mbed-os / targets / TARGET_STM / TARGET_STM32U5 / STM32Cube_FW / STM32U5xx_HAL_Driver / stm32u5xx_hal_ramcfg.c
@Jerome Coutant Jerome Coutant on 10 Sep 2021 37 KB STM32U5: STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.0.0
  * @file    stm32u5xx_hal_ramcfg.c
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   RAMCFG HAL module driver.
  *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
  *          functionalities of the RAMs configuration controller peripheral:
  *           + RAMCFG Initialization and De-initialization Functions.
  *           + RAMCFG ECC Operation Functions.
  *           + RAMCFG Configure Wait State Functions.
  *           + RAMCFG Write Protection Functions.
  *           + RAMCFG Erase Operation Functions.
  *           + RAMCFG Handle Interrupt and Callbacks Functions.
  *           + RAMCFG State and Error Functions.
  * @attention
  * Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.
  * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
  * in the root directory of this software component.
  * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
                    ##### RAMCFG Peripheral features #####
    (+) Each SRAM is managed by a RAMCFG instance.

    (+) Each SRAM can be erased independently through its RAMCFG instance.

    (+) The wait state value for each SRAM can be configured independently
        through its RAMCFG instance.

    (+) SRAM2 is divided to 64 pages with 1 kB granularity. Each page can be
        write protected independently through its RAMCFG instance.

    (+) SRAM2, SRAM3 and BKPRAM support ECC correction feature. This mechanism
        adopts the Single Error Correction Double Error Detection (SECDED)
        algorithm. This feature provides the following information:
             (++) Single error address.
             (++) Double error address.
                        ##### How to use this driver #####
   (#) Call HAL_RAMCFG_Init() to initialize the RAMCFG peripheral before using
       any feature. Call HAL_RAMCFG_DeInit() to de-initialize the RAMCFG when
       using this peripheral is no more needed or a hardware issue has occurred.

     *** ECC feature ***
          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_StartECC() and HAL_RAMCFG_StopECC() to enable and
              disable ECC hardware process.

          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_EnableNotification() and HAL_RAMCFG_DisableNotification()
              to enable and disable ECC interrupts. Interrupts can be :
                    (++) Single error interrupt.
                    (++) Double error interrupt.
                    (++) Double error interrupt redirected to Non masKable
                          interrupt (NMI).

          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_GetSingleErrorAddress() to get the address of the
              last fail RAM word detected (only for single error)  and
              call HAL_RAMCFG_GetDoubleErrorAddress() to get the address of the
              last fail RAM word detected (only for double error).

          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_IsECCErrorDetected() to check if an ECC single/double
              error was detected. This API is used in silent mode (No ECC interrupt
              is enabled).

     *** Wait State feature ***
          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_ConfigWaitState() to configure the wait state value
              for a given SRAM according to the HCLK frequency and voltage range

          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_GetWaitState() to get the current configured wait
              state value.

     *** Write protection feature ***
          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_EnableWriteProtection() to enable the write
              protection for the given SRAM2 page(s).

          (+) There is no API to disable write protection as this feature can
              be disabled only by a global peripheral reset or system reset.

          (+) Any write access to a write protected area of SRAM2 causes a
              HardFault interrupt.

     *** Erase feature ***
          (+) Call HAL_RAMCFG_Erase() to launch a hardware erase for the given

          (+) The erase value is equal to 0 when launching erase hardware through

          (+) SRAM2 write protected pages are erased when performing an erase
              through RAMCFG.

     *** RAMCFG HAL driver macros list ***
       Below the list of used macros in RAMCFG HAL driver.

      (+) __HAL_RAMCFG_ENABLE_IT     : Enable the specified RAMCFG interrupts.
      (+) __HAL_RAMCFG_DISABLE_IT    : Disable the specified RAMCFG interrupts.
      (+) __HAL_RAMCFG_GET_FLAG      : Get the RAMCFG pending flags.
      (+) __HAL_RAMCFG_CLEAR_FLAG    : Clear the RAMCFG pending flags.
      (+) __HAL_RAMCFG_GET_IT_SOURCE : Check whether the specified RAMCFG
                                       interrupt source is enabled or not.

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32u5xx_hal.h"

/** @addtogroup STM32U5xx_HAL_Driver
  * @{

/** @defgroup RAMCFG RAMCFG
  * @brief RAMCFG HAL module driver
  * @{


/* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Private_Constants
  * @{
  * @}

/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions
  * @{

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions_Group1
             ##### Initialization and de-initialization Functions  #####
    This section provides functions allowing to initialize and de-initialize the
    RAMCFG instance.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_Init() function follows the RAMCFG instance configuration
    procedures as described in the reference manual.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_DeInit() function allows to deinitialize the RAMCFG instance.

  * @{

  * @brief  Initialize the RAMCFG by clearing flags and disabling interrupts.
  * @param  hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                   the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG
  *                   instance.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_Init(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the RAMCFG peripheral handle */
  if (hramcfg == NULL)
    return HAL_ERROR;

  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
  hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

  /* Check if a valid MSP API was registered */
  if (hramcfg->MspInitCallback == NULL)
    /* Init the low level hardware */
    hramcfg->MspInitCallback = HAL_RAMCFG_MspInit;

  /* Init the low level hardware */

  /* Unlock the SRAM ECC enable bit and disable the ECC feature */
  WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ECCKEY, RAMCFG_ECC_KEY1);
  WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ECCKEY, RAMCFG_ECC_KEY2);
  hramcfg->Instance->CR &= ~(RAMCFG_CR_ECCE | RAMCFG_CR_ALE);

  /* Disable all RAMCFG interrupts */

  /* Clear RAMCFG monitor flags */

  /* Initialise the RAMCFG error code */
  hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_NONE;

  /* Initialize the RAMCFG state */
  hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;

  return HAL_OK;

  * @brief  DeInitialize the RAMCFG peripheral.
  * @param  hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                   the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG
  *                   instance.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_DeInit(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the RAMCFG peripheral handle */
  if (hramcfg == NULL)
    return HAL_ERROR;

  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Unlock the SRAM ECC enable bit and disable the ECC feature */
  WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ECCKEY, RAMCFG_ECC_KEY1);
  WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ECCKEY, RAMCFG_ECC_KEY2);
  hramcfg->Instance->CR &= ~(RAMCFG_CR_ECCE | RAMCFG_CR_ALE);

  /* Disable all RAMCFG interrupts */

  /* Clear RAMCFG monitor flags */

  /* Check if a valid MSP API was registered */
  if (hramcfg->MspDeInitCallback != NULL)
    /* Init the low level hardware */

  /* Clean callbacks */
  hramcfg->DetectSingleErrorCallback = NULL;
  hramcfg->DetectDoubleErrorCallback = NULL;

  /* Reset the RAMCFG error code */
  hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_NONE;

  /* Reset the RAMCFG state */
  hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_RESET;

  return HAL_OK;

  * @brief Initialize the RAMCFG MSP.
  * @param hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                  the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG.
  * @retval None.
__weak void HAL_RAMCFG_MspInit(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */

  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
            the HAL_RAMCFG_MspInit can be implemented in the user file      */

  * @brief DeInitialize the RAMCFG MSP.
  * @param hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                  the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG.
  * @retval None.
__weak void HAL_RAMCFG_MspDeInit(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */

  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
            the HAL_RAMCFG_MspDeInit can be implemented in the user file    */
  * @}

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions_Group2
                      ##### ECC Operations Functions  #####
    This section provides functions allowing to manage ECC feature provided by
    the RAMCFG peripheral.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_StartECC() function allows enabling and starting the ECC
    mechanism for the selected RAMCFG instance.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_StopECC() function allows disabling and stopping the ECC
    mechanism for the selected RAMCFG instance.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_EnableNotification() function allows enabling interrupts
    for single ECC error, double ECC error and NMI error.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_DisableNotification() function allows disabling interrupts
    for single ECC error, double ECC error. When NMI interrupt is enabled it
    can only be disabled by a global peripheral reset or by a system reset.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_IsECCErrorDetected() function allows to check if an ECC error
    has occurred.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_GetSingleErrorAddress() function allows to get the address of
    the last single ECC error detected.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_GetDoubleErrorAddress() function allows to get the address of
    the last double ECC error detected.

  * @{

  * @brief  Start ECC mechanism for the given SRAM.
  * @param  hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                   the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG
  *                   instance.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_StartECC(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)

  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

    /* Check if ECC mechanism is active */
    if ((hramcfg->Instance->CR & RAMCFG_CR_ECCE) != RAMCFG_CR_ECCE)
      /* Start the SRAM ECC mechanism and latching the error address */
      hramcfg->Instance->CR |= (RAMCFG_CR_ECCE | RAMCFG_CR_ALE);

      /* Update the RAMCFG state */
      hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;
    /* Update the RAMCFG error code and return error  */
    hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_BUSY;
    status = HAL_ERROR;


  return status;

  * @brief  Stop ECC mechanism for the given SRAM.
  * @param  hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                   the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG
  *                   instance.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_StopECC(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

    /* Check if ECC mechanism is active */
    if ((hramcfg->Instance->CR & RAMCFG_CR_ECCE) == RAMCFG_CR_ECCE)
      /* Unlock the SRAM ECC bit */
      WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ECCKEY, RAMCFG_ECC_KEY1);
      WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ECCKEY, RAMCFG_ECC_KEY2);

      /* Start the SRAM ECC mechanism and latching the error address */
      hramcfg->Instance->CR &= ~(RAMCFG_CR_ECCE | RAMCFG_CR_ALE);

      /* Update the RAMCFG state */
      hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;
    /* Update the RAMCFG error code and return error  */
    hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_BUSY;
    status = HAL_ERROR;

  return status;

  * @brief  Enable the RAMCFG error interrupts.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @param  Notifications : Select the notification to be enabled.
  *                         This parameter can be any value of @ref
  *                         RAMCFG_Interrupt group.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_EnableNotification(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg, uint32_t Notifications)
  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

    /* Enable RAMCFG interrupts */
    __HAL_RAMCFG_ENABLE_IT(hramcfg, Notifications);

    /* Update the RAMCFG state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;

    /* Update the RAMCFG error code and return error */
    hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_BUSY;
    status = HAL_ERROR;

  return status;

  * @brief  Disable the RAMCFG error interrupts.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @param  Notifications : Select the notification to be disabled.
  *                         This parameter can be :
  *                         RAMCFG_IT_SINGLEERR : Single Error Interrupt.
  *                         RAMCFG_IT_DOUBLEERR : Double Error Interrupt.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_DisableNotification(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg, uint32_t Notifications)
  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

    /* Disable RAMCFG interrupts */
    __HAL_RAMCFG_DISABLE_IT(hramcfg, Notifications);

    /* Update the RAMCFG state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;
    /* Update the RAMCFG error code and return error */
    hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_BUSY;
    status = HAL_ERROR;

  return status;

  * @brief  Check if an ECC single error has occurred.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
uint32_t HAL_RAMCFG_IsECCSingleErrorDetected(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Return the state of SEDC flag */
  return ((READ_BIT(hramcfg->Instance->ISR, RAMCFG_FLAG_SINGLEERR) == (RAMCFG_FLAG_SINGLEERR)) ? 1UL : 0UL);

  * @brief  Check if an ECC double error was occurred.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval State of bit (1 or 0).
uint32_t HAL_RAMCFG_IsECCDoubleErrorDetected(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Return the state of SEDC flag */
  return ((READ_BIT(hramcfg->Instance->ISR, RAMCFG_FLAG_DOUBLEERR) == (RAMCFG_FLAG_DOUBLEERR)) ? 1UL : 0UL);

  * @brief  Get the RAMCFG single error address.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval Single error address offset.
uint32_t HAL_RAMCFG_GetSingleErrorAddress(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the parameters */

  return hramcfg->Instance->SEAR;

  * @brief  Get the RAMCFG double error address.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval Double error address offset.
uint32_t HAL_RAMCFG_GetDoubleErrorAddress(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the parameters */

  return hramcfg->Instance->DEAR;
  * @}

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions_Group3
                        ##### Wait State Functions  #####
    This section provides functions allowing to get and configure the wait state
    value .
    The HAL_RAMCFG_ConfigWaitState() function allows configuring the wait state
    The HAL_RAMCFG_GetWaitState() function allows getting the current wait state

  * @{

  * @brief  Configure the wait state value for the given SRAM.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @param  WaitState     : Select the value of wait state to be configured.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_ConfigWaitState(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg, uint32_t WaitState)
  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

    /* Set the SRAM wait state */
    hramcfg->Instance->CR = WaitState;

    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;
    /* Update the RAMCFG error code and return error */
    hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_BUSY;
    status = HAL_ERROR;

  return status;

  * @brief  Get the current wait state value for the given SRAM.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval Wait state value.
uint32_t HAL_RAMCFG_GetWaitState(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Return the configured wait state number */
  return (hramcfg->Instance->CR & RAMCFG_CR_WSC);
  * @}

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions_Group4
                      ##### Write Protection Functions  #####
    This section provides functions to enable write protection feature for
    the page(s) of SRAM2.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_EnableWriteProtection() function allows the user to enable the write
    protection for the page(s) of SRAM2.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_GetWaitState() function allows get the current wait state
    value. Disabling SRAM2 page(s) protection is performed only by a glabal
    peripheral reset or a by a system reset.

  * @{

  * @brief  Enable write protection for the given page(s).
  *         Write protection feature can be disabled only by system reset.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @param  StartPage     : Select the start page number.
  * @param  NbPage        : Number of page to be protected.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_EnableWriteProtection(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg, uint32_t StartPage, uint32_t NbPage)
  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
  uint32_t page_mask_0 = 0U;
  uint32_t page_mask_1 = 0U;

  /* Check the parameters */
  assert_param(IS_RAMCFG_WRITEPROTECTION_PAGE(StartPage + NbPage));

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

    /* Repeat for page number to be protected */
    for (uint32_t count = 0U; count < NbPage; count++)
      if ((StartPage + count) < 32U)
        page_mask_0 |= (1UL << (StartPage + count));
        page_mask_1 |= (1UL << ((StartPage + count) - 32U));

    /* Apply mask to protect pages */
    SET_BIT(hramcfg->Instance->WPR1, page_mask_0);
    SET_BIT(hramcfg->Instance->WPR2, page_mask_1);

    /* Update the RAMCFG state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;
    /* Update the RAMCFG error code and return error  */
    hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_BUSY;
    status = HAL_ERROR;

  return status;
  * @}

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions_Group5
                      ##### Erase Operation Functions  #####
    This section provides functions allowing a hardware erase for the given SRAM.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_Erase() function allows a hardware mass erase for the given
    SRAM. The erase value for all SRAMs is 0.

  * @{

  * @brief  Launch a Mass Erase for the given SRAM.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.

  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_Erase(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  uint32_t timeout = RAMCFG_TIMEOUT_VALUE;
  uint32_t tickstart = HAL_GetTick();

  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    /* Update RAMCFG peripheral state */
    hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_BUSY;

    /* Unlock the RAMCFG erase bit */
    WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ERKEYR, RAMCFG_ERASE_KEY1);
    WRITE_REG(hramcfg->Instance->ERKEYR, RAMCFG_ERASE_KEY2);

    /* Start the SRAM erase operation */
    hramcfg->Instance->CR |= RAMCFG_CR_SRAMER;

       Wait for the SRAM hardware erase operation to complete by polling on
       SRAMBUSY flag to be reset.
    while (__HAL_RAMCFG_GET_FLAG(hramcfg, RAMCFG_FLAG_SRAMBUSY) != 0U)
      if (timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
        if (((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) > timeout) || (timeout == 0U))
          /* Update the RAMCFG error code */
          hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_TIMEOUT;

          /* Update the RAMCFG state and return error status */
          hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_ERROR;
          return HAL_ERROR;
    /* Update the error code and return error status */
    hramcfg->ErrorCode = HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_BUSY;
    return HAL_ERROR;

  /* Update the RAMCFG state */
  hramcfg->State = HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY;

  return HAL_OK;
  * @}

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions_Group6
               ##### Handle Interrupt and Callbacks Functions  #####
    This section provides functions to handle RAMCFG interrupts and
    Register / UnRegister the different callbacks.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_IRQHandler() function allows the user to handle the active RAMCFG
    interrupt request.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_RegisterCallback() function allows the user to register the selected
    RAMCFG callbacks.
    The HAL_RAMCFG_UnRegisterCallback() function allows the user to unregister the
    selected RAMCFG callbacks.
  * @{

  * @brief  Handles RAMCFG interrupt request.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval None.
void HAL_RAMCFG_IRQHandler(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Single Error Interrupt Management ****************************************/
      /* Clear active flags */

      /* Check if a valid single error callback is registered */
      if (hramcfg->DetectSingleErrorCallback != NULL)
        /* Single error detection callback */

  /* Double Error Interrupt Management ****************************************/
      /* Clear active flags */

      /* Check if a valid double error callback is registered */
      if (hramcfg->DetectDoubleErrorCallback != NULL)
        /* Double error detection callback */

  * @brief  RAMCFG single error detection callback.
  * @param  hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                   the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG.
  * @retval None.
__weak void HAL_RAMCFG_DetectSingleErrorCallback(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */

  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
            the HAL_RAMCFG_DetectSingleErrorCallback can be implemented in
            the user file.                                                    */

  * @brief  RAMCFG double error detection callback.
  * @param  hramcfg : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *                   the configuration information for the specified RAMCFG.
  * @retval None.
__weak void HAL_RAMCFG_DetectDoubleErrorCallback(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */

  /* NOTE : This function should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
            the HAL_RAMCFG_DetectDoubleErrorCallback can be implemented in
            the user file.                                                    */

  * @brief  Register RAMCFG callbacks.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @param  CallbackID    : User Callback identifier a HAL_MDMA_CallbackIDTypeDef
  *                         ENUM as parameter.
  * @param  pCallback     : Pointer to private callback function.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_RegisterCallback(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg,
                                              HAL_RAMCFG_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID,
                                              void (* pCallback)(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *_hramcfg))
  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;

  if (pCallback == NULL)
    /* Update the error code and return error */
    return HAL_ERROR;

  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    switch (CallbackID)
        /* Register single error callback */
        hramcfg->DetectSingleErrorCallback = pCallback;

        /* Register single error callback */
        hramcfg->DetectDoubleErrorCallback = pCallback;

        /* Register msp init callback */
        hramcfg->MspInitCallback = pCallback;

        /* Register msp de-init callback */
        hramcfg->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;

        /* Update the error code and return error */
        hramcfg->ErrorCode |= HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK;
        status = HAL_ERROR;
  else if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_RESET)
    switch (CallbackID)
        /* Register msp init callback */
        hramcfg->MspInitCallback = pCallback;

        /* Register msp de-init callback */
        hramcfg->MspDeInitCallback = pCallback;

      default :
        /* Update the error code and return error */
        hramcfg->ErrorCode |= HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK;
        status =  HAL_ERROR;
    /* Update the error code and return error  */
    status = HAL_ERROR;

  return status;

  * @brief  UnRegister RAMCFG callbacks.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @param  CallbackID    : User Callback identifier a HAL_MDMA_CallbackIDTypeDef
  *                         ENUM as parameter.
  * @retval HAL status.
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_UnRegisterCallback(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg, HAL_RAMCFG_CallbackIDTypeDef CallbackID)
  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;

  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Check RAMCFG state */
  if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_READY)
    switch (CallbackID)
        /* UnRegister single error callback */
        hramcfg->DetectSingleErrorCallback = NULL;

        /* UnRegister double error callback */
        hramcfg->DetectDoubleErrorCallback = NULL;

        /* UnRegister msp init callback */
        hramcfg->MspInitCallback = NULL;

        /* UnRegister msp de-init callback */
        hramcfg->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;

      case  HAL_RAMCFG_ALL_CB_ID:
        /* UnRegister all available callbacks */
        hramcfg->DetectSingleErrorCallback = NULL;
        hramcfg->DetectDoubleErrorCallback = NULL;
        hramcfg->MspDeInitCallback         = NULL;
        hramcfg->MspInitCallback           = NULL;

        /* Return error status */
        status = HAL_ERROR;
  else if (hramcfg->State == HAL_RAMCFG_STATE_RESET)
    switch (CallbackID)
        /* UnRegister msp init callback */
        hramcfg->MspInitCallback = NULL;

        /* UnRegister msp de-init callback */
        hramcfg->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;

      case  HAL_RAMCFG_ALL_CB_ID:
        /* UnRegister all available callbacks */
        hramcfg->MspDeInitCallback = NULL;
        hramcfg->MspInitCallback   = NULL;

      default :
        /* Update the error code */
        hramcfg->ErrorCode |= HAL_RAMCFG_ERROR_INVALID_CALLBACK;

        /* Update return status */
        status =  HAL_ERROR;
    /* Update the error code and return error */
    status = HAL_ERROR;

  return status;
  * @}

/** @addtogroup RAMCFG_Exported_Functions_Group7
                    ##### State and Error Functions  #####
    This section provides functions to check and get the RAMCFG state
    and the error code .
    The HAL_RAMCFG_GetState() function allows the user to get the RAMCFG peripheral
    The HAL_RAMCFG_GetError() function allows the user to get the RAMCFG peripheral error

  * @{

  * @brief  Get the RAMCFG peripheral state.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval RAMCFG state.
HAL_RAMCFG_StateTypeDef HAL_RAMCFG_GetState(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Return the RAMCFG state */
  return hramcfg->State;

  * @brief  Get the RAMCFG peripheral error code.
  * @param  hramcfg       : Pointer to a RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef structure that
  *                         contains the configuration information for the
  *                         specified RAMCFG instance.
  * @retval RAMCFG error code.
uint32_t HAL_RAMCFG_GetError(RAMCFG_HandleTypeDef *hramcfg)
  /* Check the parameters */

  /* Return the RAMCFG error code */
  return hramcfg->ErrorCode;
  * @}

  * @}

  * @}

  * @}