mbed-os / targets / TARGET_STM / TARGET_STM32U5 / STM32Cube_FW / STM32U5xx_HAL_Driver / stm32u5xx_hal_comp.h
@Jerome Coutant Jerome Coutant on 10 Sep 2021 32 KB STM32U5: STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.0.0
  * @file    stm32u5xx_hal_comp.h
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   Header file of COMP HAL module.
  * @attention
  * Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.
  * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
  * in the root directory of this software component.
  * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.

/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef STM32U5xx_HAL_COMP_H
#define STM32U5xx_HAL_COMP_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32u5xx_hal_def.h"

/** @addtogroup STM32U5xx_HAL_Driver
  * @{
#if defined (COMP1) || defined (COMP2)

/** @addtogroup COMP
  * @{

/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup COMP_Exported_Types COMP Exported Types
  * @{

  * @brief  COMP Init structure definition
typedef struct

  uint32_t WindowMode;         /*!< Set window mode of a pair of comparators instances
                                    (2 consecutive instances odd and even COMP<x> and COMP<x+1>).
                                    Note: HAL COMP driver allows to set window mode from any COMP
                                    instance of the pair of COMP instances composing window mode.
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_WindowMode */

  uint32_t WindowOutput;       /*!< Set window mode output.
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_WindowOutput */

  uint32_t Mode;               /*!< Set comparator operating mode to adjust power and speed.
                                    Note: For the characteristics of comparator power modes
                                          (propagation delay and power consumption), refer to device datasheet.
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_PowerMode */

  uint32_t InputPlus;          /*!< Set comparator input plus (non-inverting input).
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_InputPlus */

  uint32_t InputMinus;         /*!< Set comparator input minus (inverting input).
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_InputMinus */

  uint32_t Hysteresis;         /*!< Set comparator hysteresis mode of the input minus.
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_Hysteresis */

  uint32_t OutputPol;          /*!< Set comparator output polarity.
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_OutputPolarity */

  uint32_t BlankingSrce;       /*!< Set comparator blanking source.
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_BlankingSrce */

  uint32_t TriggerMode;        /*!< Set the comparator output triggering External Interrupt Line (EXTI).
                                    This parameter can be a value of @ref COMP_EXTI_TriggerMode */

} COMP_InitTypeDef;

  * @brief  HAL COMP state machine: HAL COMP states definition
typedef enum
  HAL_COMP_STATE_RESET             = 0x00U,                                             /*!< COMP not yet initialized                             */
  HAL_COMP_STATE_RESET_LOCKED      = (HAL_COMP_STATE_RESET | COMP_STATE_BITFIELD_LOCK), /*!< COMP not yet initialized and configuration is locked */
  HAL_COMP_STATE_READY             = 0x01U,                                             /*!< COMP initialized and ready for use                   */
  HAL_COMP_STATE_READY_LOCKED      = (HAL_COMP_STATE_READY | COMP_STATE_BITFIELD_LOCK), /*!< COMP initialized but configuration is locked         */
  HAL_COMP_STATE_BUSY              = 0x02U,                                             /*!< COMP is running                                      */
  HAL_COMP_STATE_BUSY_LOCKED       = (HAL_COMP_STATE_BUSY | COMP_STATE_BITFIELD_LOCK)   /*!< COMP is running and configuration is locked          */
} HAL_COMP_StateTypeDef;

  * @brief  COMP Handle Structure definition
typedef struct __COMP_HandleTypeDef
typedef struct
  COMP_TypeDef       *Instance;       /*!< Register base address    */
  COMP_InitTypeDef   Init;            /*!< COMP required parameters */
  HAL_LockTypeDef    Lock;            /*!< Locking object           */
  __IO HAL_COMP_StateTypeDef  State;  /*!< COMP communication state */
  __IO uint32_t      ErrorCode;       /*!< COMP error code */
  void (* TriggerCallback)(struct __COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);   /*!< COMP trigger callback */
  void (* MspInitCallback)(struct __COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);   /*!< COMP Msp Init callback */
  void (* MspDeInitCallback)(struct __COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp); /*!< COMP Msp DeInit callback */
} COMP_HandleTypeDef;

  * @brief  HAL COMP Callback ID enumeration definition
typedef enum
  HAL_COMP_TRIGGER_CB_ID                = 0x00U,  /*!< COMP trigger callback ID */
  HAL_COMP_MSPINIT_CB_ID                = 0x01U,  /*!< COMP Msp Init callback ID */
  HAL_COMP_MSPDEINIT_CB_ID              = 0x02U   /*!< COMP Msp DeInit callback ID */
} HAL_COMP_CallbackIDTypeDef;

  * @brief  HAL COMP Callback pointer definition
typedef  void (*pCOMP_CallbackTypeDef)(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp); /*!< pointer to a COMP callback function */


  * @}

/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup COMP_Exported_Constants COMP Exported Constants
  * @{

/** @defgroup COMP_Error_Code COMP Error Code
  * @{
#define HAL_COMP_ERROR_NONE             (0x00UL)  /*!< No error */
#define HAL_COMP_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK (0x01UL)  /*!< Invalid Callback error */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_WindowMode COMP Window Mode
  * @{
#define COMP_WINDOWMODE_DISABLE                 (0x00000000UL)         /*!< Window mode disable: Comparators instances pair COMP1 and COMP2 are independent */
#define COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP1_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (COMP_CSR_WINMODE)     /*!< Window mode enable: Comparators instances pair COMP1 and COMP2 have their input plus connected together. The common input is COMP1 input plus (COMP2 input plus is no more accessible). */
#define COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON (COMP_CSR_WINMODE | COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2) /*!< Window mode enable: if used from COMP1 or COMP2 instance, comparators instances pair COMP1 and COMP2 have their input plus connected together, the common input is COMP2 input plus (COMP1 input plus is no more accessible) */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_WindowOutput COMP Window output
  * @{
#define COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_EACH_COMP (0x00000000UL)                            /*!< Window output default mode: Comparators output are indicating each their own state. To know window mode state: each comparator output must be read, if "((COMPx exclusive or COMPy) == 1)" then monitored signal is within comparators window.  */
#define COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP1     (COMP_CSR_WINOUT)                         /*!< Window output synthetized on COMP1 output: COMP1 output is no more indicating its own state, but global window mode state (logical high means monitored signal is within comparators window). */
#define COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP2     (COMP_CSR_WINOUT | COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2) /*!< Window output synthetized on COMP2 output: COMP2 output is no more indicating its own state, but global window mode state (logical high means monitored signal is within comparators window). */
#define COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_BOTH      (0x00000001UL)                            /*!< Window output synthetized on both comparators output of pair of comparator selected (COMP1 and COMP2): both comparators outputs are no more indicating their own state, but global window mode state (logical high means monitored signal is within comparators window). This is a specific configuration (technically possible but not relevant from application point of view: 2 comparators output used for the same signal level), standard configuration for window mode is one of the settings above. */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_PowerMode COMP power mode
  * @{
/* Note: For the characteristics of comparator power modes                    */
/*       (propagation delay and power consumption),                           */
/*       refer to device datasheet.                                           */
#define COMP_POWERMODE_HIGHSPEED     (0x00000000UL)                            /*!< High Speed      */
#define COMP_POWERMODE_MEDIUMSPEED   (COMP_CSR_PWRMODE_0)                      /*!< Medium Speed    */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_InputPlus COMP input plus (non-inverting input)
  * @{
#define COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO1 ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO1 (pin PC5 for COMP1, pin PB4 for COMP2) */
#define COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2 (COMP_CSR_INPSEL_0)    /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO2 (pin PB2 for COMP1, pin PB6 for COMP2) */
#define COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3 (COMP_CSR_INPSEL_1)    /*!< Comparator input plus connected to IO3 (pin PA2 for COMP1)                    */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_InputMinus COMP input minus (inverting input)
  * @{
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_4VREFINT ((uint32_t)0x00000000                                     ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 1/4 VrefInt                                */
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT (                                        COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 1/2 VrefInt                                */
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT (                    COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1                    ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to 3/4 VrefInt                                */
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_VREFINT    (                    COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to VrefInt                                    */
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1   (COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2                                        ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to DAC1 channel 1 (DAC_OUT1)                  */
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2   (COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2                     | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to DAC1 channel 2 (DAC_OUT2)                  */
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1        (COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1                    ) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to IO1 (pin PB1 for COMP1, pin PB7 for COMP2) */
#define COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2        (COMP_CSR_INMSEL_2 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_1 | COMP_CSR_INMSEL_0) /*!< Comparator input minus connected to IO2 (pin PC4 for COMP1, pin PB3 for COMP2) */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_Hysteresis COMP hysteresis
  * @{
#define COMP_HYSTERESIS_NONE   ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< No hysteresis           */
#define COMP_HYSTERESIS_LOW    (COMP_CSR_HYST_0)      /*!< Hysteresis level low    */
#define COMP_HYSTERESIS_MEDIUM (COMP_CSR_HYST_1)      /*!< Hysteresis level medium */
#define COMP_HYSTERESIS_HIGH   (COMP_CSR_HYST  )      /*!< Hysteresis level high   */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_OutputPolarity COMP Output Polarity
  * @{
#define COMP_OUTPUTPOL_NONINVERTED (0x00000000UL)      /*!< COMP output level is not inverted (comparator output is high when the input plus is at a higher voltage than the input minus) */
#define COMP_OUTPUTPOL_INVERTED    (COMP_CSR_POLARITY) /*!< COMP output level is inverted     (comparator output is low  when the input plus is at a higher voltage than the input minus) */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_BlankingSrce  COMP Blanking Source
  * @{
#define COMP_BLANKINGSRC_NONE      ((uint32_t)0x00000000) /*!< No blanking source                              */
#define COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC5  (COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_0)  /*!< TIM1 OC5 selected as blanking source for COMP1  */
#define COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM2_OC3  (COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_1)  /*!< TIM2 OC3 selected as blanking source for COMP1  */
#define COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM3_OC3  (COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_2)  /*!< TIM3 OC3 selected as blanking source for COMP1  */
#define COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM3_OC4  (COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_0)  /*!< TIM3 OC4 selected as blanking source for COMP2  */
#define COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM8_OC5  (COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_1)  /*!< TIM8 OC5 selected as blanking source for COMP2  */
#define COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM15_OC1 (COMP_CSR_BLANKSEL_2)  /*!< TIM15 OC1 selected as blanking source for COMP2 */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_OutputLevel COMP Output Level
  * @{
/* Note: Comparator output level values are fixed to "0" and "1",             */
/* corresponding COMP register bit is managed by HAL function to match        */
/* with these values (independently of bit position in register).             */

/* When output polarity is not inverted, comparator output is low when
   the input plus is at a lower voltage than the input minus */
#define COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_LOW              (0x00000000UL)
/* When output polarity is not inverted, comparator output is high when
   the input plus is at a higher voltage than the input minus */
#define COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_HIGH             (0x00000001UL)
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_EXTI_TriggerMode COMP output to EXTI
  * @{
#define COMP_TRIGGERMODE_NONE                 (0x00000000UL)                                            /*!< Comparator output triggering no External Interrupt Line */
#define COMP_TRIGGERMODE_IT_RISING            (COMP_EXTI_IT | COMP_EXTI_RISING)                         /*!< Comparator output triggering External Interrupt Line event with interruption, on rising edge */
#define COMP_TRIGGERMODE_IT_FALLING           (COMP_EXTI_IT | COMP_EXTI_FALLING)                        /*!< Comparator output triggering External Interrupt Line event with interruption, on falling edge */
#define COMP_TRIGGERMODE_IT_RISING_FALLING    (COMP_EXTI_IT | COMP_EXTI_RISING | COMP_EXTI_FALLING)     /*!< Comparator output triggering External Interrupt Line event with interruption, on both rising and falling edges */
#define COMP_TRIGGERMODE_EVENT_RISING         (COMP_EXTI_EVENT | COMP_EXTI_RISING)                      /*!< Comparator output triggering External Interrupt Line event only (without interruption), on rising edge */
#define COMP_TRIGGERMODE_EVENT_FALLING        (COMP_EXTI_EVENT | COMP_EXTI_FALLING)                     /*!< Comparator output triggering External Interrupt Line event only (without interruption), on falling edge */
#define COMP_TRIGGERMODE_EVENT_RISING_FALLING (COMP_EXTI_EVENT | COMP_EXTI_RISING | COMP_EXTI_FALLING)  /*!< Comparator output triggering External Interrupt Line event only (without interruption), on both rising and falling edges */
  * @}

  * @}

/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup COMP_Exported_Macros COMP Exported Macros
  * @{

/** @defgroup COMP_Handle_Management  COMP Handle Management
  * @{

/** @brief  Reset COMP handle state.
  * @param  __HANDLE__  COMP handle
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_COMP_RESET_HANDLE_STATE(__HANDLE__) do{                                                  \
                                                      (__HANDLE__)->State = HAL_COMP_STATE_RESET;      \
                                                      (__HANDLE__)->MspInitCallback = NULL;            \
                                                      (__HANDLE__)->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;          \
                                                    } while(0)

  * @brief Clear COMP error code (set it to no error code "HAL_COMP_ERROR_NONE").
  * @param __HANDLE__ COMP handle
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the specified comparator.
  * @param  __HANDLE__  COMP handle
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_COMP_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)              SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CSR, COMP_CSR_EN)

  * @brief  Disable the specified comparator.
  * @param  __HANDLE__  COMP handle
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_COMP_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)             CLEAR_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CSR, COMP_CSR_EN)

  * @brief  Lock the specified comparator configuration.
  * @note   Using this macro induce HAL COMP handle state machine being no
  *         more in line with COMP instance state.
  *         To keep HAL COMP handle state machine updated, it is recommended
  *         to use function "HAL_COMP_Lock')".
  * @param  __HANDLE__  COMP handle
  * @retval None
#define __HAL_COMP_LOCK(__HANDLE__)                SET_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CSR, COMP_CSR_LOCK)

  * @brief  Check whether the specified comparator is locked.
  * @param  __HANDLE__  COMP handle
  * @retval Value 0 if COMP instance is not locked, value 1 if COMP instance is locked
#define __HAL_COMP_IS_LOCKED(__HANDLE__)           (READ_BIT((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CSR, COMP_CSR_LOCK)\
                                                    == COMP_CSR_LOCK)

  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_Exti_Management  COMP external interrupt line management
  * @{

  * @brief  Enable the COMP1 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP1 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the COMP1 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP1 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the COMP1 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None
                                                                  __HAL_COMP_COMP1_EXTI_ENABLE_RISING_EDGE(); \
                                                                  __HAL_COMP_COMP1_EXTI_ENABLE_FALLING_EDGE(); \
                                                                } while(0)

  * @brief  Disable the COMP1 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None
                                                                  __HAL_COMP_COMP1_EXTI_DISABLE_RISING_EDGE(); \
                                                                  __HAL_COMP_COMP1_EXTI_DISABLE_FALLING_EDGE(); \
                                                                } while(0)

  * @brief  Enable the COMP1 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP1 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the COMP1 EXTI Line in event mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP1 EXTI Line in event mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Check whether the COMP1 EXTI line rising flag is set or not.
  * @retval RESET or SET

  * @brief  Check whether the COMP1 EXTI line falling flag is set or not.
  * @retval RESET or SET

  * @brief  Clear the COMP1 EXTI rasing flag.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Clear the COMP1 EXTI falling flag.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Generate a software interrupt on the COMP1 EXTI line.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the COMP2 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP2 EXTI line rising edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the COMP2 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP2 EXTI line falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the COMP2 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None
                                                                  __HAL_COMP_COMP2_EXTI_ENABLE_RISING_EDGE(); \
                                                                  __HAL_COMP_COMP2_EXTI_ENABLE_FALLING_EDGE(); \
                                                                } while(0)

  * @brief  Disable the COMP2 EXTI line rising & falling edge trigger.
  * @retval None
                                                                   __HAL_COMP_COMP2_EXTI_DISABLE_RISING_EDGE(); \
                                                                   __HAL_COMP_COMP2_EXTI_DISABLE_FALLING_EDGE(); \
                                                                 } while(0)
  * @brief  Enable the COMP2 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP2 EXTI line in interrupt mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Enable the COMP2 EXTI Line in event mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Disable the COMP2 EXTI Line in event mode.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Check whether the COMP2 EXTI line rasing flag is set or not.
  * @retval RESET or SET

  * @brief  Check whether the COMP2 EXTI line falling flag is set or not.
  * @retval RESET or SET

  * @brief  Clear the the COMP2 EXTI rasing flag.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Clear the the COMP2 EXTI falling flag.
  * @retval None

  * @brief  Generate a software interrupt on the COMP2 EXTI line.
  * @retval None

  * @}

  * @}

/* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup COMP_Private_Constants COMP Private Constants
  * @{

/** @defgroup COMP_WindowMode_Instance_Differentiator COMP window mode instance differentiator
  * @{
#define COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2          0x00001000U       /*!< COMP window mode using common input of COMP instance: COMP2 */
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_ExtiLine COMP EXTI Lines
  * @{
#define COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP1           (EXTI_IMR1_IM17)  /*!< EXTI line 17 connected to COMP1 output */
#define COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP2           (EXTI_IMR1_IM18)  /*!< EXTI line 18 connected to COMP2 output */
  * @}
/** @defgroup COMP_ExtiLine COMP EXTI Lines
  * @{
#define COMP_EXTI_IT                        (0x00000001UL)  /*!< EXTI line event with interruption */
#define COMP_EXTI_EVENT                     (0x00000002UL)  /*!< EXTI line event only (without interruption) */
#define COMP_EXTI_RISING                    (0x00000010UL)  /*!< EXTI line event on rising edge */
#define COMP_EXTI_FALLING                   (0x00000020UL)  /*!< EXTI line event on falling edge */
  * @}

  * @}

/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup COMP_Private_Macros COMP Private Macros
  * @{

/** @defgroup COMP_GET_EXTI_LINE COMP private macros to get EXTI line associated with comparators
  * @{
  * @brief  Get the specified EXTI line for a comparator instance.
  * @param  __INSTANCE__  specifies the COMP instance.
  * @retval value of @ref COMP_ExtiLine
#define COMP_GET_EXTI_LINE(__INSTANCE__)             (((__INSTANCE__) == COMP1) ? COMP_EXTI_LINE_COMP1 : \
  * @}

/** @defgroup COMP_IS_COMP_Private_Definitions COMP private macros to check input parameters
  * @{
                                                       ((__WINMODE__) == COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP1_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON)||\
                                                       ((__WINMODE__) == COMP_WINDOWMODE_COMP2_INPUT_PLUS_COMMON))

                                                ((__WINDOWOUTPUT__) == COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP1)     || \
                                                ((__WINDOWOUTPUT__) == COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_COMP2)     || \
                                                ((__WINDOWOUTPUT__) == COMP_WINDOWOUTPUT_BOTH))

                                             ((__POWERMODE__) == COMP_POWERMODE_MEDIUMSPEED)   || \
                                             ((__POWERMODE__) == COMP_POWERMODE_ULTRALOWPOWER))

                                                               ((__INPUT_PLUS__) == COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO2) || \
                                                               ((__INPUT_PLUS__) == COMP_INPUT_PLUS_IO3))

                                                                 ((__INPUT_MINUS__) == COMP_INPUT_MINUS_1_2VREFINT) ||\
                                                                 ((__INPUT_MINUS__) == COMP_INPUT_MINUS_3_4VREFINT) ||\
                                                                 ((__INPUT_MINUS__) == COMP_INPUT_MINUS_VREFINT)    ||\
                                                                 ((__INPUT_MINUS__) == COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH1)   ||\
                                                                 ((__INPUT_MINUS__) == COMP_INPUT_MINUS_DAC1_CH2)   ||\
                                                                 ((__INPUT_MINUS__) == COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO1)        ||\
                                                                 ((__INPUT_MINUS__) == COMP_INPUT_MINUS_IO2))

                                             ((__HYSTERESIS__) == COMP_HYSTERESIS_LOW)    || \
                                             ((__HYSTERESIS__) == COMP_HYSTERESIS_MEDIUM) || \
                                             ((__HYSTERESIS__) == COMP_HYSTERESIS_HIGH))

#define IS_COMP_OUTPUTPOL(__POL__)          (((__POL__) == COMP_OUTPUTPOL_NONINVERTED) || \
                                             ((__POL__) == COMP_OUTPUTPOL_INVERTED))

                                             ((__SOURCE__) == COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM1_OC5)  || \
                                             ((__SOURCE__) == COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM2_OC3)  || \
                                             ((__SOURCE__) == COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM3_OC3)  || \
                                             ((__SOURCE__) == COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM3_OC4)  || \
                                             ((__SOURCE__) == COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM8_OC5)  || \
                                             ((__SOURCE__) == COMP_BLANKINGSRC_TIM15_OC1))

#define IS_COMP_TRIGGERMODE(__MODE__)       (((__MODE__) == COMP_TRIGGERMODE_NONE)                 || \
                                             ((__MODE__) == COMP_TRIGGERMODE_IT_RISING)            || \
                                             ((__MODE__) == COMP_TRIGGERMODE_IT_FALLING)           || \
                                             ((__MODE__) == COMP_TRIGGERMODE_IT_RISING_FALLING)    || \
                                             ((__MODE__) == COMP_TRIGGERMODE_EVENT_RISING)         || \
                                             ((__MODE__) == COMP_TRIGGERMODE_EVENT_FALLING)        || \
                                             ((__MODE__) == COMP_TRIGGERMODE_EVENT_RISING_FALLING))

                                                ((__OUTPUT_LEVEL__) == COMP_OUTPUT_LEVEL_HIGH))

  * @}

  * @}

/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @addtogroup COMP_Exported_Functions
  * @{

/** @addtogroup COMP_Exported_Functions_Group1
  * @{

/* Initialization and de-initialization functions  **********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_COMP_Init(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_COMP_DeInit(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
void              HAL_COMP_MspInit(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
void              HAL_COMP_MspDeInit(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);

/* Callbacks Register/UnRegister functions  ***********************************/
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_COMP_RegisterCallback(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp, HAL_COMP_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID,
                                            pCOMP_CallbackTypeDef pCallback);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_COMP_UnRegisterCallback(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp, HAL_COMP_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID);
  * @}

/* IO operation functions  *****************************************************/
/** @addtogroup COMP_Exported_Functions_Group2
  * @{
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_COMP_Start(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_COMP_Stop(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
void              HAL_COMP_IRQHandler(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
  * @}

/* Peripheral Control functions  ************************************************/
/** @addtogroup COMP_Exported_Functions_Group3
  * @{
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_COMP_Lock(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
uint32_t          HAL_COMP_GetOutputLevel(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
/* Callback in interrupt mode */
void              HAL_COMP_TriggerCallback(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
  * @}

/* Peripheral State functions  **************************************************/
/** @addtogroup COMP_Exported_Functions_Group4
  * @{
HAL_COMP_StateTypeDef HAL_COMP_GetState(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
uint32_t              HAL_COMP_GetError(COMP_HandleTypeDef *hcomp);
  * @}

  * @}

  * @}
#endif /* COMP1 || COMP2 */
  * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* STM32U5xx_HAL_COMP_H */