mbed-os / targets / TARGET_Cypress / TARGET_PSOC6 / TARGET_CY8CKIT064B0S2_4343W / COMPONENT_BSP_DESIGN_MODUS / GeneratedSource / cycfg_qspi_memslot.c
* File Name: cycfg_qspi_memslot.c
* Description:
* Provides definitions of the SMIF-driver memory configuration.
* This file was automatically generated and should not be modified.
* QSPI Configurator:
* Copyright 2017-2019 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "cycfg_qspi_memslot.h"

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_readCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0xECU,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_QUAD,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0x01U,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_QUAD,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 4U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_QUAD

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_writeEnCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0x06U,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_writeDisCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0x04U,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_eraseCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0xDCU,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_chipEraseCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0x60U,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_programCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0x34U,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_QUAD,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_QUAD

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_readStsRegQeCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0x35U,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_readStsRegWipCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0x05U,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE

const cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_writeStsRegQeCmd =
    /* The 8-bit command. 1 x I/O read command. */
    .command = 0x01U,
    /* The width of the command transfer. */
    .cmdWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The width of the address transfer. */
    .addrWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The 8-bit mode byte. This value is 0xFFFFFFFF when there is no mode present. */
    .mode = 0xFFFFFFFFU,
    /* The width of the mode command transfer. */
    .modeWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE,
    /* The number of dummy cycles. A zero value suggests no dummy cycles. */
    .dummyCycles = 0U,
    /* The width of the data transfer. */
    .dataWidth = CY_SMIF_WIDTH_SINGLE

const cy_stc_smif_mem_device_cfg_t deviceCfg_S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0 =
    /* Specifies the number of address bytes used by the memory slave device. */
    .numOfAddrBytes = 0x04U,
    /* The size of the memory. */
    .memSize = 0x04000000U,
    /* Specifies the Read command. */
    .readCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_readCmd,
    /* Specifies the Write Enable command. */
    .writeEnCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_writeEnCmd,
    /* Specifies the Write Disable command. */
    .writeDisCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_writeDisCmd,
    /* Specifies the Erase command. */
    .eraseCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_eraseCmd,
    /* Specifies the sector size of each erase. */
    .eraseSize = 0x00040000U,
    /* Specifies the Chip Erase command. */
    .chipEraseCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_chipEraseCmd,
    /* Specifies the Program command. */
    .programCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_programCmd,
    /* Specifies the page size for programming. */
    .programSize = 0x00000200U,
    /* Specifies the command to read the QE-containing status register. */
    .readStsRegQeCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_readStsRegQeCmd,
    /* Specifies the command to read the WIP-containing status register. */
    .readStsRegWipCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_readStsRegWipCmd,
    /* Specifies the command to write into the QE-containing status register. */
    .writeStsRegQeCmd = (cy_stc_smif_mem_cmd_t*)&S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0_writeStsRegQeCmd,
    /* The mask for the status register. */
    .stsRegBusyMask = 0x01U,
    /* The mask for the status register. */
    .stsRegQuadEnableMask = 0x02U,
    /* The max time for the erase type-1 cycle-time in ms. */
    .eraseTime = 2600U,
    /* The max time for the chip-erase cycle-time in ms. */
    .chipEraseTime = 460000U,
    /* The max time for the page-program cycle-time in us. */
    .programTime = 1300U

const cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0 =
    /* Determines the slot number where the memory device is placed. */
    .slaveSelect = CY_SMIF_SLAVE_SELECT_0,
    /* Flags. */
    /* The data-line selection options for a slave device. */
    .dataSelect = CY_SMIF_DATA_SEL0,
    /* The base address the memory slave is mapped to in the PSoC memory map.
    Valid when the memory-mapped mode is enabled. */
    .baseAddress = 0x18000000U,
    /* The size allocated in the PSoC memory map, for the memory slave device.
    The size is allocated from the base address. Valid when the memory mapped mode is enabled. */
    .memMappedSize = 0x4000000U,
    /* If this memory device is one of the devices in the dual quad SPI configuration.
    Valid when the memory mapped mode is enabled. */
    .dualQuadSlots = 0,
    /* The configuration of the device. */
    .deviceCfg = (cy_stc_smif_mem_device_cfg_t*)&deviceCfg_S25FL512S_4byteaddr_SlaveSlot_0

const cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t* const smifMemConfigs[] = {

const cy_stc_smif_block_config_t smifBlockConfig =
    /* The number of SMIF memories defined. */
    .memCount = CY_SMIF_DEVICE_NUM,
    /* The pointer to the array of memory config structures of size memCount. */
    .memConfig = (cy_stc_smif_mem_config_t**)smifMemConfigs,
    /* The version of the SMIF driver. */
    .majorVersion = CY_SMIF_DRV_VERSION_MAJOR,
    /* The version of the SMIF driver. */
    .minorVersion = CY_SMIF_DRV_VERSION_MINOR