
      pCcb->pMainCcb = &attCb.ccb[i];

      /* initialize timer */
      pCcb->outReqTimer.handlerId = attCb.handlerId;
      pCcb->outReqTimer.msg.param = i + 1;  /* param stores the conn id */

      pCcb->slot = j;
      pCcb->connId = i + 1;

  /* set up callback interface */
  attCb.pClient = &attcFcnIf;