mbed-os / targets / TARGET_NXP / TARGET_MCUXpresso_MCUS / TARGET_MCU_LPC546XX / TARGET_LPCXpresso / mbed_overrides.c
@Harrison Mutai Harrison Mutai on 15 Oct 2020 6 KB Add SPDX license identifier to Arm files
/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "gpio_api.h"
#include "clock_config.h"
#include "fsl_emc.h"
#include "fsl_power.h"
#include "fsl_flashiap.h"
#include "hal/pinmap.h"

#define CRC16
#include "crc.h"

 * Definitions
/* The SDRAM timing. */
#define SDRAM_REFRESHPERIOD_NS (64 * 1000000 / 4096) /* 4096 rows/ 64ms */
#define SDRAM_TRP_NS (18u)
#define SDRAM_TRAS_NS (42u)
#define SDRAM_TSREX_NS (67u)
#define SDRAM_TAPR_NS (18u)
#define SDRAM_TWRDELT_NS (6u)
#define SDRAM_TRC_NS (60u)
#define SDRAM_RFC_NS (60u)
#define SDRAM_XSR_NS (67u)
#define SDRAM_RRD_NS (12u)
#define SDRAM_MRD_NCLK (2u)
#define SDRAM_RAS_NCLK (2u)
#define SDRAM_MODEREG_VALUE (0x23u)
#define SDRAM_DEV_MEMORYMAP (0x09u) /* 128Mbits (8M*16, 4banks, 12 rows, 9 columns)*/

uint32_t FLASHIAP_ReadUid(uint32_t *addr)
    uint32_t command[5], result[5];

    command[0] = kIapCmd_FLASHIAP_ReadUid;
    iap_entry(command, result);

    memcpy(addr, &result[1], (sizeof(uint32_t) * 4));

    return result[0];

// called before main
void mbed_sdk_init()
    if (SYSCON->DEVICE_ID0 == 0xFFF54628) {
        BOARD_BootClockFROHF96M(); /* Boot up FROHF96M for SPIFI to use*/
        /* LPC54628 runs at a higher core speed */
    } else {
        BOARD_BootClockFROHF96M(); /* Boot up FROHF96M for SPIFI to use*/

// Change the NMI pin to an input. This allows NMI pin to
//  be used as a low power mode wakeup.  The application will
//  need to change the pin back to NMI_b or wakeup only occurs once!
void NMI_Handler(void)
    //gpio_t gpio;
    //gpio_init_in(&gpio, PTA4);

// Enable the RTC oscillator if available on the board
void rtc_setup_oscillator(void)
    /* Enable the RTC 32K Oscillator */

uint32_t us_ticker_get_clock()
    return CLOCK_GetFreq(kCLOCK_BusClk);;

// Provide ethernet devices with a semi-unique MAC address from the UUID
void mbed_mac_address(char *mac)
    uint16_t MAC[3];                        // 3 16 bits words for the MAC
    uint32_t UID[4];

    // get UID via ISP commands

    // generate three CRC16's using different slices of the UUID
    MAC[0] = crcSlow((const uint8_t *)UID, 8);  // most significant half-word
    MAC[1] = crcSlow((const uint8_t *)UID, 12);
    MAC[2] = crcSlow((const uint8_t *)UID, 16); // least significant half word

    // The network stack expects an array of 6 bytes
    // so we copy, and shift and copy from the half-word array to the byte array
    mac[0] = MAC[0] >> 8;
    mac[1] = MAC[0];
    mac[2] = MAC[1] >> 8;
    mac[3] = MAC[1];
    mac[4] = MAC[2] >> 8;
    mac[5] = MAC[2];

    // We want to force bits [1:0] of the most significant byte [0]
    // to be "10"

    mac[0] |= 0x02; // force bit 1 to a "1" = "Locally Administered"
    mac[0] &= 0xFE; // force bit 0 to a "0" = Unicast


void ADC_ClockPower_Configuration(void)
    /* SYSCON power. */
    POWER_DisablePD(kPDRUNCFG_PD_VDDA);    /* Power on VDDA. */
    POWER_DisablePD(kPDRUNCFG_PD_ADC0);    /* Power on the ADC converter. */
    POWER_DisablePD(kPDRUNCFG_PD_VD2_ANA); /* Power on the analog power supply. */
    POWER_DisablePD(kPDRUNCFG_PD_VREFP);   /* Power on the reference voltage source. */
    POWER_DisablePD(kPDRUNCFG_PD_TS);      /* Power on the temperature sensor. */

    /* CLOCK_AttachClk(kMAIN_CLK_to_ADC_CLK); */
    /* Sync clock source is not used. Using sync clock source and would be divided by 2.
     * The divider would be set when configuring the converter.

/* Initialize the external memory. */
void BOARD_InitSDRAM(void)
    emc_basic_config_t basicConfig;
    emc_dynamic_timing_config_t dynTiming;
    emc_dynamic_chip_config_t dynChipConfig;

    /* Basic configuration. */
    basicConfig.endian = kEMC_LittleEndian;
    basicConfig.fbClkSrc = kEMC_IntloopbackEmcclk;
    /* EMC Clock = CPU FREQ/2 here can fit CPU freq from 12M ~ 180M.
     * If you change the divide to 0 and EMC clock is larger than 100M
     * please take refer to emc.dox to adjust EMC clock delay.
    basicConfig.emcClkDiv = 1;
    /* Dynamic memory timing configuration. */
    dynTiming.readConfig = kEMC_Cmddelay;
    dynTiming.refreshPeriod_Nanosec = SDRAM_REFRESHPERIOD_NS;
    dynTiming.tRp_Ns = SDRAM_TRP_NS;
    dynTiming.tRas_Ns = SDRAM_TRAS_NS;
    dynTiming.tSrex_Ns = SDRAM_TSREX_NS;
    dynTiming.tApr_Ns = SDRAM_TAPR_NS;
    dynTiming.tWr_Ns = (1000000000 / CLOCK_GetFreq(kCLOCK_EMC) + SDRAM_TWRDELT_NS); /* one clk + 6ns */
    dynTiming.tDal_Ns = dynTiming.tWr_Ns + dynTiming.tRp_Ns;
    dynTiming.tRc_Ns = SDRAM_TRC_NS;
    dynTiming.tRfc_Ns = SDRAM_RFC_NS;
    dynTiming.tXsr_Ns = SDRAM_XSR_NS;
    dynTiming.tRrd_Ns = SDRAM_RRD_NS;
    dynTiming.tMrd_Nclk = SDRAM_MRD_NCLK;
    /* Dynamic memory chip specific configuration: Chip 0 - MTL48LC8M16A2B4-6A */
    dynChipConfig.chipIndex = 0;
    dynChipConfig.dynamicDevice = kEMC_Sdram;
    dynChipConfig.rAS_Nclk = SDRAM_RAS_NCLK;
    dynChipConfig.sdramModeReg = SDRAM_MODEREG_VALUE;
    dynChipConfig.sdramExtModeReg = 0; /* it has no use for normal sdram */
    dynChipConfig.devAddrMap = SDRAM_DEV_MEMORYMAP;
    /* EMC Basic configuration. */
    EMC_Init(EMC, &basicConfig);
    /* EMC Dynamc memory configuration. */
    EMC_DynamicMemInit(EMC, &dynTiming, &dynChipConfig, 1);

// Get the QSPI clock frequency
uint32_t qspi_get_freq(void)

    return CLOCK_GetFroHfFreq();

const PinList *pinmap_restricted_pins()
    /* D6 pin is used by the LCD
       A4 pin is used by the accelerometer */
    static const PinName pins[] = {
        D6, A4
    static const PinList pin_list = {
        sizeof(pins) / sizeof(pins[0]),
    return &pin_list;