mbed-os / LICENSE
Unless specifically indicated otherwise in a file, files are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license,
as can be found in: LICENSE-apache-2.0.txt

Folders containing files under different permissive license than Apache 2.0 are listed below. Eeach folder should contain own README file with license specified for its files. The original license text is included in those source files.

- [cmsis](./cmsis) - MIT, BSD-3-Clause
- [components/802.15.4_RF/mcr20a-rf-driver](./components/802.15.4_RF/mcr20a-rf-driver) - BSD-3-Clause
- [features/cryptocell/FEATURE_CRYPTOCELL310](./features/cryptocell/FEATURE_CRYPTOCELL310) - ARM Object Code and Header Files License
- [features/FEATURE_BLE/targets](./features/FEATURE_BLE/targets) - BSD-style, PBL, MIT-style
- [features/lorawan](./features/lorawan) - Revised BSD
- [features/lwipstack](./features/lwipstack) - BSD-style, MIT-style
- [features/nanostack/sal-stack-nanostack](./features/nanostack/sal-stack-nanostack) - BSD-3-Clause
- [features/storage](./features/storage) - BSD-style, MIT
- [features/netsocket/emac-drivers](./features/netsocket/emac-drivers) - BSD-style
- [features/frameworks/unity/unity](./features/frameworks/unity/unity) - MIT
- [features/unsupported](./features/unsupported) - MIT-style, BSD-style
- [rtos](./rtos) - MIT
- [drivers](./drivers) - MIT
- [TESTS/mbed_hal/trng/pithy](./TESTS/mbed_hal/trng/pithy) - BSD-3-Clause
- [tools/data/rpc](./tools/data/rpc) - MIT
- [targets](./targets) - PBL, BSD-style, MIT-style, Zlib-style, Public-domain